Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

His Promise

Zheyan hurried after Zhong Lin as they passed the gates to Taichen Palace. "High Deity Zheyan, please hurry. Dijun is worried," Zhong Lin urged as he led Zheyan through the halls. Zheyan was about to turn to the left to make his way to the guest rooms, after all he's stayed at Taichen palace multiple times before. As Zheyan was about to turn left, he saw Zhong Lin talking to a maid with an anxious expression before nodding. Zhong Lin backtracked and led Zheyan to the right. Zheyan raised his eyebrows, Xiao Jiu is in Dijun's bedroom? Zheyan followed Zhong Lin to Donghua's bedroom where he witnessed a sight that had his jaw dropping.

Fengjiu was laying on Donghua's bed, but what shocked Zheyan more was Donghua Dijun himself. Donghua was sitting on the side of the bed wiping Fengjiu's face with a towel. His movements were gentle and careful as they always were when he touched Fengjiu. This was the first time Zheyan was witnessing Donghua interact with Fengjiu and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't shocked.... Because he was... flabbergasted! He watched in disbelief as Donghua gently took care of Fengjiu. He almost forgot why he was there.

"Zheyan what are you doing? Hurry up and come here," Donghua demanded as he finally turned to look at the phoenix deity. Zheyan came back to his senses before making his way to the bed. Looking at Donghua's worried face suddenly made him remember his conversation with Fengjiu before she left for Taichen Palace.

"Won't you tell Dijun?" Zheyan asked softly as he watched Fengjiu drink another cup of wine. Fengjiu looked up at the sky before smiling bitterly. "He would be sad," Fengjiu murmured as she continued watching the stars. Zheyan looked at the young queen and suddenly felt terrible. She was so young. He drank another cup of wine at the thought.

"Can you promise me you won't tell him?"

"You can't hide your pulse from him forever Xiao Jiu," Zheyan murmured as he poured her another cup of wine. Fengjiu only smiled slightly before looking at him. "I know you're capable of hiding it. He will be suspicious if my pulse is normal and I start getting weaker. It's better to make my pulse injured so that I can tell him I was injured by the tiger spirit. This way he won't question why I look weal or can't practice difficult spells."

Zheyan only felt stifled. He wished that he could convince Fengjiu to tell Donghua. Who knows, he might be able to find a way to save her? He was about to tell her this, but she spoke again. "Promise me please..."

"What will you tell him when it's time?"

"I'm going to the mortal realm for experience and I will not come back for a long time."

"Xiao Jiu!" Zheyan said desperately. He didn't know if Donghua Dijun had any romantic feelings for Fengjiu but he at least knew that the former Heavenly Emperor would be sad if he finds out the Little Jiu was dying. Fengjiu only looked at him with a small smile.

"Dijun can't stay with me forever. He won't look for me once I leave," Fengjiu said softly as the wind blew causing the peach blossoms to fall down like rain.

Zheyan came back to his senses when Zhong Lin cleared his throat. He realized he has been taking Fengjiu's pulse for too long. He withdrew his hand and looked at Donghua who was looking at him with furrowed brows. No way... Does he? Zheyan thought as he looked at Donghua's worried expression. Maybe I should tell him?

"Zheyan tell me right now. What's wrong with Jiu'er? You were the one that healed her first when she got injured by that tiger spirit," Donghua forgot that no one except Si Ming knew that he had been receiving reports of Fengjiu for the past 200 years because of his anxiousness. Zheyan gave a start when he realized that Donghua had been keeping his eye on Fengjiu's actions these past 200 years.

He won't look for me once I leave

Zheyan suddenly felt that Fengjiu had been wrong and Donghua Dijun would probably still watch her from afar once she left. He looked at Fengjiu's pale face and felt stifled. Oh Xiao Jiu, why did you make me promise? Is it alright if I break it just this once?

Donghua's mind went blank as he looked at Zheyan's serious expression. "Zheyan tell me right now!" He demanded, scaring Zhong Lin and the maids. They had never seen Donghua Dijun angry. He was always indifferent and detached from everything. This was the very first time. Zheyan observed Donghua and resolved that he would break his promise to Fengjiu just this once. As he prepared to open his mouth, Donghua looked at him nervously.


Donghua's attention was immediately on Fengjiu. He sat on the bed and pulled Fengjiu into his arms. Everyone in the room stared at Donghua and Fengjiu with wide eyes. Fengjiu was very drowsy and she could barely keep her eyes open, but she saw Donghua's worried face.

"Donghua," Fengjiu murmured before burying her head on his chest. Donghua held her tightly as he held her waist in one hand and cradled her head with the other. "Jiu'er don't be afraid, I'm here. I'm here," Donghua comforted as Fengjiu's eyes started to close again. Donghua kept holding her. Zhong Lin had already signaled the maids to retreat while doing so himself.

"Donghua..." Fengjiu kept repeating his name but Donghua didn't mind. He brushed her hair softly as he watched her try to open her eyes. "Jiu'er do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" Fengjiu shook her head at Donghua's question. Her eyes went to the table beside the bed as Donghua followed her gaze to the water pitcher. He immediately used one hand to pour water into a cup and slowly brought it to Fengjiu's lips.

Fengjiu was very thirsty, so she tried to drink all the water quickly only to choke on it and start coughing violently. Zheyan was about to go and help her when Donghua's voice became frantic at her exertions. "Jiu'er I will help you. Drink it slowly- slowly."

Donghua slowly helped Fengjiu finish the cup of water before he set it aside. Fengjiu was looking at his face with dazed expression. Donghua looked down at her and furrowed his brows. Jiu'er was still very pale.

Fengjiu grew drowsy once again but she refused to shut her eyes. Donghua looks so gentle right now. Donghua noticed her trying to stay awake and immediately patted her back. "Jiu'er sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." Fengjiu finally closed her eyes as Donghua continued patting her back softly and occasionally brushing her hair with his hand.

Zheyan watched Donghua's gentle movements with a complicated expression. 

Author's Note: Hello everyone! I was saving this chapter for tomorrow but reading your comments and seeing all the positive feedback made me so happy. Thank you so much for all your support <3 I know everyone wants to see Donghua and Fengjiu live a happy life. I hope you guys continue to enjoy my story!

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