Chapter 1 Introduction to my daily life

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Author pov
Hii Everyone, Thanks for choosing my book.
This book is unedited, so still there are 100 of mistakes but the story line is amazing,please read it.Thanks!

Aadhya, that's me. I'm a simple, short-heighted girl who is born an extrovert. Despite not believing in love, I find myself searching for it. However, I have always declared in front of everyone that I will never be in a relationship because I am determined to pursue my dream of becoming a successful businesswoman. My goal is to pay off my father's liabilities. The irony is that even as I focus on my dreams, I am still searching for love.

In my perspective (Aadhya's POV):

I hurriedly pack my bag, trying to avoid being late for college once again. I don't want to face the embarrassment of arriving after everyone else. As I descend the stairs, my mom calls out to me.

Mom: "Take your tiffin and wear your helmet before you go."

Me: "Why do I always wake up late?"

Mom: "Because you stay up late at night, watching your Korean dramas. Don't lie and say you were studying."

Me: "Mom, I never said I was studying." (But truthfully, that's what I had planned to say, although my mom already knows the truth, so I can't.)

If it weren't for college, I would stay at home, grab a soft drink, and binge-watch all my favorite episodes.

If it weren't for college, I would stay at home, grab a soft drink, and binge-watch all my favorite episodes

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Luckily, I manage to reach college on time today. When I enter the classroom, I see my friends Hena and Sam engaged in an intimate conversation, holding hands. It's both cute and unexpected since I'm not accustomed to seeing my best friends so close or committed to each other. I'm genuinely happy for them because they have had feelings for each other for the past six months, and recently they decided to become a couple. But as for me, I need some time.

I approach them.

Hena: "Hi, Aadhya! Wow, you're actually on time today."

They both burst into laughter. I know they always joke around with me, but it's fine because they are my friends.

In Hena's perspective (Hena's POV):

Aadhya has been under a lot of pressure lately due to her part-time job and college studies. I believe she can handle it, but sometimes I worry about her. It's not because she's under pressure but because she has such big dreams. I fear that if she doesn't achieve them, she'll be shattered.

Aadhya's POV:

After two or three more classes, my head is pounding, and it feels like it's going to explode. I have to endure one more class before we can finally go home for summer vacation. We are all excited since everyone has different plans for the break. I, too, plan to work extra to help my father.

Once the class is over, I head to my part-time job. I feel exhausted, and it's already late.

Suddenly, I notice two or three individuals wearing black hoodies following me. Fear grips me, and I immediately dial the emergency number... but before I can do anything, one of the men grabs my phone and approaches me, attempting to grab hold of me.

I push them away and start running, desperately seeking help. The streets are empty, as it's very late at night. I run as fast as I can, with them chasing after me. I shout for help, my voice filled with fear.

Suddenly, a car appears out of nowhere and stops in front of me. Two men jump out, grab me, and force me into the car. They cover my mouth with a cloth soaked in chloroform.

Author Pov

Hello! Everyone, I hope you like the chapter. Tell me about your opinion in the comment. Pardon me for grammar mistakes. Like and follow this book.

After a few days I am going to upload next chapter. It was my first book I hope you will support me.
Thanks You..saranghe.

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