Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


Warning: Mature Content

There were still many things Fengjiu had to tell Donghua, but he seemed to be avoiding the topic of 'talking' because he thinks she will worry about their fate together. Fengjiu was lounging by the edge of their hot spring as she waited for Donghua to come back. He left to send a message to her family about her return. He didn't want to let go of her, but he really needed to inform her family.

Fengjiu sat on the edge of the spring, submerging her legs in the warm water. She was humming happily as she looked at the ring Donghua gave her as she remembered Lady Nuwa's words.

Donghua had carved half of his heart to place onto that ring on your finger.

Her lips quirked up to a sweet smile as she held the bell charm in her other hand. Donghua still had no idea of everything that happened to her. He also had no idea that she had also carved half of her heart to place it on the bell charm. Slowly, she conjured a purple jade ring similar to the one she was wearing. She transferred her essence from the bells to the ring, before tying the bells back on her ankle. While she was tying the string, the ring she just made fell into the spring.

Fengjiu quickly jumped into the spring before going underwater to look for the ring. Donghua came back at this moment. When he saw that Fengjiu was not there, his heart seized in panic. "Jiu'er?" He called out but got no response.

"Jiu'er?" There was still no response.

Donghua was about to lose his mind when a figure in a thin red robe emerged from the water. "Ha! I found it!" Fengjiu cheered as she held the ring in her hand. Donghua felt his heart calm down at the sight of her. He quickly made his way to her in the water and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I was calling you and you didn't answer." He murmured by her ear. Fengjiu gave a start when she realized that she didn't hear him while she was underwater. She could feel his hands trembling. She frightened him again.

"Donghua, I scared you again..." Fengjiu sighed helplessly as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

Donghua pulled back to look at her. He wanted to say many things but ended up embracing her tighter as he sighed. "Jiu'er you scared me again... What do I do?"

Fengjiu felt her heart clench at his soft voice. "It's okay Donghua... It's okay. I'm right here." She repeated as she held him tightly. Both of them didn't let go for a long time.

"Donghua I have something to tell you..." Donghua looked at Fengjiu before carrying her to the edge of the spring. He sat on a stone step keeping his body on the water while he made Fengjiu sit on his lap. Fengjiu let go of his neck with one of her hands and showed him the ring she made.

"This is for you..." Fengjiu murmured. Donghua looked at the ring and wore it right away. Fengjiu caressed his hand as she admitted, "Donghua... I... I carved out half of my heart and placed it on the bell charm." Donghua froze as he looked at her. Was that why he felt comfort whenever he held it?

Fengjiu raised her leg above the water so he could see it on her ankle. "I wanted you to have it in case you missed me a little... I didn't expect you'd miss me a lot..." She said softly. Donghua closed his eyes and pressed a kiss to her cheek, "It's my fault Jiu'er. I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I feel. I'm sorry I pushed you away all those years." Fengjiu only smiled softly and entwined their hands. "It's now in the ring you're wearing so you know that you have my heart wherever you go."

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