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Anna's POV

The next day is almost extremely unremarkable. Except for the fact that Elphaba completely disappeared. At lunch, rumors spread around.

Merida shakes her head at the nonsense Miguel is spewing. "She's probably just sick you idiot!" She says. Miguel ignores her and keeps talking to the boy next to him. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Merida takes a giant bite of chicken. I'm tired of these rumors too. Elphaba's probably just sick. She'll be fine soon. She has to be-

The doors slam open and Elphaba comes in looking frustrated. The weird thing is that she looks soaking wet.

"Elphaba hates water. What is she doing all wet?" I murmur to Merida. Looking as perplexed as I feel, Merida shrugs. Other people whisper and look confused. One quick glance at the Ravenclaw table tells me that Elsa is thinking fast. Elphaba's eyes scan the hall and she dries herself off with her wand.

She clears her throat. "I have contacted Miss Glinda of Beauxbatons Academy for Young Girls and her school is coming over for a while," Her voice goes louder as there's a commotion of students. "Miss Nessarose is coming also as she is co-headmistress." Flynn yells something that I can't make out. Clearly Elphaba can't either, so he repeats it.

"Why are they coming?" He yells. I watch as Elphaba's face darkens.

"Their castle has been destroyed by dark forces when the students were on a picnic," She says. "So they need to stay here for a bit." Dark forces? A shiver runs up my spine and I look at Merida. Her eyes widen for a second, which confirms it: Merida is uneasy. I scan my friend's faces. Kristoff is tense, Hiccup's eyes are glued to the floor, Astrid looks determined, (why?) Flynn is stabbing his potatoes with more force than necessary, Jack is frowning, Rapunzel is looking around the room like me and Elsa looks paler than usual. She's biting her lip and is giving her full attention to Elphaba. Seeing my sister worried makes me anxious. Elphaba catches on the sudden silence.

"Please know that Hogwarts is under full protection," She reassures. Some students look a tiny bit better-I know I feel better- but others aren't as convinced. Elphaba sighs. "We'll be fine. I promise. As long as we stay strong together, Hogwarts will be fine. I personally put up protection spells myself." After that, a majority is at ease. Merida shakes her head.

"Dark magic? We should stay on our guard," She mutters darkly. I nod in agreement and look at Elsa again. She's talking to Punzie, but her eyes are troubled.

"All of us should," I reply.

Line Break

Merida's POV

We wait for the Beauxbatons coach to arrive. Elphaba looks excited, nervous and stern at the same time. Finally it comes. Hiccup who's next to me, looks shocked at the size of the horses. Glinda comes out of the powder-blue carriage and I see it before it begins. The glint in Glinda's eyes, Elphaba's eyebrow raise.

"I'm limited.
Just look at me.
I'm limited.
And just look at you.
You can do all I couldn't do.
So now it's up to you,
For both of us.
Now it's up to you."Elphaba says.

"Quiet. Elphaba's actually going to sing!" I shake Hiccup's arm and he just shakes his head at me. (Bold Elphaba, Italic Glinda, bold and italic both.)

"I've heard it said,
That people come into our lives
For a reason
Bringing something we must learn.
And we are lead to those
Who help us most to grow if we let them.
And we help them in return.
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you.

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