Special # 5 + Thank You!

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Special Chapter 5

Every Life and Every World

Warning: Mature Content

Fengjiu was running very fast, her heels clicking on the concrete ground. She was running late! Because she was running frantically, she didn't notice the car coming her way. A loud honk of a horn was heard, making her turn her head to the incoming car. Her whole body froze at the sight of the speeding car about to hit her. She closed her eyes bracing herself for the incoming impact, when suddenly something warm enveloped her.

Was this what death felt like? Why didn't it hurt?

Fengjiu opened her eyes to see the side of a very handsome man's face. She felt the man pulling her to the side, making her unconsciously wrap her arm around his neck at the unexpected movement.

The handsome man turned to look at her with cold eyes. Fengjiu stared at his face dazedly wondering how a man with cold eyes could look so good. She was still looking at the man holding onto her waist before she felt the car race past them, honking their horn loudly before stopping.

The man in the car arrogantly looked out his window to argue with the girl he almost hit, but saw a familiar looking man, his boss. His whole body trembled in fear. "Donghua Dijun?" He immediately retreated into his car and drove away as fast as he could.

Fengjiu felt like everything was in slow motion. She stared at the handsome man dazedly and asked, "Who are you?" Her arms were still around his neck.

"Donghua Dijun."

Hearing the name gave Fengjiu a shock. Donghua Dijun? The President of Jiuchongtian Corporation. The most powerful man in the world. She was still in shock. The only thing that could come out of her lips was another dumb question.


Donghua looked at the shocked woman in his arms. He didn't understand why he saved her from that car. He usually doesn't bother himself with the affairs of others, but he felt some kind of pull to her and decided to save her after all. He didn't let the woman know any of his thoughts and asked coldly instead, "How long will you keep hugging me?"

Fengjiu realized that she was indeed still hugging him. She quickly let go and raised her arms in surrender, showing him that she didn't mean anything by it. Suddenly, Donghua let go of her waist, making her stumble backwards.

Fengjiu quickly righted herself and looked at the handsome man that was Donghua Dijun in front of her. His title Dijun, was taken after what deities called the ruler of the universe. He was indeed the ruler of the world with his power, influence, and riches. It was only fitting to call him by such title.

"Are you really Donghua Dijun?"

Fengjiu felt unsure about his real identity, but she did know that this man was very handsome! And he had saved her life. She was now indebted to him.

Donghua tilted his head to look at the wide-eyed woman in front of him. "Don't I look like him?" Fengjiu was immediately shaking her head. "You don't. I saw a picture of you in Zheyan's library." She paused before laughing lightly, "You really don't look like him."

She had heard from her Uncle and Zheyan that Donghua Dijun was very mysterious and that people had no idea what he looked like except his employees. Zheyan had also told her he had met Donghua Dijun but he doesn't allow any portraits to be taken of him, and the picture he had was taken secretly. But it didn't look like the handsome man in front of her at all!

Donghua felt a flicker of annoyance rise in his gut when the smiling woman mentioned another guy. He had no idea why he felt this way, so he asked instead. "Zheyan?" At least he will know which man she was talking about.

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