Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Test of Fate

Fengjiu looked at Lady Nuwa to see if there was any trace of lies in her eyes. Wenchang Dijun is Donghua Dijun? Does she think I'm that gullible?

Fengjiu huffed and turned around to leave but Lady Nuwa materialized in front of her. Fengjiu ignored her and tried to move past her, only to be blocked whichever direction she went. Fengjiu groaned in frustration and crossed her arms. Her tails unconsciously appeared behind her.

"Move!" Fengjiu said angrily. Lady Nuwa looked at her in amusement. She finally understood why Donghua seemed so taken with the little fox. Fengjiu sensed that Lady Nuwa wasn't going to move, so she prepared to convince her again, but Lady Nuwa opened her mouth.

"I told you earlier. I miscalculated."

Fengjiu furrowed her brows in confusion at her vague words. What did she miscalculate? She decided to listen to Lady Nuwa and crouched on the ground. "What do you mean? What did you miscalculate?"

Lady Nuwa conjured some stools and motioned for Fengjiu to sit on one. Fengjiu obeyed and sat down. She looked at Lady Nuwa, waiting for an explanation. Instead, Lady Nuwa asked her something else.

"Why did you use your blood to save those people? You knew how dangerous it was to use your blood when you weren't a High Goddess yet. You even left your sword coated in your blood to Donghua."

Fengjiu gave a start. Was she talking about the tiger spirit? She was confused but she still answered earnestly, "What Qingqiu wants from me is not the honor I can get, but to step forward bravely when something happens. If I left my people there just because I was scared to use my blood that one time, how will I make my subjects believe in me continuously?" She cleared her throat, "I left my sword with Donghua because he always thinks he has to be the one to face dangerous things, when there are many other powerful deities that can help him. I left him the sword so he can banish evil spirits alone as much as he likes."

Lady Nuwa looked at Fengjiu with a start. She didn't expect such a young immortal to be enlightened in such aspects. The young queen of Qingqiu was always known to be a troublemaker. She calculated thousands of possibilities but Fengjiu's actions surpassed them all. She had miscalculated indeed.

Lady Nuwa sighed as she looked at Fengjiu's earnest eyes. "Wenchang Dijun is Donghua Dijun." Fengjiu looked like she was about to protest, but Lady Nuwa cut her off. "Your spirit was supposed to be injured gravely after the fight with that tiger spirit. Reinforcements would come and seal the tiger spirit and take you to Zheyan."

Fengjiu tilted her head. What was Lady Nuwa talking about? Lady Nuwa saw her confused look and explained. "I didn't expect you'd seal the tiger spirit using your blood."

Fengjiu gave a start, but Lady Nuwa was already continuing. "Zheyan was supposed to send you to the mortal realm to gain your lost cultivation and heal your spirit." Fengjiu suddenly realized that Lady Nuwa was talking about what would have happened if she hadn't used her blood to seal the tiger spirit. She felt offended that Lady Nuwa thought so low of her, then she realized that she was really known as a troublemaker. Her doubt... made sense. Fengjiu sighed heavily and waited for Lady Nuwa to continue.

Lady Nuwa was amused when she saw Fengjiu's defeated look. Good thing she knows she's a troublemaker! She cleared her throat and continued. "Once Donghua found out that you were injured and sent to the mortal realm... He followed you. So, he was reincarnated as the one... you are fated to."

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