Special # 2

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Special Chapter 2


"Jiu'er... Jiu'er..." Donghua murmured in his sleep. Gungun looked at his sleeping father with a sigh. It seemed his father was having another nightmare. His mother had left him here with his father so she can go out to buy some ingredients in the market. She was going to be back soon.

Gungun gently shook his father. "Father... Father, wake up! You're having a nightmare." His father continued to murmur his mother's name in his sleep. Gungun was going to shake him harder when he paused at the sight of tears rolling down his father's cheek.

"Your father was devastated when your mother disappeared. He cried a lot."

His Great Aunt's words echoed in his head as he watched his father shed some tears. It was his first time seeing his father cry, and he felt really sad. Gungun climbed on the bed and burrowed himself to his father's chest. His tiny arms weren't long enough to hug his father fully, so he hugged his father's arm instead.

Gungun did not tell his father to stop crying. His mother taught him that when someone was sad and crying, they should let them cry until they feel better. A hug would also comfort them. Gungun hugged his father as he waited for his mother to come back. After waiting for a while, Gungun felt sleepy and fell asleep in his father's arms.

This is how Fengjiu found them a few moments later. She paused at the sight from the doorway, taking in the scene of Gungun sleeping in Donghua's arms. It made her heart feel really warm as a sweet smile made its way to her lips. She slowly walked to the bed and sat down beside their sleeping forms. She was careful not to wake them up as she caressed her son's hair, then her husband's.

Fengjiu's hand paused at the traces of tears on Donghua's cheeks. She felt her heart ache like it did whenever Donghua had a nightmare. It had been almost 6,000 years since she faced her heavenly trial. Gungun was now almost 1,000 years old. Many things have happened since then.

They passed the test of fate, they were married, they had Gungun, and they have travelled the realms as a family. They also alternated between living in Taichen and Qingqiu, but they spent the most time in their real home, the Holy Blue Sea. Despite all that, Donghua still got nightmares.

She caressed Donghua's hair softly until Gungun started moving. He slowly opened his eyes and saw his mother. He sat up and quietly hugged his mother, afraid to wake his father. His mother patted his head and gave him a kiss.

"Gungun, you watched your father well." Gungun nodded and tugged at his mother's hands. "Mother... I saw father crying so I gave him a hug." Fengjiu felt tears well up in her eyes at her son's words. She hugged him tightly and pulled back to caress his face. "Well done Gungun. You did very well." Gungun smiled brightly at his mother's words and slowly disentangled himself from his mother's arms. He got out of bed and ran to the door.

"Gungun, where are you going?" Gungun paused before facing his mother. "Mother, Father had a nightmare again. You need to take care of him!" Fengjiu felt so proud of her son for being so mature. She was never as mature as him at his age. "I will. Won't you tell me where you're going? We will come pick you up for dinner." Gungun nodded happily, "Mother, I will go to Great Uncle Bai Zhen! He said he will teach me to make peach wine with Great Uncle Zheyan!" Fengjiu smiled at her son's excited face. "Alright. Be safe Gungun."

When Gungun left, Fengjiu crawled to Donghua's arms and gave him a hug. She caressed his tear-stained cheeks and gave his forehead a soft kiss. "Donghua... Don't be afraid. I am here." She murmured as she laid down to watch over him. After a few hours, Donghua slowly opened his eyes to see his wife sleeping beside him. He pulled her into his arms and buried his head to her neck. His dream this time was really bad. He had not accepted Fengjiu's marriage proposal and she had really met her fated calamity. He held her as he tried to flush down the last of his terror.

Fengjiu felt Donghua move and hugged him tightly. "Gungun said you had another nightmare..." She felt him nod as she caressed his back. She didn't say anything and let him calm down. Donghua pulled back to look at Fengjiu's pretty face and felt his lips curl up to a smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Fengjiu asked as she caressed his cheek. Donghua raised his hand to cover hers.

"You're pretty." A blush spread across Fengjiu's face as she stared at Donghua. They had been married for over 6,000 years but she still blushed at his words, especially when he... Her blush became redder as she couldn't complete her thought. Donghua noticed her reddening cheeks and couldn't help but chuckle.

"What are you thinking about now?" Fengjiu glared at him but blushed harder. Donghua laughed at her and pulled her closer to caress her hair. "You blush this hard when I tell you you're pretty?" He probed even though he knew why she was blushing. Fengjiu hit him with a light punch and hid her face on his chest. "Donghua..."

Donghua looked down at the embarrassed fox in his chest and held in his laughter, "Mm?" Fengjiu suddenly looked at him seriously. "Do you want to have another child?" Donghua's hands on her waist froze. Fengjiu felt it and looked up at him from his chest.

Donghua didn't answer but asked her instead, "Do you want another child?" Fengjiu thought about it and wasn't sure. "I want to have kids with you, but I don't want to neglect Gungun. He's only 1,000 years old. He's still very young." Donghua thought before that they should have at least two children so that they could play with each other so that he had Fengjiu all to himself, but that all changed after witnessing her labor. He never wanted to see her like that again.

"I don't think I can bear to see you in labor again." Donghua said honestly. Fengjiu gave a start. She always knew Donghua wanted more children and she was waiting for him to ask her, but he hasn't mentioned it at all. Fengjiu's heart melted when she realized the reason Donghua didn't want to have more kids. She couldn't begin to describe how good of a man he is.

"Jiu'er? What's wrong? Why are you crying?!" Donghua said frantically when he realized Fengjiu was crying. She quickly wiped her tears and shook her head. She hugged him tightly, "Donghua, you're the best husband in the world! I love you... But if you want to have more kids, I can definitely bear the pain."

Donghua helped her wipe her tears helplessly. "I don't want to do anything that will put you in any pain or danger." He suddenly thought of a way to cheer her up. Donghua pinned Fengjiu beneath him with a wicked smile. It was rare for Gungun to leave them alone at this time of the day. Fengjiu looked at him with wide eyes as she clung to his neck. "I thought you don't want more kids?" Donghua pressed a heavy kiss to her lips.

"Mm, doesn't mean we can't practice."

Donghua and Fengjiu practiced all day long.

Author's Note: Hehehehe I wonder what they practiced? ;) I hope you guys liked this special chapter! I know the one I released yesterday was sad, but the this one and the next two will probably make up for it <3 I'll be posting the next special chapter tomorrow! Also...


Bruh as I'm writing this, we're at 12.6k!!!!!! Thank you so much for your support everyone. I'm very happy I was able to touch the hearts of my fellow Dongfeng fans <3 Stay tuned for the coming special chapter tomorrow! Here's a cute gif of Dijun and his Jiu'er <3

 I'm very happy I was able to touch the hearts of my fellow Dongfeng fans <3 Stay tuned for the coming special chapter tomorrow! Here's a cute gif of Dijun and his Jiu'er <3

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Thank you everyone~ I love you all so much! Stay safe and healthy <3 


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