Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Happy Day

The next day, Fengjiu woke up feeling like everything was a dream. After chasing Dijun for thousands of years, she felt like she got everything she wanted so easily. She watched Donghua's sleeping face while playing with his hair. She was deciding whether she should wake him up or get up herself. In the end, she decided to get up herself.

The moment Fengjiu pulled Donghua's arm away from her waist, Donghua woke up and pulled her back to bed. Embracing her until her head was resting on his chest, he blinked at her sleepily. Fengjiu felt her heart melt at the sight of such a sleepy Donghua. She was still staring at him when he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Why are you awake so early?"

She blushed and whispered, "According to Qingqiu's traditions, we should get up early on the day after our consummation to eat purple yam cakes." Donghua's eyes were still closed but his lips tugged up to a smile at her words. "Let's make it later, sleep with me a little more."

Donghua pulled Fengjiu deeper into his embrace as he entwined one of his hands with hers. Fengjiu peeked up at his smiling face and happily went back to sleep in his arms.


That day went by slowly, Fengjiu felt like it was the happiest day of her life (besides their wedding night). She woke up in Donghua's arms and cooked purple yam cakes in kitchen with Donghua sitting by her side reading one of his sutras. Fengjiu blushed as she ate her purple yam cake while Donghua looked at her with an amused gaze.

Fengjiu barely left Donghua's arms that day, and when she did, it wouldn't take long for Donghua to move and draw her back into his arms. She sat on his lap while she flew a kite, with Donghua's arms around her waist. She taught him how to cook sweet and sour fish as she sat beside him leaning her head on his shoulder. He held her in his arms as they rode a boat to see the landscapes in the Holy Blue Sea that she hadn't seen yet. Fengjiu felt that Donghua was being extra sweet to her that day and she felt her heartbeat speed up at the thought.

Fengjiu was currently soaking in the hot springs behind their villa. Thinking about the entire day with Donghua made her feel fully satisfied. She leaned against the edge of the spring and closed her eyes. The images of their wedding night suddenly rose to her mind. She couldn't help but smile brightly and giggle at herself.

Suddenly, there was a splash as a figure appeared from the water. Fengjiu wasn't afraid and kept her eyes closed as she continued leaning on the edge. The figure was obviously Donghua, he would never let anyone else see her soaking here naked. His excellent chest was covered in water droplets giving him a very sexy aura.

He made his way to Fengjiu and pulled her into his arms. He pressed a kiss to her neck and questioned, "What are you giggling about?"

Fengjiu's eyes were still closed but she peeked up at him and stayed silent with a smile plastered on her lips. Because she refused to answer, he held her waist tighter.

"Donghua that hurts!" Fengjiu complained. He had taken her many times that day. She hadn't recovered yet. He immediately loosened his hold on her and brought her closer to him, gently. "It still hurts?" He asked anxiously as he caressed her waist to comfort her. Instead of comforting her, Fengjiu only felt her body... grow warm.

"Jiu'er answer me. Does it still hurt? Should we call a doctor?" Donghua was very worried.

Fengjiu blushed before quickly shaking her head. "No, I'm fine. It stopped hurting already."

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