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Elsa's POV

Darkness. I wake up to darkness. What woke me up? A sound. A sound downstairs. Probably just Gerda in the kitchen. At night she usually gets milk with honey when she can't sleep. Come to think about it that sounds really good right now. Taking a quick glance at my alarm clock tells me its 1:12 AM. Letting out a soft groan, I shake out my stiff limbs and get out of bed. The door makes a soft creak when I open it. As a child, I've never been afraid of the dark. I flinch as a small trail of frost appears on the wall where I placed my finger. There are things worse than the dark. Way worse. Soft light comes from behind the closed kitchen door and I frown when it is locked. Gerda would never do that. Feeling a tiny bit nervous, an ice shard grows in my hand. Just in case, I twist the knob quietly again.

"Hey, Gerda?" I ask softly. When the door opens, many feelings crash into me. Confusion, unease, relief, love, annoyance, anxious for what will happen and happiness. Anna's in the kitchen making hot chocolate with Hibernis eating cat food and...

Self-consciously, I tug down my long, ratty, T-shirt over my modesty shorts. My hairs probably a mess too, but I have more important questions. "What's he doing here?" I walk into the kitchen, right past Jack. Anna looks sheepishly at me as I go to the refrigerator. "Pass the honey." Wordlessly, Anna passes it to me.

"I think you guys should talk. And I brought Hibernis here," Anna finishes with the microwave and lets me put my cup of milk in.

"You did not. You did not tell him where I'm living forevery break of my life," I say, acting as if Jack's not here. Anna bites her lip guiltily.


"I'll leave after this if you want me to," Jack grins nervously. I avoid looking at him in the eye, he can't see my emotions in them. Luckily, I know how to hide my emotions. Conceal, don't-No. Can't say that. Shooting both Anna and Jack a glare, I take the milk out and stir the honey in it. Hibernis pads over at the smell of milk and I scoop him up.

"Yes. You better leave. Unless there's something preventing you from doing so," Hibernis just flicks his tail. With a sigh, Anna shares a look with Jack and leaves. I take my cup and place it in front of the seat across from Jack.

I sit down. "Sorry about that. I'm just-" My yawn interrupts me and Jack gives me a light smile.

"-tired." His hand takes one of mine and I look up at him, startled. The letter I gave him...I told him to forget me. Didn't I? Blue determined eyes meet my surprised ones.

"Why are yo-" Jack just brings my cup to my mouth, effectively cutting me off.

"Okay. I read your letter, and yes, I know, you want me to just let it go. But I honestly can't! You've changed me, in a good way! In a good way!" He adds hastily as I bite my lip. "I just- Elsa I love you so goddamn much, I can't explain this. It's like you're a magnet; I'm just attracted to you. And I won't forget you. Even if you do leave, I'll never actually get you out of my mind."

Brushing the table with my fingers, frost grows over the table. "You do know that being with me will probably just get you ostracized. Let me talk!" I say sharply when Jack opens his mouth to protest. "What I know about that is different about what you think you know about it. I just can't do that to you. It sucks. And I'm used to it, but you're not. I doubt you would ever get used to it, after all, I-" I remember to breathe and I look down at our hands. "That doesn't need to happen to you." Jack's index finger brushes over the frost.

His hand goes under my chin, making me look at him. "Hey, it's alright. Drink." That's when I notice tears falling. Shaky sip after shaky sip, his eyes never leave me. I'm pretty sure my face is red, at least a tiny bit.

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