Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Angry but Gentle

Note: I know that Mo Yuan took the bolts for Bai Qian's heavenly trial, but in this fanfiction, it is not possible for anyone to help a deity ascend to High God by taking the bolts for them~

Fengjiu laid on her bed pale, and unconscious. Donghua stared at her with knitted brows. He hated it when Fengjiu was hurt. He was angry with himself for not going back to Qingqiu with her. He could have just postponed his lecture in the Heavens and kept her by his side while she was entertaining guests, then maybe she wouldn't have been so seriously hurt. He had tried channeling some of his cultivation into her body, but her spirit did not heal. Donghua knew she must be so exhausted for her spirit to reject his cultivation like that. He never imagined that the reason his cultivation wasn't working was because Fengjiu had caused irreparable damage to her spirit by using her blood to seal the evil tiger spirit.

Zheyan took Fengjiu's pulse although he already knew what was wrong. Her pulse was that of a person with a severely damaged spirit, but Zheyan knew that wasn't true. He had cast a spell on her pulse to make it seem that way. Anyone who took her pulse would have the same verdict, severely injured spirit. Even Donghua thought so. While it is true that Fengjiu's spirit was severely injured, it can't be healed like Donghua thought. If her spirit was injured during a fight or because of a spell, then channeling cultivation would have worked, but Fengjiu injured her spirit by using her blood. The blood of a red nine-tailed fox.

Red nine-tailed foxes were the stuff of legends. Nobody remembers when the last red nine-tailed fox was born, but Fengjiu was the first after many years. Many admired her beautiful red fur but what really made them different was not their color, but their power. A red nine-tailed fox's blood can cleanse any evil spirit it encounters, but Fengjiu was a bit reckless. She forgot that a red nine-tailed fox's cleansing blood can only be used at will if the deity had already ascended to High Goddess.

She was indeed a queen, risking her life to protect her people. Using her blood before then was akin to committing suicide. Her cultivation won't be able to recover thus she won't be able to survive her Heavenly Trial. The trial to ascend to High Deity was cruel. You had to take three lightning bolts while others were prohibited to help. Without cultivation, Fengjiu won't be able to survive the three lightning bolts. Both her body and soul will turn to ashes, bringing her fated calamity.

No one exactly knew what happened after a fated calamity, but there was no deity that ever returned after experiencing it.

Zheyan softly released Fengjiu's wrist before turning to look at Donghua. He had promised her... Donghua looked at him without even hiding the worry in his eyes. Zheyan inhaled before nodding at Donghua. "Xiao Jiu has been too exhausted. Her spirit won't accept any cultivation right now. We just need to make sure she's well rested and well-fed," He said reiterating his words from the night Fengjiu had a nightmare in Taichen Palace. Donghua scrunched his brows in worry, although he already knew, he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. But he couldn't find anything wrong with Zheyan's words because he himself had taken Fengjiu's pulse.

Bai Qian looked at Donghua weirdly before turning to her brother. "Second Brother, I don't understand why Donghua is here in Fengjiu's bedroom. Isn't it inappropriate for an unmarried woman to have a man that is not family in her room?" Bai Qian didn't care a whit about what was appropriate, but she just couldn't stand seeing Donghua hurting her beloved niece again.

Donghua turned to her with an icy stare. Bai Qian was always brave, but seeing his dark look made her unconsciously take a step back. Bai Zhi cleared his throat when Donghua started glaring at Bai Qian. She started getting uncomfortable underneath his stare, so she was about to say something when Zheyan exclaimed, "Xiao Jiu! You're awake!"

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