Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Eating Vinegar and Defying Fate

Bai Qian and Yehua were hiding behind a wall near the lotus pond. Fengjiu and Cang'yi could be seen perfectly from where they were standing. "Qian Qian... Why are we doing this again?" Yehua asked as he watched Bai Qian narrow her eyes at Fengjiu. Bai Qian suddenly glared at him making Yehua shut his mouth.

"I'm trying to match Fengjiu with Cang'yi... He likes her a lot unlike Donghua Dijun," Bai Qian murmured as she waited for Fengjiu to accept Cang'yi's wedding proposal. "How are you sure she will say yes? Doesn't she love Donghua Dijun?" Yehua questioned as he also watched Fengjiu struggle to answer Cang'yi. "I'm not sure she will say yes but I really hope she does. I doubt Donghua Dijun will accept her marriage proposal," Bai Qian admitted as she waited for her niece to say something.

Before Fengjiu could open her mouth to explain to Cang'yi that she already proposed marriage to someone else, a hand pulled her behind a back. Cang'yi gaped at the purple robed deity standing in front of him. Cang'yi knew that Fengjiu was in love with a certain deity he's only read about in history books but refused to give up. He knew that he could make Fengjiu happy. He was pretty sure he could love her enough for them both, so he opened his mouth to tell her this but quickly shut it when the silver-haired deity narrowed his eyes at him.

Donghua was planning to go to the Stone of Three Lives and ask Nuwa once and for all what fate was playing at. He removed his name from the rock but he and Fengjiu still kept getting thrown into each other's path repeatedly. His heart held the wild hope that maybe... just maybe their fate had changed. He didn't want to marry Fengjiu and stay with her only until her Heavenly Trial. He wanted to be with her forever. If he forced his relationship with Fengjiu while they were not fated, he was afraid it would cause an irreplaceable calamity and ruin the peace he has protected for a very long time. He couldn't allow the Four Seas and Eight Far Lands to go into chaos because of his selfishness.

As he left his study, he witnessed Cang'yi talk to Fengjiu. Cang'yi Shenjun? Why does that sound familiar? Suddenly he remembered Si Ming's report from 70 years ago.

"Dijun, Her Highness Fengjiu was tied up by Bai Yi Dijun and was sent to Mount Zhi'yue to get married to Cang'yi Shenjun," Si Ming reported as Donghua's hand holding his teacup stiffened. Si Ming noted this before smiling a little and continuing his report.

"Her Highness Fengjiu destroyed everything in his property and was taken away by High Deity Zheyan," Si Ming finished as he watched Donghua's hand relax. He secretly laughed up his sleeve. Ah Dijun, eating vinegar?

Donghua stopped his journey to listen to their conversation. His expression kept getting darker and darker as he continued listening. He finally had enough when that damned brat actually had the guts to propose to his Jiu'er. He stormed over to Fengjiu without thinking and pulled her behind him. He narrowed his eyes at the brat and watched him tremble a little.

"Dijun?" Fengjiu called as she felt his grip on her hand get tighter. What's wrong with him? Fengjiu was worried so she tugged on his hand but Dijun refused to turn around and face her. She didn't see his gaze at Cang'yi Shenjun.

Donghua took one step closer to Cang'yi making him take one step backward. He suddenly felt helpless. He was afraid his selfishness to keep Fengjiu by his side forever would cause chaos but here he was chasing off one of her suitors.

Donghua you know I'll only love you in this life. I can't bear to marry someone else.

Donghua suddenly realized what fate really was. He doesn't fear much in his life. He will not fear fate and he certainly did not need its charity. He admitted he also couldn't bear to see her marry someone else. He wanted to marry Fengjiu and stay by her side forever. He resolved that even if his choice caused chaos, he would clean it up afterwards. He has always protected all the realms. He wanted to be selfish just this once.

Donghua's thoughts were broken by Fengjiu who peeked at Cang'yi from behind him. His grip on her hand was very tight that she couldn't break free herself. All she could do was try to look at Cang'yi Shenjun from behind him.

"Cang'yi Shenjun I-"

Fengjiu's words were cut off by Donghua who placed her behind him again before holding her other hand as well to keep her from moving.

"Cang'yi Shenjun," Donghua called the brat causing the Cang'yi to look up at him. Donghua was a head taller than Cang'yi which made him seem more intimidating.

"Di- Dijun," Cang'yi stuttered as he tried to hold Donghua's stare.

"I think it's inappropriate for you to propose marriage to my fiancée."

Cang'yi's face lost all its color as he stared at the venerated deity before him. "Fi-fian... fiancée?!" He stuttered again as he tried to be brave.

"Yes. My fiancée. I'll give you three seconds to leave."

Cang'yi was dumbfounded as he stood there frozen. He wanted to duel against Donghua Dijun but the winner was already clear. There was no way his cultivation could compare to Dijun's.

Fengjiu was also very shocked. She stood behind Donghua looking at his back dazedly. Fiancée? Heavens! Did he really say that? Her heart started beating faster as she thought of marrying Donghua. Suddenly, she realized it was very rude of her to not answer Cang'yi Shenjun's proposal. She tugged at Dijun's hands signaling him to let go of her, but he wouldn't budge.

"Dijun.... Please let go of me," Fengjiu murmured so only Donghua could hear. Donghua was very reluctant but he listened to her. Fengjiu was finally able to step beside Donghua and look at Cang'yi Shenjun. Cang'yi's face lit up at the sight of Fengjiu. Donghua narrowed his eyes at the smiling face of the brat but Fengjiu was already standing beside him taking all of Cang'yi's attention.

"Cang'yi Shenjun... I'm very sorry but I can't accept your proposal. I want to thank you for making sure my father didn't punish me for what I did," Fengjiu smiled softly.

"I'm getting married soon... I hope you find someone who will love you as much... as you love them," Fengjiu said feeling a bit depressed. Someone who will love you as much... as you love them. She looked up to the man she loved and wondered if he would ever love her back.

Cang'yi's expression went stiff before he gave her a sad smile. "I understand Xiao-" Donghua narrowed his eyes once again so Cang'yi cleared his throat and corrected himself. "I understand Your Highness. Congratulations on your wedding. I wish you both eternal happiness," He said softly before smiling one last time at Fengjiu and turning back to leave.

Fengjiu felt very depressed at his words. eternal happiness... It seems I won't experience that. She looked up at Donghua to see him already looking down at her. Suddenly, it sunk in.

"Dijun!" She exclaimed with wide eyes. He agreed to marry her!

"Mm," He admitted before taking her hand and leading her to back to his garden.

Fengjiu stopped him before throwing herself at him and wrapping her arms around his waist while giggling. Donghua's lips curled up into a small smile as he let her hug him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. He decided not to go to the Stone of Three Lives.

I'll stay by her side forever.

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