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Elsa's POV

What was? What was Elphaba's fault? There's so many things that she could be at fault for. I run my hands through my wet hair and close my eyes shut. Taking a shower didn't really help ease my racing mind. I brace myself before I turn the shower off and grab a towel. Even if I sleep in the castle, I still spend time in the Ravenclaw dormitory to shower and chat. I wipe myself dry, ignoring the tiny bit of cold I feel. The cold doesn't bother me that much, but I can still feel it. Elphaba isn't the only thing on my mind right now, Jack is there too. I look at my thin, pale, body and sigh. How in the world did he like me? He said he gave up on me, but did he really? Would he like me if I had green skin? I then go back to thinking about Elphaba.

After I use my magic to put on a woven, warm sweater, sweatpants and a scarf (for the walk to my castle) I run downstairs to find a surprise. Jack is talking to Rapunzel with his hands in his pants pockets on the couches in front of the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. I stop short and stay at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah. What did you t-" Jack looks in my direction and stops talking. Punzie glances my way too and I tense.

"Hi," I say awkwardly, looking at Punzie before Jack.

"Hey Elsa. You seemed distracted so I made you a cup of tea," Punzie smiles and picks up a cooling cup of it. I walk over and accept it.

"Thanks," Tea. Punzie always knows how to make others feel better. I look up and blue meets blue. Ice meets waterfalls. A feeling of longing stabs me. Flickers of pain comes into Jack's eyes but his eyes steel over in frustration.

Punzie looks at both of us. "I'll get some more tea." She runs out of the tower, leaving Jack and me alone. Hesitantly, I sit next to him.

"What's up?" Jack breaks the silence.

"I'm just thinking about-nothing. I mean nothing," I just can't say I've been thinking about him. I was the one that pushed him away.

He arches an eyebrow. "Nothing?" His arm rests on the couch behind me. I blush and shake my head.

"Nothing," I take a sip of cold tea and move my head away from his am.

"Look me in the eye and say that. You're a Ravenclaw, Elsa," He laughs bitterly. I tuck my legs up.

"I can't say that," I reply. Jack smirks and his hand brushes my shoulder. Alarm bells ring in my head. No. Oh, no. What will happen? What will happen now? I tense and Jack must see that because his hand goes away.

"What have you been thinking about?" Jack asks. "I bet it's about me."

How did I fall in love with him? He's nice enough, but he bugged me like crazy. "Yes. That's all I'll say." The tea's too bitter and I'm blushing like crazy. I try to cover up my embarrassment and awkwardness, but that makes everything way more awkward. Jack chuckles and his face is front of mine.

"I knew it," His lips are on mine all of a sudden and I lose focus. My eyes are wide open in shock and I'm numbly aware of kissing back. My cheeks feel hot but I begin to relax. Just as my eyes close, the cup slips out of my grasp and hits the floor and breaks. I separate from him as soon as I feel the tea hit my shoes. If it hit me, it hit Jack. If possible, my cheeks turn redder.

"Oh god. I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry," I stammer, bending over to clean it up. My just damp hair brushes the tea. When I sneak a peek at Jack he's looking generally amused....and looking at my butt. I use my wand to make tea fly into his face. It's not like this has never happened to me, but with Jack? No. I feel really shy and I use my wand to clean everything up.

"Um, I should go now," When I turn around I touch my cheek. It's burning.

"Hey Elsa," He touches my arm. "Sorry about that."

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