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Elsa's POV

Much to my dismay, Jack is staying here until the end of winter break. It's not like I want him to leave, it just feels weird that he's staying here. For a week.

"Shouldn't you go home? Wouldn't your parents mind?" I ask Jack at lunch. He just shrugs in response.

"My parents think I'm at Hogwarts. It doesn't matter. Plus, Vanessa isn't here. So that's a bonus," A coy grin flickers across his face before he tries to steal my pizza slice. Giving him a glare, I push the pizza closer to me.

Anna protectively shields her slice. "You really do hate that dictator."

"Dictator of the seas," Jack chuckles.

I almost choke on my tea. After a hasty fit of coughs I respond. "Dictator of the seas?" His hand rubs circles on my back soothingly. I try to focus. "Where'd you get that idea?"

"Well, we both live near the sea, and she acts like a total bitch to everyone there. Acting like a total dictator. So that's her title among most people there. Funny thing is that we're all wizards there and she's the weakest. But she acts like it's the complete opposite," He leans towards me so his hand can snake to my thigh. A blush creeps up my neck and Anna notices.

'Why so flushed?" Anna looks at Jack and they both stifle a smile.

"Nothing," I smack his hand but his other hand yanks my pizza off my plate. "Jerk. This was just to distract me wasn't it?" Smirks come up on Anna and Jack's faces.

"I swear I told you only the truth though," He pouts. I feel my resolve slowly melting. A good pout could weaken me easily. But then I just remind myself of him and Punzie looking at Jack's practiced pout.

"Mmmhmmm," I snatch the pizza back and take a bite. "It's mine now." The others at the table do overdramatized sighs. It's two against 1 here, so I just give them the pizza. The smiles on their faces make my day.

Elphaba's POV

"Elphie! I can't drag you all the way back to Hogwarts!" Glinda's protests wake me up. We're in the same room we were before Pitch knocked me out. There's a throbbing in my head and a metallic taste in my mouth. It also feels like my forehead's burning. And something else...my stomach feels like someone's lighting a fire in there.

"What happened?" My throat is raspy and it hurts to talk. Glinda looks slightly guilty. "Glin?" The old nickname makes her smile sadly.

"Okay. Well after Pitch knocked you out, you started gasping and sweating and shaking. I didn't know what to do, so I put a shield around both of us. You seemed to calm down after that, but Pitch just moved his hand and your body started getting dragged to him. I was so scared, and I shot a curse at him. You know that light spell I created? Of course you do. Anyway so I shot that at him and he got blasted backwards. He's still weak so he was really shaken. Then he pointed at you and a bunch of darkness went into your body. He made you shoot a blast of dark energy at me, so I dodged and it hit the door. The door opened after that and you collapsed. Pitch left after I finished checking up on you. He just smirked at me and left."

Dismay rises in me. That feeling...

"Increased dark energy," I mumble. A sense of horror rises in me. "You need to get it out Glin!"

She twists one of her blonde locks. "I tried a tiny spell at first and you started moving. Then you woke up."

I almost beg her. "Try again. Please."

"Alright..." She points her wand and mutters an incantation under her breath. At once a cool feeling supresses the dark energy. Then it rises once again.

"Glin. Full power."

Her eyes widen. "But Elphie-"

"Just do it!" I say through gritted teeth. With a sad look on her face, she does it again. I brace myself, and then the pain hits me. I can feel the energy leaving slowly, but the pain is rising too fast. "Stop it!" Instinctively, I pull up a fire shield. Her spell bounces off my shield and almost hits her. In one move though, Glinda also shields herself. "You okay?" I ask her.

"Just shaken up," Glinda sighs. "The real question is, how are you?"

"It's still there. And dark energy just grows stronger over time, if too much grows, it'll kill me by making me explode...Glin, I can't go back to the school!" I think of how many students would die if I exploded. She takes my hand, softly rubbing the green skin.

"Hey, it'll be okay. You can control it...you're good at that. So can you stay by the school until you might explode? I know you won't. Just in case you explode. If you explode." Her eyes beg at me.

I'm not as optimistic. "It is not if, it's when." Glinda just looks at her feet and I sigh. "My guess is that I can last until July. So...so this will be my final school year. Glinda, can you be headmistress when I-when I die?"

She just nods, tears starting to spring in her eyes. I supress myself from letting out a sigh, thinking of all the people I'll have to comfort at Hogwarts. "Thanks. Now let's go." We stagger out of the Ministry, Glinda supporting me. Once I get on the broom I know I can't steer, my eyelids feel heavy and it feels like I'm about to puke.

"Want me to steer?" Glinda touches my arm lightly, almost as if she's afraid I'll shatter if she presses too hard.

"Yes. And for heaven's sake Glin, I'm not-" I cut myself off, not wanting to see that hurt look on Glinda's face. It always fills me with such guilt. "Just go. Just go. Please."

Merida's POV

Today was pretty normal except for the fact that Elphaba and Glinda almost fell on me. I was just walking around by myself when I heard a scream.

"Watch out!" Glinda's high pitched squeal makes me jump up in surprise. Looking up at the sky, I see two silhouettes right in front of the sky. I jump back and the broom with the two figures land right in front of me. The smaller one's feet skid undermine and trips me.

"Hey! Watch it!" I scowl through a mouthful of dirt.

"Glin, when was the last time you were on a broom?" The other groans. I freeze at the familiar voice.

Hastily, I get up. "Headmistress Elphaba! Miss Glinda! I'm so sorr-"

"It's fine," Elphaba grabs Glinda's shoulder. "Merida mo-" A gagging sound comes from her. Instinctively, I back up as she clutches her stomach. She vomits and Glinda pales the same time I flinch. That's when I notice the agitated flicker in Elphaba's eyes.

Something is seriously wrong.

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