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Elsa's POV

Conceal it....Don't feel. That's pretty had to do seeing your sister about to have sex with a complete stranger. I crossed my arms and gave the boy and Anna a glare. The boy looked up first, and scowled at me.

"Elsa!" Anna screamed and fumbled to put on her bra. I focused all my attention on the boy.

"Who's this?" I ask.

"Not like you need to know. And you've been keeping secrets also," Anna's eyes narrow but her bottom lip trembles. I silently pray she won't say.

"Don't bring me up in this Anna. I'm just trying to protect you," I reply.

Anna's shoulders are tense, squared. "Fine. But get out of here!" I refuse to move. Who knows what will happen if I leave? No, I do know.

"Not until you tell me who this is," I push my braid to the side.

"Hans. I met him today," Anna holds onto the boys arm. I give Hans a calculating look purposefully. He just stares back...then his gaze travels down to my body. I shiver at the way he looks at me.

"Today!? May I talk to you, please. Alone?" I plead. Anna shakes her head resolutely.

"Whatever you say you can say to the both of us," She answers. I rid my face of all emotion.

"Fine. You don't give yourself fully to a man you just met. Especially..." I was going to say Slytherins, but pull back.

"You can if it's true love!"

I look at my sister. My sweet, innocent sister. "Anna, what do you know about true love?"

"More than you! All you know is how to shut people out!" *

Anna's eyes widen when she says that. I can't breathe. A knife has stabbed me in the chest, and I watch as all my emotions pour out. Words I've wanted to say, suppressed feelings, and mainly loneliness. My hand fumbles for the door knob.

"Elsa....no, sorry, I...." Anna pulls on her shirt. I don't get to hear the rest because I need to get the hell out of here. My chest heaves as I try to stop my tears from showing. I counter-jinx the body bind spell on Merida and run out. I hear Anna chasing me, calling my name through a sea of people. I push people away, keeping my face down, closing my eyes. Keep it in Elsa, stay strong. Like you always have to be. The good girl, detached, the smart girl. I can't handle the reputation people set up for me. I just can't! I run down outside to the lake and sit by the water. My shoes get thrown next to me and my ankles go in the chilly water. My reflection looks warped, disoriented. Nothing like me; but in every way like me. I look at my broken face and try for a smile. It looks so fake, just like me. What am I going to do?

My confusion and misery cause ice to spread around my feet. I pull my ankles out from the water and sit on the edge, taking in the warmth of the sun. Usually it's too hot, but now I feel ice cold. Looking how to heal, to thaw.

"Story of my life," I grumble. Tears keep coming. I've been crying a lot lately, but I have plenty tears bottled up in me. The end of my braid tickles my neck so I take it out; hair falling out in waves. I open my eyes to the sun and sky. I let my mind wander aimlessly. Blue. The sky's not blue. It can shift to a deep indigo to a blurred yellow. My fingers dig through the sand when I hear I hear it: voices. Voices of Anna's friends. Hiccup, Kristoff, Astrid and Jack. I decide to still lay here, eyes red, hair a mess and spread out in the sand.

"Hey!" Kristoff runs over to me and helps me stand up. "You okay?" I nod. I barely know Kristoff except that he's obviously in love with Anna. I'd rather Anna with Kristoff than Hans.

"Yeah..." I lock eyes with Jack. "I'm fine." Astrid gives me a scanning look and seems to understand.

"Whatever. We're here to try to get the Giant Squid to shore," She blows her bangs out of her eye.

"How?" I ask, trying to change the subject. Jack pulls out a piece of bread and shows it to me.

"The Squid loves food," Astrid has a piece of bacon.

"You can join if you want," Hiccup has a sketchbook. "I'm here to draw the Giant Squid if it comes out. So you can have the pancake." He hands it to me.

"Thanks," I smile. I tear off a piece of pancake and put it in a ball.

"It's pretty far out. You have to have to throw as good as Jack or Kristoff," Astrid tells me.

"Can you throw that far?" I ask. Maybe this will distract me from Anna.

Astrid smiles. "No, but its fun to try." I do some basic math and physics then throw. It's pretty far, but I can do some other things. I pull out my wand as a disguise and point it at the water. It ices over underneath the pancake and the food slides into the water.

"That breaks Kristoff's record, wow," Hiccup comments. Jack's breath tickles my ear.

"Galleon you don't get to see it," He whispers. His hand tangles in my waves and pulls back. "Nice hair Elsa." He walks away and we wait. Was he flirting? No, no, no. No feelings between us due to teaching. Has to be professional, right? We wait a second until bubbles appear in the water in front of Kristoff. The others back off, but I stand there. Then a gray squid pushes through the water. It's huge! It looks down at me, its eyes as big-or bigger-than my body. Water comes crashing down its body and lands on me. My heart thuds/

"Elsa, back off!" Hiccup whispers. I turn to face them but give them a small smile. I inch a bit closer...and feed the squid the rest of my pancake. Behind me I hear Hiccup sketching quickly. The squid eats it and I come a bit closer...and pat its head. I hear Astrid whoop behind me and Kristoff giving me a few claps. The squid looks directly at me then sinks underneath the water. I watch it leave and laugh. On the walk back to the castle I feel better than I ever have before. I realize the things I've done at the lake, even the sad things.

"That was pretty brave," Kristoff says as we say goodbye. I probably blush a little bit, I'm not used to getting compliments.

"Yeah," Hiccup rips out his sketch and gives it to me. It's really good. "To remember this day?"

"Yes. To remember," I need to remember a good day. A day where I could be myself. "Thanks guys."

Astrid nods and Kristoff grins. I look over at Jack who's staring at me intensely. When the others leave, Jack approaches me.

"Thanks," I push my still wet hair out of my face. "It was honestly one of the best days I've had."

Jack smirks. "Hey Elsa?"


"How did it feel when that squid appeared?"

"I was actually pretty scared. I thought...." I cut off when his hand reaches out to caress my face. He then pulls back.

"Sorry," He says. "Am I scaring you now?"

I don't lie. "A bit." He gives me a searching look then he leaves.


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