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Hiccup's POV

My fork rips through the egg on my plate. I watch as the yolk spreads across my plate. Worst dilemma ever. And it's all thanks to Merlin!


Dinner seemed normal. I joked with Kristoff and Tooth, and the Shepard's pie was delicious. Until Merlin called for attention.

"Students, next week on Saturday it will be Hogwarts' 1000 anniversary so there will be a ball. Attendance and dancing will grant your house 100 points for each person, and if the houses want to catch up to Ravenclaw this will be a great opportunity," Merlin announced. Murmurs rippled through the students. 100 points? Who could turn that down? "That is all." Merlin said.

-End flashback-

Both Merida and Astrid expected me to ask them, so now what? Of course it's worse for Jack who has almost every girl in the palm of his hand. Almost.

Elsa's POV

I lean against a tree by the lake. I just grabbed a bun from the Ravenclaw table and went here. That ball in about a week...I wouldn't go, except for those 100 points. Does that mean I have to be there the whole time? Surely there has to be a loophole. Hopefully.

"Hey," Jack sits next to me with his Divination books. "Happy Friday."

"Yeah," I frown. "Jack, you have to have a knack for Divination. I'm no good at it. I'm best at Ancient Runes, Arithmancy and COMC, I can teach those. But not Divination!" I'm good at most things, just not Divination and that frustrates me. Professor Esmeralda tells me it's rare to be good at it, but why am I not in the fraction that's good?

"By the way, about the ball...." Jack looks nervous slightly. That's unusual for him.

"Are you going to ask me?" I flip through the book.

"Yes, but as friends," Jack seems relieved.

"Better be," Good, just as friends. But if it's good why do I feel a little disappointed?

Jack stares at me for an uncomfortable second. I close the book and give it back to him.

"What?" I ask finally.

"Yes or no?" Jack replies like it's obvious.

"For what?"

"The ball."

I suddenly feel stupid. "Oh! Sure," I finish my bun and stand up. "Now excuse me, I need to get going for Ancient runes." Jack nods and he walks away. In class I'm confused. Why would he ask me of all people? He could have asked Anna as friends too; heck, he knows her better than me.

"Elsa?" Professor Nedakh asks. He's one of the oldest professors and Kida's dad.

"Umm...." I think on what he said earlier. "Ehwaz?"

"Correct," I breathe out a sigh of relief. He turns to Hiccup. "Now, what does Ehwaz mean?"

Hiccup masks over the confusion in his eyes. "Partnership?"


Line Break

Jack's POV

I go down to Quasi's cabin and see Elsa coming out. I still don't get why she agreed to go with me, but I'm happy.

"Hi," She says, closing the door. "He's busy with a bird."

"What's wrong with it?" I ask, walking with her back up to the castle.

"Broken wing. It's not the Thestrals, so he's a bit worried it might be more sinister beasts from the forests," Elsa sounds concerned. I touch her arm lightly.

"It'll be fine, Quasi is great with animals," I reassure. He really is though, I don't know how, but he is.

"Yeah. Hey Jack?"


"Can I ask you a favour?" Elsa looks up at me shyly. She's actually pretty cute when she's embarrassed or shy. Her blue eyes peer up at me underneath her long eyelashes.

"Yeah, sure, anything," I say too fast. Damn it! Elsa gives me an odd look but she smiles a tiny bit.

"I don't know how to dance, can you teach me? I know fast dances, just not slow ones," She doesn't know how to dance? She's pretty enough to get asked to.

"Of course," I swallow and grab her hand. "C'mon!" I drag her to the lake.

Elsa looks alarmed. "Now? It's getting really dark, I mean, the stars are coming out."

"Yeah," My feet hit the sand. "So first, I put my hands on your waist." My hands go to her waist slowly. I don't want to make her freak out and freeze to death. She looks up at me.

"No funny business okay?" She trusts me?

"Okay. Now you put your hands around my neck," She does it, hesitantly. It's funny, because I'm a head taller than her. We're not close: an arms distance away but it's a start.

"Basically you sway back and forth, shifting weight to each foot without lifting your feet. So let's practice," She gets the hang of it pretty fast. "Now let's try step touching. Just step to the right with your right foot, and then to follow this foot with your left, tap the ground, and then reverse the motion by stepping to the left with your left foot, letting the right foot follow it, and so on." We do that, me steering. We grow a bit closer than I experiment. I lift my arm and twirl Elsa under it. She let's go of one hand pulls back and then twirls back to me. I grab her free hand again. Her face lights up as she gets better and better at it.

"You're pretty good at this," I tell her when we finish. We sit side by side on the sand. The moon's barely full but it's bright enough to illuminate Elsa's face.

"Thanks," She grins. "It's fun." She yawns and leans her head on my shoulder.

"Tired?" I ask her. She rubs her eyes and moves her head. Her back arches as she stretches it. My throat suddenly feels dry.

"Yeah," She sits up again.

"Here," I stand and give her a hand up. At first it's just her leaning against me but I carry her anyway. I put her down in front of the Ravenclaw tower.

"Thanks," She smiles up at me, exhaustion clearly on her face.

"Go to sleep," I say. Elsa knocks on the door and Rapunzel opens it.

"Hey Jack, what are you doing here?" Surprise evident in her voice.

"I was teaching her how to dance," I say evenly, smirking. Rapunzel's face shows her puzzlement.

"Okay, well night," She closes the door and I nod at Elsa. I smirk even more when I think of the interrogation Elsa's going to get tomorrow.

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