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"Action!" The director DCBF (Yours truly) said.

Elphaba got up from her desk and started yelling. "No, I am not seasick. Yes, I've always been green. No, I didn't eat grass as a chi-wrong line and wrong play!" Elsa laughed, still clutching tight on the Grimmerie. A blush crept up Elphaba's cheeks as the others started chuckling too.

"Alright, sorry, sorry," Elsa tried to get the grin on her face. "You almost scared me though, nice job."

"Perhaps we can fit that in..." DCBF muttered as Elphaba sat down and put her head in her hands.

"Please don't, otherwise I couldn't say that with a straight face," Elphaba was starting to smile. "I might as well sing No Good Deed or The Wizard and I now."

"Take 2!" DCBF called, getting everyone to panic and get in position.

"Anna? Anna, get up...Please-" Tears were pouring down Elsa's cheeks.

"Achoo!" Anna sneezed loudly, causing Elsa to jump and Kristoff take a step back.

Kristoff poked her side gently, "I thought you were supposed to be dead in this scene!"

"I am!" Anna fired back. "I just couldn't stop the sneeze. I'm cold, okay?"

"Calm down, I'll get a cloak-" Elsa began but Anna slapped her arm playfully.

"I'm not cold. I just needed an excuse," The redhead said as if it was obvious. Both Elsa and Kristoff rolled their eyes as Anna blinked innocently at them.

"Let's just restart," Kristoff threw his hands up in the air, clearly exasperated. Everyone nodded as a surge of people brought Anna in position and fixing her braids. A few others put everyone back in position, some slipping on the fake ice and others taking tiny steps on it. Just as the camera started rolling, one of those people slid on the ice past the two sisters and crashed into Flynn, pulling him down. Flynn slid into Kristoff, the latter pushed him back but then Flynn tripped on Punzie's extensions. Fed up, Kristoff got everyone standing still and not sliding. DCBF was no help, she was just watching in amusement as the assistant director started panicking.

"Can we just shoot this scene?" Kristoff grumbled.

"You okay? Your face is kind of red," Anna pointed out reaching to grab for her sandwich but it wasn't there. "Where's my sandwich?" Kristoff peeks in the basket.

"All of the food is gone," Puzzled, he did a 360 then narrowed his eyes.


The redhead froze mid-bite and hastily hid the Jell-O behind him. "I was hungry! I didn't bring a lunch!"

"That's coming out of your paycheck," DCBF muttered. Oddly, she hated Hans a lot. So did Anna apparently, because she marched over to him and punched him the nose before taking the sandwiches and Jell-O.

"Jesus, she can pack quite the punch," Hans grumbled as he massaged his nose.

Elsa and Jack watched the fake stars on the Quidditch Pitch.

"Are you mocking me Winters?"

"Yes sir," Elsa giggled and curled up against Jack. Jack leaned in too soon and ended up kissing her ear instead of her lips. There's a pause as Hiccup tried not to laugh along with Elsa. Merida rolled her eyes and punched him in the arm.

"You're more awkward than him Haddock," The redhead raises her bushy eyebrows at the frowning Hiccup.

"Oh shut up!" He hisses at her.

"Take 6!" DCBF called out. "Aw, their so cute together.' She whispered.

"Us?" Merida asked.

"Well yeah, you guys are cute," The director said. "NOW TAKE 6!"

"Why am I so tired?" Elsa murmured sleepily. She ignored the camera slowly sliding to her face. Another camera pointed straight at Punzie.

"Glinda mentioned this as a side effect. The first week you'll be exhausted," Punzie informed Elsa.

"But classes-" Punzie interrupted Elsa.

"I'll give you your homework. Now sleep." Jack scooped up Elsa and took her to the bed. DCBF did a signal for the light snow to fall. Instead of getting sprinkled, the snow got completely dumped on Elsa, Punzie, and Jack. All of them looked white and their eyes were wide. Punzie was shivering, but Jack and Elsa started laughing. Tilting her head back, Elsa caught the remaining snowflakes on her tongue.

"What was that? Timothy!" DCBF looked up and saw Timothy tied up. "Ugh!"

Elsa got out of Jack's arms giving him a smile. "It's fine, we can do a retake."

"Okay. Get ready in position."

Blinking, Pitch looked up from the pie Elphaba "accidently" threw.

"Is that apple?" He asked.

Elphaba nodded, looking surprised he didn't retaliate.

"Great, you hate apple!" Pitch lunged at her and Elphaba just threw him into the wall. "You are freakishly strong."

"What's with all the commotion down there?" DCBF yelled from a balcony. "Elphaba?"

"I don't cause commotions! I...I am one!" Elphaba called back.

Anna walked down the stairs to find Elsa and Jack watching a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. rerun while eating cookies.

Elsa looked up from her cookie. "Yeah?"

"Umm...Kristoff got everyone to come here so we can all spend some time-" Elsa and Jack both laughed at the T.V.

"Ooh, what happened?" Anna scrambled to the T.V. "Oh, it's the episode with the ring. Poor Phoebe. She's my favourite."

"Chandler," Both Elsa and Jack said. They looked at each other.

"Joey's a close second," Jack nodded, agreeing with himself.

"Nah, Phoebe's my second," Elsa looked at Anna who was captivated by the screen.

"Chandler is my favourite," DCBF sat down on the couch to watch. Everyone scrambled to find seats. In the end, it was so squished that Elsa was sitting on Jack's lap.

"Monica," Punzie called out.

Flynn just grinned. "Joey."

"Ross is the best," Hiccup declared.

"I like Rachel more than Ross. Rachel is the best," Merida addressed Hiccup.

"Funny, I thought you would like Phoebe," Kristoff frowned. "I like either Rachel or Ross."

"Rachel," Glinda squealed. "Such good fashion taste!" Nobody said anything until Elphaba spoke.

"I prefer Monica out of everyone," Elphaba pulled back a strand of her raven hair.

Hans and Pitch popped up. "I like Monica," Hans tried to fit in. DCBF grinned at Chandler's face.

"Chandler," Pitch smiled, although it looked more like a sneer.

"OH SHUT UP!" Everyone turned on them. The two men shrunk down behind the couch.

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