Special # 4

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Special Chapter 4

Happy Together for Eternity

Fengjiu wiped her tears as Donghua and Gungun looked at her helplessly. She just couldn't stop crying! Donghua caressed her hair as he let her cry to his chest. Gungun looked at his father, wondering what to do. Donghua just nodded and pulled back a little to look at Fengjiu.

"Jiu'er, Gungun has to go soon."

Gungun was now 8,000 years old. He was still young, but he has grown a lot since he learned about the love story of his parents. He wanted to be strong and become a good King for Qingqiu. He wanted to let his mother and father rest from their responsibilities. He had told his father that he wanted to go to Kunlun Mountain to train under his Uncle Mo Yuan. What Gungun didn't expect was his father also hesitated in letting him go. He thought his father would jump on this opportunity to be alone with his mother.

As expected, his mother was crying her heart out. It has already been two weeks since she allowed him to go, and now was the day he had to leave. She burst into tears the moment they got out of their home in the Holy Blue Sea.

"Mother don't worry. I will send you letters often and come to visit as much as I can." Gungun comforted as he watched his sobbing mother. Fengjiu shook her head as Donghua gently wiped her tears away. "Gungun, don't worry. I'll be fine. I'm just sad that you're leavi-" Another sob broke out as Fengjiu cried another batch of fresh tears.

Gungun watch his father wipe his mother's tears helplessly and comfort her. Whenever Gungun watched his parents, he hoped that one day, he'd find a love as amazing as theirs.

Donghua brushed Fengjiu's stray hairs away from her face as he looked at her big, swollen eyes. They were very red, filled with tears. He hated it when she cried. He hated it almost as much as seeing her in pain. This was why he was reluctant to let Gungun leave. He knew that she would cry up a storm the moment she heard about Gungun wanting to leave. She would never stop him either, because she wants him to pave his own path in life, so all she could do was cry.

Fengjiu's cries started getting softer as Donghua gently coaxed her and whispered comforting words. Gungun looked at his mother and felt his heart ache. He didn't want to leave his parents either, but he truly wished to be strong. He could train with his father, but it yielded unexpected results. He thought his father would be very hard on him, unrelenting. But to his surprise, his father was very reluctant to see him fall on the ground, or even get hit.

Gungun knew he would not be able to improve if he kept getting pampered by his parents, so his next best choice was Uncle Mo Yuan. He also wanted to give them time together. They've taken care of him for long enough. He already knew that his parents would be visiting him often.

Fengjiu finally calmed down a little as she looked at Gungun. Her son was starting to look more like Donghua day by day. The little boy that barely reached her knees was now almost taller than her. She held in her tears as she hugged Gungun tightly.

"Take care my dear. Work hard, and don't slack off. Your Uncle will send us updates on how you're doing. We're going to visit you often too. Don't forget to write letters and visit home, alright?" Gungun listened to his mother rant on about things he needed to remember. He hugged his mother tightly and basked in the warmth of her embrace. His mother's hugs always comforted him, no matter what happened.

When Fengjiu pulled back, Donghua stepped forward and rested a hand on Gungun's shoulder. "Just because I'm soft on you doesn't mean your Uncle will go easy on you. Understand?"

Gungun nodded at his father's word. "Work hard." Donghua murmured before hugging Gungugn as well. "Your mother and I will be home waiting for you."

His words made Gungun's heart feel warm. Gungun nodded as listened to his father list the things he needed to remember. When it was time to go, Fengjiu held Gungun's hand while Donghua held her waist. He transported them to Kunlun Mountain where Mo Yuan was waiting in the entrance.

"Donghua. Fengjiu. Gungun. It's good to see you." Mo Yuan greeted as he walked to the family of three. Knowing that they really had to part here, Fengjiu held back her tears and gave Gungun a hug. Gungun went to his father next for a hug.

Mo Yuan never thought he would see Donghua have a wife, or hug his own kid, but both were playing out right in front of his eyes. Fengjiu watched Gungun approach Mo Yuan and follow him into the cave. "Mo Yuan, please take care of him..." Fengjiu murmured. Mo Yuan's lips curled up to a smile as he looked at Donghua next. He could see the unspoken command in his eyes.

Take good care of my son.

When Mo Yuan and Gungun finally started leaving, Fengjiu panicked and called out. "Gungun, I love you!" Gungun paused at his mother's words and turned around to see tears fill her eyes once again. He felt helpless and looked at his father for help, only to give himself a shock.

Donghua wasn't crying, but Gungun could see the thin sheen of moisture in his eyes. His father held his mother in his arms, "Gungun, your mother and I will wait for you at home. We love you."

A radiant smile made its way to Gungun's face. "Mother, Father, I love you! I will be home soon."

Gungun turned to follow his Uncle Mo Yuan, as Fengjiu and Donghua watched his retreating form. Fengjiu buried her head on Donghua's chest when Gungun was gone. "I'll miss him..." Donghua nodded, "I'll miss that little brat too." He looked down at his sad wife and smiled helplessly.

"Let's go home." Fengjiu nodded as they turned to leave.

Many years later, Gungun would come home stronger and wiser. He would be crowned the King of Qingqiu as his mother retired from her responsibilities. His mother and father ended up travelling aimlessly around the realms after Fengjiu gave up her crown.

Donghua and Fengjiu travelled wherever their whims took them. It didn't matter where they went, as long as they were together. The visited Gungun in Qingqiu once a month and spent some time in their home.

They lived idle lives that seemed boring to others, but to Donghua and Fengjiu, it was all they ever wished for.

To live happy together for eternity. 

Author's Note: Aaaaaaaaand they lived happily ever after! Thank you so so so so so much everyone! I wouldn't have been able to finish this book wihtout all your encouraging comments. 


I will be posting a thank you letter and.... A SURPRISE! At 1PM (GMT +8 Philippine Time), I will be releasing a thank you letter and a special announcement. Please please please go and read it when I release it in a few hours. I won't make this too long, I'll write everything in my thank you letter. 

Thank you everyone for your support! I love you all~ Stay safe and healthy <3

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Thank you everyone for your support! I love you all~ Stay safe and healthy <3


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