Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Anchan Flowers

Bai Zhi and Bai Yi looked out the window as they watched Fengjiu happily pull Donghua after her. Bai Yi finally gave in and realized that his daughter will only love Donghua Dijun and it seems... Donghua Dijun loved her too. Bai Zhi looked at the two figures disappearing into the night with a helpless smile. At least Xiao Jiu was happy.

Bai Qian was also in her fox den at this moment looking at the very same figures making their way to Fengjiu's private garden. "Does he really love her?" She murmured to Yehua as he held her that night. Yehua knew Bai Qian was very conflicted. She wanted Fengjiu to be happy, but at the same time the person who makes her happy has hurt her countless times before.

"Qian Qian do you love me?" Bai Qian looked at him incredulously at his question. Was he really asking this when they were getting married tomorrow? Seeing his earnest eyes, her answer turned sincere as well, "I do."

Yehua pulled her closer as he smiled at her. "You forgave me after all I did because you love me... I think it's the same with Fengjiu..."

Bai Qian wanted to argue but she realized he was right. She furrowed her brows as she stared at him. Yehua only chuckled before flicking her forehead. "Sleep, it will be a tiring day tomorrow."

"Yehua... Do you think he loves her?" Bai Qian asked softly. She didn't want to accept it, but the truth was right before her eyes. After witnessing how gentle he was with Fengjiu earlier, she heard about what happened with Nie Chuyin. Donghua had casted a legendary Tiancan Cage for her protection while they were not together, and he beat up Nie Chuyin for hurting Fengjiu. She felt that although Donghua was known as a stone-faced deity, he didn't seem that way with Fengjiu.

"I'm sure he does," Bai Qian opened her eyes and looked at Yehua with confusion. "How are you sure?" Yehua only chuckled before pressing his lips softly on hers. "Because... he looks at Fengjiu the way I look at you."

Bai Qian suddenly blushed as she looked up at Yehua. He closed his eyes and patted her back. "Sleep," This time, Bai Qian did as he said.


"Donghua I always wanted to show you the stars in Qingqiu!" Fengjiu said happily as she pulled Donghua to a bamboo bed in her garden. Donghua looked around at the colorful flowers as he followed Fengjiu. "When did you plant all these?"

Fengjiu paused before sitting on the bed patting the space beside her. "I started this garden when I first became queen to take my mind off things..." I made this garden to keep myself from missing you.

Donghua seemed to know what she was thinking as he sat down beside her. He pulled her into his arms and laid on the bamboo bed. Fengjiu wrapped her arms around him as she happily pointed up the sky. "You see? The stars are so beautiful, aren't they?" Donghua wasn't looking at the stars, but he was looking at Fengjiu's smiling face. "Mm, beautiful."

Fengjiu didn't notice his stare and excitedly shook him. "Donghua have you heard of Yueling Flowers? I have a song I want to sing to you!" As if on cue, Yueling flower petals started floating down from the sky. There weren't any Yueling flowers nearby! Where was this coming from? Fengjiu looked at Donghua with wide eyes, but he only smiled at her and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "You like Yueling flowers?" He asked while caressing her cheek.

Fengjiu only looked away and held her hand out to catch some petals. "Mhm!" These were the flowers she saw when she thought she would die. She looked back at Donghua's handsome face as she suddenly remembered something.

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