Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

In Another Life

Fengjiu laid on a rock as she watched the night sky filled with stars. She was in her home with Donghua in the Holy Blue Sea. It's where she spent the past three days, hoping Donghua would be back soon. She closed her eyes to reminisce the moments she had with Donghua. She sighed a little, she missed him a lot. She knew that his harsh words back then in Taichen Palace were because he didn't want her to be embarrassed. Truly, it was not appropriate for a queen to dance in front of the crowd.

She made a lot of sugar foxes. She made enough to sustain Donghua for a while and stored it in a container. She wrote a note telling Donghua that there were sugar foxes if he wanted some. She also reminded him to eat more sweets if he wanted. She folded the paper and placed in on top of the container. Suddenly, she felt her body growing weak.

It's almost time.

She caressed the container one last time before leaving for Qingqiu. Her family was waiting in her garden. All their faces looked so sad, she wanted to tease them. "Why are you all acting like I'm already gone? Won't you smile for me?"

Bai Qian burst into tears and ran forward to hug Fengjiu tightly. "Xiao Jiu I'll miss you so much! None of us know what happens after..." Bai Qian swallowed before hugging Fengjiu tighter. "If you get the chance, you must come back you hear me?" Fengjiu nodded at her aunt's words and patted her back. Her family took turns hugging her and telling them they will miss her. Zheyan came forward to embrace her. "Xiao Jiu... Why didn't you tell him?"

Fengjiu smiled sadly and embraced Zheyan tightly. "He doesn't love me... He has no fate in love. He doesn't need to feel guilty when I die thinking that he could have indulged me more. He will forget about me after a few hundred years. Before then... Please tell him I'm just playing in the mortal realm alright?" Zheyan sighed heavily at her words. Fengjiu was always hardheaded. But it wasn't his right to tell Donghua something that Fengjiu didn't want him to know.

Fengjiu was about to walk to the center of the garden before she paused. She went back to Zheyan as she conjured a brocade box. Zheyan took the box from Fengjiu with a questioning glance. Fengjiu caressed the box one last time before turning around. "Uncle, if ever... if ever he comes looking for me, just give him that box. He will understand." Fengjiu walked away with heavy steps. In truth, she had carved half her heart out and placed it on the object inside the box. She knew it was selfish, but she wanted Donghua to miss her. At least if he did, he could feel her heart when she was gone.

Fengjiu gave her family a bright smile as she stood in the middle of her garden awaiting her heavenly trial. The skies started getting darker as a storm brewed. Rain started falling softly at first, but then it got heavier. The Bai family watched their Little Jiu standing amidst the rain. Bai Qian buried her head on Yehua's chest, unable to take Fengjiu's bright smile. Why is Fengjiu so unlucky? Why did this have to happen to her?

Fengjiu watched the rain fall as she waited for the lightning bolts to hit her. She suddenly remembered her time in the mortal realm with Donghua when she protected him from an arrow. It was also raining then, and he had treated her so carefully. Fengjiu closed her eyes remembering how Donghua had loved her in the mortal realm. Sadly, he had said the truth back then.

The love that started in the mortal realm must end in the mortal realm.

Fengjiu felt warm tears soak her cheeks amidst the cold rain. She smiled once more and looked up at the sky. She was ready.

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