Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Our Son

Donghua was waiting for Fengjiu to wake up before he left to go to his lecture. When she opened her eyes, Donghua was looking at her softly before he gave her a soft kiss, his usual morning kiss. Fengjiu smiled at him and stretched her hands to hug him, although her stomach was in the way. "Don't forget to eat. I have a lecture today." Donghua reminded before pressing a last kiss to her forehead and leaving.

During that afternoon, Donghua was standing in the middle of the lecture hall as his students wrote on their papers, trying to complete the exam. As soon as he opened his mouth to announce that time was up, Zhong Lin suddenly burst into the hall.

"Dijun! Her Highness is going to give birth! Her Highness Fengjiu is going to give birth!"

Jiu'er was going to give birth!

Donghua ignored everyone in the hall as his expression morphed into one of nervous happiness. He rushed out of the hall leaving shocked students. They were shocked because of two things: Dijun's happy expression, and Her Highness Fengjiu was giving birth!

It has been many years since the former Heavenly Emperor got married, but deities still get shocked when they see him with Her Highness Fengjiu!

Donghua rushed through the halls, bursting through the doors of the hall leading to the birthing room. He suddenly paused when he entered. The bedroom was quiet. Donghua's gaze found Fengjiu lying on the bed smiling brightly at him. Although he was confused, he approached her quickly.

"Am I... Too late?" Donghua asked giving a questioning glance to the midwife, then he looked back to Fengjiu. "You've already given birth?" He asked incredulously. He ran here expecting chaos to be happening. He's always heard that giving birth was one of the most painful things in the world.

Fengjiu laughed at his confused expression before caressing his cheek. The maids and midwife in the room laughed with her as they looked at their master's confused face. "Not yet... Nainai said that it's still beginning. I'm fine right now, but I suddenly experience pain... Then I'm fine again." Donghua furrowed his brows. He didn't like thinking about Fengjiu in pain.

"How long will it take?" He asked the midwife. The midwife clasped her hands to a bow. "Dijun, births take a long time. Her Highness will probably be in labor until tomorrow."

Donghua looked at Fengjiu's smiling face and caressed her hair. She looked fine. He was worried about her delivery because the midwife had already explained it hurt a lot. If she was this relaxed, then it was probably fine. As soon as Donghua opened his mouth, Fengjiu held her stomach in pain.

Fengjiu's face turned pale as she breathed hard. Donghua's own face turned pale at the sight of Fengjiu in so much pain that she couldn't even speak. The midwife ran to the bed and began instructing Fengjiu on how to breathe. Fengjiu listened and tried to regulate her breathing like the midwife. Beads of perspiration gradually formed on her forehead as she tried to bear the pain.

The pain slowly subsided as Fengjiu breathed a sigh of relief. The maids and midwife all returned to their stations as if Fengjiu didn't look like she was dying. Donghua felt useless as he looked at his struggling wife. He couldn't even help her bear the pain. All he could do was watch.

Tomorrow. The midwife said she'd give birth tomorrow. Does this mean this will keep happening until tomorrow? Donghua was stunned as he thought about it.

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