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Elsa's POV

"H-hi," I smile weakly at Anna. She smiles back, her eyes uncertain. We stand there for a second, shifting weight feet to feet awkwardly.

"Uh-I mean-yeah," Anna laughs nervously. Her hands make a spreading gesture then go to fix her perfect hair.

"Yeah," I glance to where I last saw Jack. He's talking to Vanessa, looking extremely frustrated. Frowning, I turn back to Anna.

"Listen Elsa, I'm so sorry. I wasn't really thinking when I said....you know. That was really rude. I just wanted to say-"

"Anna, enough. It's fine," I say. "I was also at fault."

"No. Elsa, it's just mine. You were....well Hans is a sweet guy. I understand why you were protective. I just was pissed off," Anna argues. I bite my lip. Was I too quick to judge Hans? Well maybe, but Anna shouldn't have had sex with him right after she met him. I cross and uncross my arms.

"Okay, let me apologize to him," Taking one quick look at Jack-he's still chatting with Vanessa- I link arms with Anna. A big, relieved smile fills my sister's face and she leads me through the crowd. I'm nervous. So nervous in fact, frost slowly creeps up the pillars near the stairs. Hoping that nothing happens to Anna because of me, I decide to unlink my arm with Anna. I watch Anna's eyes flicker past people's faces. I watch as her eyes light up each time then falls. It breaks my heart every time her face falls. My sweet sister. Anna, my almost perfect sister doesn't deserve Hans.

"He said he would be here," Anna murmurs worriedly when we are next to the stage. I pat her back reassuringly.

"Maybe's he's busy or something," I tell her. She doesn't respond, just looks around. "Maybe he's outside, needs a bit of air."

Anna's face twists in confusion. "In the rain?" Good point. Unless he's doing what Jack and I did. But with who? The thought makes my stomach turn. Then again, who knows how many girls he did that to? No. Don't worry about my problems, worry about Anna's. Although I probably did cause lots of problems the time I ran into Anna after Hogsmeade.....


I sit outside reading my Ancient Runes essay over. I fix a mistake when I see Anna and Rapunzel making daisy chains with their backs turned to me. I know what I need to do. To protect them. To protect my secret. Honestly, I should do this to Jack but he's nosy, so he'll find out again. This hurts. This hurts so much. I shouldn't do this....I shouldn't do this. A tear hits my parchment and I don't bother wiping it off. More follow. I'm on the side of a cliff hiding my power, Jack's on the same side with me, but Anna, Rapunzel and Kristoff are close. They teeter on an ice bridge. Melting fast as I shut myself out. It's bittersweet irony because the more secluded I become the harder the shell around me should be. But it's not. I already did this to Kristoff, but it was so much easier. I could reach out and trust my sister....

"Obliviate," I whisper. Memories flash past me and I can choose which ones to remove. That one was easy. That was Rapunzel. Next is Anna. I catch glimpses of me and her friends. The one I focus on is when we were younger and another one. I see me and Anna laughing, building snowmen. Then I see her point of view when I shut her out. I left her all alone. Sure she had my parents, but you can't replace your sister with them. The sister that used to be always there for you....the one that stopped all the bullies and pushed you on the swings. She was gone. More tears flow. I'm sorry Anna, I didn't mean to hurt you. Another one is the reason why my father erased her memory this is the second time. I had to watch, my father did it then told me to remember how. When I was 10 I hit some bullies who were throwing her into the walls and into mud puddles. They pulled on her braids and called her a pig. What I did was the natural thing. They were in the hospital for one month. I choose the memory at the Three Broomsticks and erase it.

I melt the ice bridge and watch her fall. I'm so sorry Anna. I bury my face in my knees as Anna and Rapunzel keep talking.

I hate myself. Three times. Three times is the limit, so I don't have to keep doing it. Hurting Anna...and hurting me.

End Flashback

I bottle up the tears threating to fall and follow Anna. She doesn't look happy.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"You don't need to apologize to Hans anymore," She says through gritted teeth. Her body may be ready for a fight but her eyes are wide; shocked, betrayed and heart-broken. I can see it all it five seconds. She goes towards Hans and I see him kissing a pretty dark-haired girl. It's looking pretty serious.

"Hans," Anna says coldly. "Why?" The two break apart looking very annoyed. Hans pushes the girl behind him.

"Isn't it obvious? You're a naïve, rich, half-blood that's ugly and isn't good in bed. You're annoying as hell and a slut," He grabs her wrist and throws her into the wall. "You're going to start crying now, aren't you Anna? Go ahead and cry! No one gives a damn!" Anna does look like she's about to but she also looks like she's going to kill him.

Five years ago, a boy with long arms called Anna a pig and hurt her. I hurt him. Now a man with auburn hair called her a slut and hurt her. I can't help it. I hurt him.

Jack's POV

I really want to throw a Butterbeer at Vanessa's face. She keeps bugging me and reminding how our families are going to Greece in the summer. I'm going to hate that trip. Our families are both pure blood and rich so we often see each other out of school. Unfortunately.

"C'mon Jack, just one dance," Vanessa wraps her arms around me but I push her off.

"Get off Vanessa, I'm with Elsa," I snap at her. She pouts.

"No you're not. She ditched you. So now it's my turn," Vanessa bats her eyelashes. I give out an exasperated sigh.

"Shove off Vanessa. I'm going to find her," She still wraps her arms around me so I shove her. Not hard enough to bump into anything but not gentle enough so she's still close to me. Now where's Elsa? I walk to the crowd where I saw her last. People are dancing not minding me except for Belle who blows a kiss at me. That's when I see her. She's standing next to Anna who's getting thrown into the ground by Hans. Elsa looks pissed.

No. I know what she's going to do. "Elsa," I run towards her. Icicles spread in a ring around Hans. "Elsa!" I say it louder this time. I know she can't help it. But I still don't want her to. Is that selfish because I don't want her to shut people out? Mainly me? Icicles spread from her hands and pin Hans to a pillar by his coat. An icicle almost hits his nose. Everyone's silent, the music stops and Elsa looks up. Her eyes are wide, and her hands go to her mouth.

"No," She shakes her head.

"Elsa!" I run to her side. She backs away from me and looks at the stairs.

"Monster," I hear a boy yell. "Monster!" Oh no. I almost punch him in the face but Elsa's scared eyes tell me not to.

"Elsa...." I hear Anna whisper. Elsa's eyes search the crowd, and runs. She runs up the stairs and into the rain. I run after her and she's crying. She looks back at me and turns to me, slowly backing up.

"Just stay away Jack! Just go!" She sounds broken hearted.

"I can't let you run away Elsa," I tell her.

"Elsa, wait!" I hear Anna's voice. If possible, her eyes go wider. She shakes her head and forms an ice wall cutting us off from her. I push against the wall. No, no, no! I'm not letting Elsa shut herself out again. I pull out my wand but Anna stops me.

"No, don't," Her voice cracks.


"She wants to be alone," I see a tear glistening on her face despite the rain. "Plus we have to explain what happened." She walks away, holding her arms. I'm tempted to follow her but Anna's right. I trace my finger over the ice and see it. The carving of a rose, like the one I gave her.

From: Elsa

To: Jack

I could picture that and shake my head at the irony. It tastes sour and bittersweet. Just like my feelings right now. I use my wand and carve out two words.

I'm sorry.

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