Selfish Secrets

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(A/n): I'll let you know when it is appropriate to cue the music. I apologize in advance if there are any spelling mistakes.


"Oakwood, Katrina! Oak!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Katrina apologized profusely and slouched,  dropping the birchwood logs onto the ground in front of her with a groan. "It's hard to differentiate!"

"But birch and oak don't look anything alike," Laurance contributed with a chuckle, walking passed the two of you with a couple of oak wood planks in his arms. He shot Katrina an amused glance, triggering an eye roll from the latter in response. You shook your head with an exasperated sigh, rubbing your temples in an attempt to soothe your migraine.

"Katrina, just...don't pick logs anymore, okay? Find something else to do."

"Like what?"

"She could help me!" Ruby called from behind the two of you, where half of a masterpiece lay; the well-structured frame of a medium-sized boat. The boat you and your comrades had been building in secret for the past two-and-a-half weeks. The boat that would take the four of you to your desired destination: O'Khasis.

Even while you had witnessed the growth and progress your group managed to achieve thus far, you couldn't help but stare in awe at its size—its design. It was nothing too fancy—a comfortably sized schooner boat for four: Katrina, Ruby, Laurance and yourself included. Sure, it wasn't as spacious as Aphmau's ship—which remained docked on the north end of the island—but it allowed for enough moving space and would last more than two weeks at sea.

It hadn't been long since your dream and encounter with Enki. The morning you'd woken up, his cryptic words and actions rang in much clearer; Garroth was home. He was in O'Khasis.

Or at least, you hoped so. Otherwise, what else would've been the point of Enki's mystifying phrases? Especially the one, among all, that had stuck with you from your last moment with Enki to the moment you had opened your eyes the next morning.

Even now, you could still hear his deep and eerie voice chide insidiously:

Home is where the heart is, (Y/n)...

And it was true. Home was where your heart was. And you needed him back.


You took long strides towards Ruby's position near the in-progress boat, which was held upright by the pull of thick, nylon ropes on either side of the wooden structure. Some were nailed into the soil while others were tied to nearby trees with heights great enough to conceal your project from the likes of Aphmau and the others. It had been exhausting—sneaking in pairs at the crack of dawn every day to plan your departure, hoping Katelyn nor Aphmau would stop you and ask why you were leaving the ship so early in the morning—but you were sure the great lengths would be worth it. 

At least, you hoped it would be worth it.

"What's your job again?" Katrina inquired, bringing you out of your thoughts. You followed her to where Ruby sat on the ground, numerous sheets of weaved palm leaves scattered around her. You raised your eyebrows in amazement.

"These look incredible, Ruby," you complimented, gently picking up one of her completed pieces. The long, green palm leaves you had helped Ruby search for two weeks ago were now intricately woven into two boat sails and what looked to be a basket in-progress. The sails were leaned against a couple of bushes as a means to keep any of you from accidentally stepping on them. Ruby let out shrug, smiling faintly.

Legends of Irene (Garroth x Reader) | Aphmau Fanfiction| UNDER IMMENSE EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now