Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Demon Sword and Puppies

Fengjiu quietly ate her sweet and sour fish as she peeked up at Donghua. He had just finished cooking when he took them to sit in front of the koi pond. The maids were in attendance on the sides. At first, it made Fengjiu uncomfortable that there were always people waiting on her or following her around, but she got used to it because Donghua refused for her to be alone in case anything happened. She knew that Donghua was overprotective because of what happened to her more than 5,000 years ago, so she always gave in when he took measures to ensure her safety. Although, they're quite extreme at times.

Fengjiu was about to raise her chopsticks to her mouth when she realized that Donghua wasn't eating and was pensively staring at the koi pond. She knew that she made a big mistake by saying she didn't like him. She was regretful enough to turn her intestines green as she vowed to never act willful again. In the middle of her depression, Donghua's large hand grabbed her little one and entwined their fingers together.

Fengjiu felt even worse now that Donghua was being so nice. She put her food down and scooted closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Donghua... I was wrong. I love you... You know that don't you?" She murmured softly as she leaned her head on his shoulder. Donghua's lips curled up to a smile as he wrapped an arm around Fengjiu. He brushed away the stray hairs on her face and gave her a sweet kiss. "I know. I forgive you. I love you too."

Fengjiu hugged him tighter and nuzzled her head on his shoulder. Donghua let her lean on him as they both quietly enjoyed each other's company. After leaning on his shoulder, Fengjiu became sleepy. Since her pregnancy, she was easily tired. Soon enough, Fengjiu fell asleep.

"Bring Jiu'er's cloak," Donghua ordered quietly. The maids handed him Fengjiu's cloak before he wrapped it around her and pulled her to his lap so she can lay in his arms. Fengjiu spent a few hours sleeping in Donghua's lap before he carried her back to their rooms. He laid beside her as he pulled her into his arms. He stared at his wife's sleeping face before letting out a soft laugh. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and closed his eyes to sleep.


Fengjiu was waiting in the receiving hall anxiously. Donghua had gone out to talk to the Demon Clan about their rebellions, when one of the demons tried to kill him. She got word that he was hurt and was on his way back to Taichen Palace. The maids watched their nervous mistress a little helpless. Their mistress got news that their master was hurt during the peace talks, but according to Zhong Lin, it was just a few scratches because Dijun had let the Demon do it on purpose. Master has always been known for being overprotective, it was their first time to see their mistress being overprotective as well.

Fengjiu bounced her foot nervously but quickly stood up when she saw Donghua enter the room in black robes. She immediately ran over to him and held his arm as she surveyed him from head to toe. She was about to speak when her fox senses caught the most miniscule scent of blood. She sniffed a little and pinpointed it to his arm. Before Donghua could react, she was already rolling up the loose sleeves of his robes revealing his inner sleeve dyed in crimson. Fengjiu sucked in a cold breath as she carefully attempted to roll up his inner sleeves, but Donghua was already avoiding her fingers, "Jiu'er, I'm fine it's just a shallow wound." Damn it, I hid it so well. How did she find it?

"Don't move!" Fengjiu warned as she slowly rolled up his sleeve. Donghua froze and tried to stop her again. "It's just minor. You don't need to worry. I-"

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