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Anna's POV

That idiot! Didn't he see how much he hurt Elsa? Jack's been trying to talk to me all day, but I've been ignoring him. Probably about Elsa, she left to our summer house yesterday for winter break. Flynn, me and Kristoff were the only ones who saw her off. There, she gave us early Christmas presents. Mine was a beautiful ice sculpture of our family, three free coupons for my favourite chocolate shop, and a book about owls. I wasn't sure what Kristoff and Flynn got, but I loved what she got me. Stupid Jack, I was planning to have a nice family Christmas with Elsa. And Punzie was my best friend! Elsa trusted her, both of them, and now look at what happened. They annoy me so much!

"Hey, Anna!" Jack called to me. My hands clench in fists and my hands go to my book bag. I turn and cross my arms once I have the letter. Jack catches up to me, panting. "Hey, Anna. Where's Elsa?"

I look at him coldly. "Why should I tell you? You broke her heart. And you also lost your best friend in the progress."

"That wasn't my intent-"

"Please, you weren't thinking about the consequences of having an affair with Rapunzel? God, you're pathetic," This one's for Elsa. "Why did you even do it? To fulfil your needs?" He ducks his head and doesn't look me in the eye. Overwhelming anger comes over me. "No. You did not."

"Yes, I did," He admits. I hate people like that! With a huff of annoyance, I punch him in the face and he hits the wall. "What the hell-"

"Anna!" Kristoff calls to me. I give Jack the letter and run up to him. "Where have you been this morning?"

I grab hold of his arm and steer him away from Jack. "Avoiding a certain Slytherin. Let's not talk about that though." When Kristoff isn't looking I take a peek at Jack. He's reading Elsa's letter, his face pained. I memorized that letter.

Dear Anna,

Sorry to spring this on you, but I can't deal with this right now. I'm probably sounding really selfish right now, but I think leaving will be good for me. Gives me time to think. I would love to spend Christmas with you, but I want you to stay with your-our friends for Christmas. Who knows what will happen once I get back? But what's proven true is that absence does make the heart grow fonder. I honestly think that'll be the opposite for Jack though! But enough about him, he's basically the reason I left. Thanks for always being there for me and being fine with me leaving.

Love, your sister,


"Anna, get your head out of the clouds. I've got a surprise for you," Kristoff stops me from walking into a wall. I don't want to think about unhappy things, so I just laugh and follow him.

Kristoff's POV

Anna's eyes light up when she sees my "impromptu" picnic. "Aw, thanks Kristoff!" She kisses me on the cheek and I freeze. I've had a massive crush on Anna for forever, the problem is that she only finds me as a friend. I'm afraid of asking her out for two reasons: the first one being that she'll say no. Secondly, she's had some relationship issues.

"You okay? You're face is kind of red," Anna points out while eating a sandwich. Giving her a half smile, I just nod.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, looking at Anna's beautiful eyes.

"Thanks for inviting me to your picnic."

"Yeah, well..." I look down at my sandwich. "Anything for a friend."

Elsa's POV

The summer home is nice, although it's tiny compared to our regular home. No, scratch that. Because of my "disapproving" behavior, it's no longer my house. My father sent me all my stuff and I chose my room. It was made especially for me, it's a big room painted blue-the same color of my eyes. There's a great view, the window shows the huge gardens mother grew. There's also a bathroom connected to my room and a giant walk-in-closet. It's basically the same room and view as mine at my other home. No matter what my father says, I'll always view that as my home. A sad smile fills my face when I see my mother's favorites in the garden: Violets and irises. Then after those are the lilies. Beyond the lilies is the treehouse my parents made for me and Anna. It's pretty big, and there's so many pictures in there.

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