Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The Holy Blue Sea

Fengjiu felt something caressing her cheek. She furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to understand what was going on. She opened her eyes slowly to see Donghua's handsome face looking down at her. He was caressing her cheek softly as he looked at her.

"Awake?" Fengjiu blushed before nodding and burying her head to his chest. She felt him chuckle as he embraced her. Fengjiu peeked at his smiling face before leaning her head on his chest again. Donghua is so handsome when he smiles, I wish he did it more often.

Donghua stared at the blushing woman before him and wanted to laugh. Jiu'er, you had the guts to ask me to marry you but not lie beside me in bed? Fengjiu suddenly felt like she was a coward. Donghua had agreed to marry her! Doesn't this mean she could be as bold as she liked?

Fengjiu stared up at him and held his face with her hands before smiling brightly at him. Donghua was about to ask her what she was doing but felt her lips press to his own instead. She didn't do more than press her lips to his, but Donghua felt his body grow hot. Ah Jiu'er, you're so bold. Fengjiu finally pulled away breathing heavily just when she was about to lose oxygen. I can kiss Donghua whenever I want! Am I dreaming? Fengjiu was about to say something, but Donghua pinned her beneath him and lowered his head. His hand was pinning hers to the bed while his other hand was wrapped around her waist.

His breaths were hot and heavy as they brushed past her ear. "Jiu'er, who taught you to kiss a man like that?" Fengjiu's body grew stiff when she realized she had woken a wolf, but she couldn't extricate herself from his restless hands.

"Who?" Donghua was very serious. He wanted to know just who she had kissed before to be bold enough to kiss him like that.

"No... No one," Fengjiu replied as her body began to tremble. Donghua stopped asking questions, but he continued gently stroking her waist. The hand that was holding her down gently caressed her cheek, his restless hands adoring, and punishing her at the same time. Slowly, Fengjiu felt her body turn numb as Donghua continued his gentle touches.

"Jiu'er..." Donghua whispered softly as he touched her gently. Fengjiu realized this was the very first time she had been so close to Donghua. His hazy voice made her lose all reason as she allowed him to play with her body as he wished.

Donghua, are we consummating our marriage right now?

Donghua wasn't planning on consummating their marriage right now, but his mind and heart were both clouded with a mixture of lust and passion as his powerful self-control seemed to disappear. He threw all his doubts out the window as he lowered his head to press his lips to Fengjiu's.

Someone knocked at the door at that very moment. Donghua and Fengjiu didn't notice, too engrossed with each other. The person knocking started using all his strength, as if he was in panic. The knocking pulled Donghua out of his haze as he pulled his lips away from her, jarring Fengjiu back to her senses as well.

Knock knock knock

The two figures looked at each other in surprise as the knocking didn't stop. Donghua was angry at himself, he almost ruined it all. Fengjiu looked at Donghua with wide eyes as she wrapped the blanket around herself and looked at him with wide eyes, blushing. Her tiny face was dusted with pink as she stared up at Donghua in embarrassment. Although he was angry, her expression made Donghua want to laugh. He drew closer to whisper in her ear, "You don't want to stop?"

Fengjiu was very embarrassed that she buried her head in his chest. "Donghua... You're so bad," Her voice carried a trace of embarrassment, disappointment, and coquettishness. Donghua loved the way she looked at that moment, but he still got up to answer the door. As Donghua went out to talk to whoever was knocking, her thoughts led her to laugh at herself.

She didn't know who knocked, but Donghua was outside for a long time. As Fengjiu waited, her hand brushed against the messy sheets. She blushed at the sight. She knew that Donghua didn't love her. She was clear more than anyone on the nature of their relationship.

Donghua was only her husband until her heavenly trial. She liked their relationship now though! She could love him as much as she liked while he took care of her as well. She didn't have to be apprehensive or careful in front of him, she could be herself and he wouldn't judge her as an immature queen.

He could be as bad as she liked! Donghua I love you very very very much! I am very proud to love you. I won't hide or suppress my feelings for you.

Fengjiu had already fixed herself when Donghua came back. "Pack your things, we're going to take a trip somewhere." Fengjiu nodded obediently, her cheeks still pink. She pretended nothing happened just then.

Is she pretending nothing happened? Donghua looked at the blushing Fengjiu with amusement. He decided to leave her to get her things ready but Fengjiu grabbed his hand. "Donghua..."

Donghua couldn't help but smile. "Why don't we eat breakfast before we leave?" Fengjiu asked. Donghua looked at her in surprise before chuckling. "Alright, let's eat before we leave."


When they arrived at Donghua's home, the Holy Blue Sea, Fengjiu held Donghua's arm as she looked at the beautiful landscape. Her eyes were wide with excitement as she pulled Donghua to everything she found interesting. Donghua watched her with satisfaction as he let her drag her around as she liked. "Donghua! It's so beautiful... This place is much more beautiful than Taichen Palace! Why don't you live here instead?"

Donghua pulled her into his arms before she could fall down the lake she was eyeing too intently. "Mm, it's too lonely here." Fengjiu looked at him startled. She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and said brightly, "Let's live here for now then! It won't be lonely if you have me, right?" She pointed to a big stretch of land and tugged on his hand happily, "We can plant as many peach blossoms as we like! Even more than Zheyan's! So that... when I leave, you can watch them for me alright?" Donghua looked down at Fengjiu's happy eyes. He didn't say anything, but he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Jiu'er... I won't let you leave. We will stay together forever, fate be damned.

 We will stay together forever, fate be damned

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