Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Wedding Ceremony

Warning: Mature Content

Fengjiu woke up one night to Donghua's shaking. His brows were furrowed in pain as he heaved heavy breaths. She immediately touched his forehead checking for a fever, but there was none. "Donghua?" She called as she wiped the sweat on his forehead. His trembling wouldn't stop so she sat up and got ready to call Zheyan when she froze at Donghua's heartbroken sob.

"Jiu'er... Don't go. Come back! Jiu'er, please don't leave me!" He cried as he held onto her hand. Fengjiu realized he was having a nightmare and felt her heart ache. She lied back down beside him and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. She caressed his back as she comforted, "Donghua... Don't be scared. I'm right here. I won't leave you. I'll never leave you." Donghua's trembling subsided slowly as she coaxed him with a soft voice.

Donghua's eyes snapped open. When he saw Fengjiu looking at him with a worried expression, he sighed in relief. Jiu'er is here. She's safe. He pulled her closer as he buried his head to her neck inhaling her scent. Fengjiu could still feel his fear so she just embraced him back and waited for him to calm down.

Donghua and Fengjiu were back in Taichen Palace. They were supposed to go straight home to the Holy Blue Sea after the banquet in Qingqiu, but Ah Li had begged Fengjiu to come and visit him in the Heavens. Fengjiu couldn't say no to her pitiful cousin so she agreed. Donghua brought her to the heavens and they ended up staying in Taichen Palace for a few days.

When Fengjiu felt him calm down, she pulled back to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Donghua, I'm here. Don't be afraid." Donghua closed his eyes before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I love you Jiu'er." Fengjiu smiled at his confession and caressed his cheek. "I love you too." She kept caressing his cheek softly to comfort him. She couldn't imagine what Donghua went through those 3,000 years. She doesn't think she can bear it either if something happened to him. She pressed a kiss to his heart and closed her eyes, hugging him tightly.

The room was silent. Donghua and Fengjiu made a beautiful scene as they hugged each other to sleep.

Later on, when Fengjiu stopped moving, Donghua opened his eyes to stare at her sleeping face. He whispered to her in soft voice, "Jiu'er I'll love you forever. Thank you for loving me."

Fengjiu wasn't actually sleeping so she heard every word he said. Her lips quirked up into a sweet smile as she opened her eyes to look at Donghua. His arms froze when he saw she was awake. Fengjiu giggled and whispered back, "I'll love you forever too! Thank you for loving me Donghua!" Although he was shocked, Donghua smiled helplessly and pressed a kiss to her hair.

Fengjiu nestled to Donghua's arms contentedly until she found a comfortable position and fell asleep.


Colorful fireworks lit up the sky as the crowd excitedly chattered to each other. Bai Zhi stood up and declared in a loud voice, "The auspicious hour has arrived!" The crowd knelt in reverence as the former Heavenly Emperor walked through the center of the path leading to a grand pavilion. Outside the gates, A wedding palanquin was parked. As soon as Donghua reached the center of the pavilllion, the bridal procession made its way to him.

Bai Yi and the rest of Fengjiu's uncles each carried a pole of her sedan. It wasn't normal for Kings to carry a bridal sedan, but these men were not just Kings, they were also Fengjiu's family. Donghua was smiling so wide that he even looked a bit scary to the crowd. In all his years of living, no one has seen Donghua Dijun smile, unless it's mocking or sarcastic. But today, he was smiling because he is very happy.

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