Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Her Fated Calamity

Si Ming was not entirely wrong. Fengjiu was injured and Zheyan did treat her immediately. He just didn't know the whole story. If there was anything the fox clan of Qingqiu was good at, it was being loyal. None of the foxes disobeyed the gag order of Bai Yi Dijun. If anyone asked about the events regarding the tiger spirit no matter who, they must all repeat the same story.

Queen Fengjiu had come to the rescue of the citizens and sealed the tiger spirit with her blood causing her to sustain some injuries which were promptly treated by High Deity Zheyan. It was almost the truth. But nobody except Fengjiu's family knew just how serious her injuries really were. When Si Ming arrived and asked for details on the whole affair, he receives the same words Bai Yi Dijun had told the foxes. As a result, Donghua Dijun had no idea just how injured his little fox really is.

"It's been a week, why hasn't she woken up yet?" Bai Qian questioned Zheyan as soon as she arrived in Fengjiu's fox den. Fengjiu was lying down on her bed, her skin pale and cold. Bai Qian thought she looked awfully dea- no. She looked extremely weak.

Bai Qian refused to believe that her little niece who was always radiant and beautiful would leave just like this. She knew that her niece has not been the same happy little princess since parting with Donghua Dijun but what can she do? Foxes loved with all their heart and they can only love one person in their life. She wished that Fengjiu's feelings for Dijun was simply a crush but it was obviously not the case. As Bai Qian thought about Fengjiu's complicated love life, Fengjiu's eyes slowly opened shocking Zheyan.

"Fengjiu! You're awake! How do you feel?" Zheyan asked frantically while checking her pulse. Bai Qian immediately made her way to Fengjiu to see her looking confused. "Gugu? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be preparing for your wedding with-" Bai Qian cut Fengjiu off by wrapping her arms around her tightly.

"Feng'er you scared me... Never go to fight by yourself! Always bring reinforcements- you could have called me you know?" Bai Qian lectured as she pulled back to examine her niece. Fengjiu smiled slightly and held Bai Qian's hand.

"Gugu it was an emergency. I was afraid someone would get hurt. If I am unable to protect my subjects, what kind of queen would I be?" Bai Qian sighed at Fengjiu's words as it finally sunk in to her that her little spoiled niece was now a queen. "You're doing a great job." Hearing her aunt's praise put Fengjiu in a good mood until she looked at Zheyan who was taking her pulse with a serious expression.

"High Deity Zheyan... I'm not dying am I?" Fengjiu joked as she looked at Zheyan's pale complexion. "Call everyone here," Zheyan murmured as he released Fengjiu's wrist. Bai Qian looked at Zheyan doubtfully before getting up to call her siblings and parents. Fengjiu and High Deity Zheyan were left alone in the room. Fengjiu looked at his trembling hand and realized she must be more injured than she thought. "Is... something wrong with me?" Fengjiu asked slowly.

High Deity Zheyan's face fell at her words. "It can't be... I might just be mistaken," He murmured to himself and took her pulse again. When he got the same results, his hand started shaking. Fengjiu found his attitude very unusual. Is she that sick? Before she could ask, Bai Qian entered the room with Bai Zhen, her parents, and grandparents.

High Deity Zheyan let go of Fengjiu's hands and tried to stop the shaking of his own hands. Bai Zhi saw Zheyan's shaking hands and immediately looked at Fengjiu. "What's wrong?" Bai Yi asked. High Deity Zheyan didn't know how to break the news but he took deep breaths for what he was about to say.

"Her Highness Fengjiu.... Is about to meet her fated calamity."

As expected, shouts of shock, outrage, and many other painful emotions filled the room. Bai Qian was stunned silly as she looked at her niece. Fated Calamity? Our Little Jiu? Their family can't handle losing Little Jiu. They can't lose her. She looked to her second brother and second sister-in-law next to see their faces pale with a horrified look on their face. Their entire family has always doted on Little Jiu, losing her would be like losing a part of themselves. She was so young. Bai Qian didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean High Deity Zheyan? Fengjiu is barely 35,000 years old! How can she meet her fated calamity at an age like this? Do you even know what you're talking about?!" Bai Yi was furious but he was also scared that what Zheyan had just said was true.

High Deity Zheyan was at loss. He never expected this kind of diagnosis when he first took her pulse. He expected that she would only need to recover in the mortal realm for a few decades and improve her cultivation, but he never expected her cultivation to be completely done. Once her heavenly trial came, she wouldn't have any cultivation to take the lightning bolts. Since no one could help her, she would meet her fated calamity and turn into.... dust.

"Her cultivation is gone!" High Deity Zheyan explained. "When her heavenly trial-" He was cut off by Fengjiu herself. "High Deity Zheyan... Are you telling me I have until my heavenly trial?" Fengjiu asked calmly. Everyone shut up at the sound of her voice.

"Yes," High Deity Zheyan reluctantly answered. Her family was in shock. How could this be? Their Little Jiu... was going to turn into dust? They couldn't accept it. Nobody knew what would happen after a fairy like them met their fated calamity. All those that have met their fated calamity have never come back. Compared to her panicking family members, Fengjiu felt very calm. She didn't exactly know why she wasn't scared of turning to dust.


When her family finally calmed down and left her alone in her room to think, she suddenly thought of Donghua Dijun. What would he think if he knew that she was going to face her fated calamity soon? She didn't know exactly how he felt about her, but she knew that he would feel sad if he found out.

Her short life was ending soon. What was the point of staying away from him when it obviously made her unhappy? She also had to think about her family, Qingqiu, and Dijun's feelings. She knew her family would support her in whatever she wanted to do in the last moments of her life. She knew Qingqiu would be safe with her parents and Gugu.

She wanted to pursue Donghua Dijun one last time before she perishes from this world. Maybe Dijun would allow her to hang around him until her heavenly trial? She would try her best to pursue her dream before she was gone for good. She silently resolved to spend the last of her days with the person she loved the most. She didn't care what fate had to say anymore.

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