Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I don't like you

Donghua woke up to Fengjiu hurriedly taking his arm away from her waist. Before he could ask what was wrong, she ran outside their room. His heart raced in panic as he got up to follow her. He saw her enter the bathroom before he heard sounds of throwing up. He felt fear wash through his body as he quickly went in and saw Fengjiu breathing heavily before throwing up again. "Jiu'er!" He called in alarm as he quickly ran to her an pulled her to his arms. He brushed her hair from her face as she leaned on his chest breathing heavily.

Before he could ask what was wrong, Fengjiu was vomiting once again. He quickly held her hair away from her face before gently patting her back. When Fengjiu finally looked like she wasn't going to vomit anymore, she leaned on his body exhausted. Donghua quickly conjured a wet cloth to wipe her pale face. His heart was racing in panic as he took in her weak form.

He kissed her forehead before rubbing her back comfortingly. "Do you want to throw up some more?" He asked softly but Fengjiu just shook her head and leaned on his chest. He quickly took her pulse and confirmed that her body and spirit were fine, making him calm down a bit. He carried her into their bedroom, gently laying her on the bed. He got a cup of water and slowly helped her drink it.

"Are you uncomfortable anywhere? What hurts? Tell me..." He said anxiously as he caressed her face. Fengjiu looked up at his worried eyes and felt bad for letting him worry so much, but a wave of dizziness suddenly hit her making her scrunch her forehead in pain. Donghua panicked as he carried her again, deciding that her condition was bad enough to go to Zheyan.

It was early morning when Zheyan heard someone pounding on his door. He grumpily went to open the door and was shocked to see a worried Donghua carrying an unconscious Fengjiu. He quickly let them in as Donghua gently set Fengjiu down. Zheyan quickly examined her and took her pulse with furrowed eyebrows. His serious expression only made Donghua more anxious. "Zheyan, what's wrong with Jiu'er? Don't you dare lie to me this time."

Zheyan looked at Donghua with a murderous look before it turned to a happy look. Donghua was confused. What did he mean? Was Jiu'er okay? Donghua pressed down his impatience and asked him again, "Is she alright?"

Zheyan snorted before laughing. "Congratulations Donghua Dijun, Xiao Jiu is pregnant!" Donghua's mind went blank before the new sunk in. He looked at Zheyan with a stupefied expression. "Pregnant?" Zheyan nodded and explained to him that her vomiting was morning sickness that pregnant women often got. He quickly told Donghua everything they needed to prepare and everything he needed to watch out for.

Donghua listened attentively, making sure to remember every single word Zheyan was telling him. When Donghua finally confirmed that nothing was wrong with Fengjiu, Zheyan sent him away with nourishing medicines.

Donghua took Fengjiu home and lied down beside her. He looked at her sleeping face with a smile. Pregnant. He was about to be a father. Donghua always thought he'd be a lot of things, but he never expected he would become a husband, and now a father. He stared at Fengjiu before reaching out a hand to caress her stomach. He pressed a kiss to Fengjiu's forehead, before looking at her stomach.

"Father will protect you,"


Fengjiu was currently in kitchen having a stare-off with Donghua. It's only been two months since they found out she was pregnant, and he was being very overprotective. They were currently living in Taichen Palace because they both agreed that they didn't want to bring maids or helpers to their home, but Donghua wanted to make sure that Fengjiu wouldn't do any work while she was pregnant. Qingqiu didn't have the custom of having maids either, so their best choice was Taichen Palace.

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