Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I like you

"Gungun we will be back in two weeks. Be good, alright? Listen to your Great Aunt." Fengjiu said as she gave Gungun a kiss on his forehead. "Be good," Donghua repeated before giving him a pat on the head. "Mother, Father, I will miss you. Have fun on your vacation." Gungun said sincerely as he gave each of his parents a hug. After a few more hugs and kisses, his parents finally left.

Gungun turned around and ran to his Great Aunt's Palace to go find his Uncle Ah Li. He stopped on the way when he saw his Great Auntie Bai Qian sitting with his Great Uncle Yehua. Gungun was reluctant but he still went to them because of a question he couldn't get out of his head. He was a bit scared to ask his father and mother, not because he was afraid of them, but because he was afraid it would make them sad. His best choice was his Great Aunt.

"Gungun greets Great Uncle and Great Aunt." Bai Qian smiled at him motioning for him to rise. "What brings you here Gungun? Are you looking for Ah Li?" Gungun shook his head. "Great Aunt, I have something I'm curious about." Bai Qian suddenly looked at Gungun with interest. "What is it? You Great Aunt will tell you anything you want to know!"

"I'll leave you two to talk," Yehua said as he rose up to give Bai Qian a quick kiss before leaving. "What is it?" Bai Qian asked as she let Gungun sit beside her. Gungun was mischievous like his mother, but he was also a lot like his father with his silver hair and expressions.

Gungun hesitated before asking, "Great Auntie, why is father... so overprotective of mother?" Bai Qian was surprised by his question. Of all questions, she never expected that. "Every time mother is hurt or sick, he always looks frightened and calls for Great Uncle Zheyan even though it's a small wound or a minor sickness."

Bai Qian sighed before patting Gungun on the head. "You're quite observant..." Gungun shook his head. "It happens all the time, and it happened again last night. I am just worried..." Bai Qian only felt proud of Gungun's observant nature.

"Alright, I will tell you why your father is like that." Gungun looked at her eagerly as he clasped his tiny hands together. Bai Qian looked at Fengjiu's twinkling star in the sky, "Gungun have you read about the Stone of Three Lives?"

Gungun nodded, "It's where fated people's names are written, isn't it? Bai Qian laughed, "You're right!" Bai Qian looked at Gungun. "Tell me, who do you think your father's name is linked to?" Gungun didn't even hesitate, "My mother's!" He knew that his parents loved each other very much. Isn't that why they had him? Bai Qian smiled sadly, "You're right. But it wasn't always that way." Gungun was shocked. How could that be?

Bai Qian laughed at Gungun's astonished face. "Haven't you read your history books? I'm pretty sure your parents' love story is written there." Gungun shook his head. "Your father used to be the Heavenly Emperor. It was his responsibility to protect all of the realms." Gungun nodded, this was something he already knew.

"Before your father became the Heavenly Emperor, there was lots of chaos and war. He always had to fight in war, and he had many enemies, so he didn't want a weakness." Bai Qian paused letting Gungun absorb it all. Gungun was a smart boy, so he realized where his great aunt was going with the story. "Did he... Did father do something to the rock?"

Bai Qian was delighted with Gungun's intelligence. "Yes, your father did something to the rock." Gungun looked at Bai Qian doubtfully, "What did he do?" Bai Qian caressed Gungun's hair to comfort him. "This was a long time ago. Your father didn't know what love was or think it was important, so he removed his name from the rock." Gungun stared at Bai Qian shocked. "My father did that?!"

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