Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The Tiancan Cage

Zheyan was waiting outside the gates of Qingqiu anxiously. He had received a message from Donghua Dijun saying he was in charge of Fengjiu's safety while she was separated from him because her magic was depleted. He hasn't been able to talk to Bai Qian about his promise to Fengjiu, but Donghua had already found out that Fengjiu's magic was depleted. It would be just a matter of time before he realizes she's not healing.

Donghua and Fengjiu appeared out of thin air just as Zheyan started pacing. He gave a start before bowing slightly and opening his arms for Fengjiu. "Xiao Jiu! Uncle has missed you."

Zheyan watched Fengjiu let go of Donghua's hand and walk to his embrace. He could already feel Donghua's stare burning through his skull, so he let go of Fengjiu quickly. Donghua pulled Fengjiu back with her hand entwined in his. Zheyan watched Donghua list a bunch of things Fengjiu had to watch out for while he was not there to protect her. He also watched the ever proud and mighty queen of Qingqiu nod her head docilely at his words.

Donghua abruptly pulled Fengjiu into a hug and kissed her forehead. "Take care of yourself," He murmured as he gently kissed her lips. Fengjiu nodded at him with bright eyes making him smile. After a few more kisses and instructions, he finally left. Fengjiu turned around to see Zheyan narrowing his eyes at her. "Xiao Jiu, I think you should tell Donghua Dijun..."

Fengjiu immediately shook her head. "You promised..." Zheyan sighed heavily and lectured this woman who had become like his grandchild. "As I see it, Donghua Dijun has feelings for you. Don't you think he has the right to know? Also... He's your husband!"

Fengjiu looked at Zheyan with wide eyes before looking around to make sure no one was around to hear him. "How did you know?! I'll tell my grandfather and father myself... Don't spread it around," She murmured as she made her way to the gates.

Zheyan didn't give up. "Promise me you'll think about telling him." Fengjiu didn't need to ask who he was talking about, so she just nodded and entered the kingdom of Qingqiu.


Many deities were gathered in Qingqiu to congratulate Bai Qian on her marriage to the crown prince of the heavens. As queen, it was Fengjiu's job to entertain guests and receive some high-ranking deities. Everything was going very well. Zheyan kept close to Fengjiu as she walked around the crowd. Fengjiu usually hated it when guards followed her around, so she would escape from their sight. This time however, she remembered Donghua's words and didn't try to run away from Zheyan.

Fengjiu was having a conversation with the queen of Biyinyaos, when a commotion started somewhere in the crowd. She excused herself and went to see what was wrong. Zheyan quickly followed behind her.

The Black Demon Lord, Nie Chuyin, had come requesting the Queen of Qingqiu's hand in marriage. The crowd started forming a path for him to walk through as he made his way to Fengjiu. "Xiao Jiu, let your father handle this." Zheyan murmured. Fengjiu nodded and turned to leave but Nie Chuyin saw her and raised his sword.

"Today on behalf of the Black Demon Clan, I ask for Her Highness Fengjiu's hand in marriage." The crowd gasped as they watched the whole exchange with rapt attention. Fengjiu glanced at her father who nodded and made his way to her. "We are honored to have your admiration Your Highness, but our fox clan does not force our children to marry someone they don't like."

Nie Chuyin's face distorted at his words before he pointed his sword at Fengjiu. "I heard that if someone was able to beat the current monarch of Qingqiu in a sword fight, they would receive a promise..." Bai Yi's face paled when he realized that Qingqiu indeed had that tradition.

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