Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Yueling Flowers and The Moon

The night wind was cold. Taichen Palace was serene as always. Donghua was sitting down leaning on his table meditating as usual. That was all he ever did these days. Over 200 years have passed since Bai Fengjiu was crowned the queen of Qingqiu. It has been 200 years since he last saw her. 200 years is not considered long for immortals like them but for the first time in his very long life, he felt like it's been far too long. A cold breeze suddenly blew into the room causing Donghua to open his eyes in time to see his teacup fall to the ground and shatter to pieces. A bad feeling suddenly swept over his body as he immediately grasped the fox tail charm hanging from his waistband.

"Jiu'er." He murmured her name like an incantation as if it could keep him calm. He went to get the copper mirror he hasn't used since her coronation and immediately looked to see what she was doing. In the past 200 years, he hasn't once tried to look at her through this mirror just to see how she was doing afraid that seeing her would weaken his resolve to stay away from her. He did receive regular reports from the Star Lord just to make sure she was doing okay but he hasn't received the most recent one yet and it didn't help the bad foreboding he felt.

He knew that Fengjiu was no longer that young fox princess that always chased him around telling him she liked him. She has now matured into the well-known and revered Queen of Qingqiu. It was a bittersweet thought. He couldn't imagine what could happen to her without her doing the dangerous things she used to do. Before he could take out the copper mirror, Si Ming came into his study and clasped his hands before his chest into a bow.

"Si Ming greets Donghua Dijun," Donghua let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and motioned for Si Ming to continue with his report.

"Her Highness Fengjiu recently saved one of the cities in Qingqiu from a tiger spirit-" Before Si Ming could finish his sentence, Donghua was already standing up. "Is she hurt? Did she suffer any injuries?" Donghua couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. His heart just couldn't seem to calm down that day. Si Ming was a bit surprised by the outburst but he knew that Donghua Dijun definitely had feelings for a certain fox queen and it was perfectly normal for him to worry about her wellbeing.

"She is injured because she used her blood to seal the tiger spirit," He continued watching the reaction of Dijun. Just as he expected, Donghua's face paled as he looked at Si Ming. Si Ming felt helpless watching the former Lord of Heaven who was known to be a legendary ice face lose his mind all because of a girl.

"She is injured but I heard she is recovering. High Deity Zheyan was able to treat her immediately." Si Ming finished, watching Donghua Dijun finally sigh in relief. Si Ming only looked at Donghua Dijun stifled. It was obvious that His Lordship is failing miserably at ignoring the fox queen.

To be perfectly honest, Si Ming was missing the days when the fox princess (then) came to Taichen Palace often. He felt that not only Taichen Palace but Donghua Dijun's life seemed to brighten at her very existence. Now that she was gone, it seemed very empty and gloomy.

Must you really follow fate?

Si Ming wanted to try convincing Donghua Dijun to visit the fox queen at least one more time. Maybe he'd defy fate at the very sight of her. He understood that defying fate would have consequences but hasn't Donghua Dijun sacrificed enough for world peace? Did he have to sacrifice the love of his life too? The thought of a lively Taichen Palace and a happy Dijun made Si Ming bold.

"Dijun if you're so worried why don't we go to Qingqiu and-" Si Ming's words were cut off as Donghua sat back down on his seat. "You may leave," Donghua commanded as he closed his eyes again to continue meditating. Si Ming had no choice but to swallow his words and leave.

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