Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Lady Fate

A lady in light blue robes sat on a rocking chair as she waited for the Fox Queen to wake up. She was humming softly as she embroidered a red Yueling flower beside the white moon. The red thread seemed vibrant as it glowed. There was a soft movement from the bed in front of her. She smiled knowingly. "Awake?"

Fengjiu opened her eyes to see a ceiling that was not familiar. She was confused. Did she dream about everything? Was she dead? She raised her hands in front of her and wiggled her fingers. Am I dreaming? Was everything just a dream? Her head was starting to ache as she kept thinking. She turned her head to the direction of the unfamiliar voice.

A lady was sitting on the rocking chair, embroidering something. Her eyes were drawn to the glowing red thread. It was so pretty. She came back to her senses when the lady cleared her throat and stood up. Fengjiu furrowed her brows in confusion. Who is she? She didn't voice the question out loud but stayed calm and asked instead, "Where am I?"

The lady smiled as she walked to Fengjiu. "Where do you think you are?" Fengjiu just looked at her and thought about it. "Am I dead? Is this the underworld for deities?" The lady laughed at her words before sitting on the stool beside the bed and pouring a cup of tea. Oddly enough, Fengjjiu didn't feel any danger from the lady in front of her. She took the teacup the lady was offering and slowly drank it.

"Do you know who I am?" the lady asked as she sipped her tea. Fengjiu shook her head as she placed her finished tea down. The lady refilled her cup before gesturing her to drink some more. Fengjiu obeyed and drank some more tea. "I am Lady Nuwa."

Fengjiu's teacup fell on the ground with a clatter, breaking into many pieces. Lady Nuwa didn't fuss and conjured another one. Fengjiu stared at the lady in disbelief. "Lady Nuwa? You're fate? The mother goddess?"

Lady Nuwa calmly offered the new teacup to Fengjiu but she refused. All traces of comfort on her face was gone replaced by hostility. Fengjiu stared at Lady Nuwa- Fate's infuriating face, refusing to take the teacup. "Was it fun? Was playing with our fate fun? How can you sit there calmly knowing you took someone's chance at love?" Fengjiu's words were sharp but Lady Nuwa's calm expression didn't change.

"Donghua decided to remove his name from the rock, I already told him it came with a price."

Fengjiu felt like her head was going to explode because of her anger. "He needed to remove it because of chaos in the first place! I know he was arrogant for thinking love wasn't much, but he's united all the realms and brought peace! Isn't that enough for him to get a chance to live happily? How can you be so heartless to let him live in loneliness for so long?! Don't you know? He's so lonely! He doesn't show anyone, but I know he is!" Fengjiu cried as she felt her heart ache as she thought of Donghua.

Lady Nuwa's hand paused before she put down her teacup on the table. "Tell me, if I rewrite his name on the stone with someone else, would you allow it?"

"If it means he won't be lonely for the rest of his life! If it means he will be happy! I don't care!" Fengjiu said without hesitation as she felt tears stain her face. She didn't like thinking of Donghua with other girls, but if it meant he would be happy, then she'd allow it.

Lady Nuwa looks a bit surprised with her words. She sighed before waving her hand, causing the teacups to disappear. "Queen of Qingqiu, it seems you really love Donghua Dijun?" Fengjiu furiously wiped at her tears. "What's it to you? No matter how much I love him, it won't matter! Because he has no fate in love! I know he erased his name from the rock himself, but couldn't you have been nicer? Don't you know? Donghua deserves so much love! You're supposed to know that! You're fate, aren't you?!" Fengjiu said huffily.

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