Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Against Fate

Donghua woke up to feeling the space beside him cold. His lips drew up to a mocking smile. It was a dream. I knew it. He raised his arm to cover his eyes as it started to sting. He was wondering why Jiu'er kept trying to keep him in this world when she wasn't here. He desperately wanted to see her, why does she keep stopping him? Donghua was so lost in his grief that he didn't notice the smell of sweet and sour fish cooking from the kitchen.

He wiped his face before instinctively reaching out to the side table for the box that held the bell charm. His eyes snapped open as his hand clutched at air. He quickly sat up and looked at the empty table. His heart raced as he tried to calm the panic rising in his gut. He tried to remember where he put it last. Last night... It was on Jiu'er's- no! The illusion's ankle. Where did it go?

He was about to start searching when he froze at the familiar smell of peach blossoms. Fengjiu entered the room with a sugar fox in her hand. She looked at him surprised, "Donghua! How come you're awake so early?" Donghua stared at her for a second before his gaze went to the bell charm on her ankle. Fengjiu furrowed her eyebrows at his weird actions. "Donghua?" The moment she called his name, he pulled her to his arms embracing her tightly.

Donghua's hands kept moving around her body as if to check if she was real. He pulled back a little to look down at her face with an astonished expression. "It wasn't a dream? You're really back?" His voice was desperate, begging her to tell him he wasn't crazy.

Fengjiu smiled at him softly as she raised a hand to caress his cheek. "You weren't dreaming Donghua... I'm really back."

Donghua's eyes quivered before he pulled her tightly against him as he buried his head on her neck. "I missed you. I missed you so much Jiu'er. I'm sorry for all I've done. I was wrong. I was wrong." His voice was trembling as he held her. Fengjiu felt her heart ache when she felt his body shake. She wrapped her arms around him and gently patted his back. "Donghua, it's alright. I missed you too my love."

Fengjiu felt her neck get soaked in tears. Donghua was crying. She raised her hand to softly brush through his silver hair as she let him cry. Fengjiu pulled back and looked up to his teary face. She giggled lightly before wiping his tears gently. "Donghua... Why do I feel like we've changed places? I'm supposed to be the cry baby!"

Donghua finally laughed, the sound bright and exuberant. "Oh, how I've missed you Jiu'er." He murmured helplessly as he pulled her back into his embrace. Fengjiu let him hold her for a long time. Finally, she looked up at him and raised the sugar fox to his face. "Why are there still a few? I only made 1,000 sugar foxes, it's been 3,000 years..." Donghua smiled at her softly and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Jiu'er, I didn't have much of your things left behind. I didn't want to finish them because it would mean I'd lose another thing you left me."

Fengjiu felt her heart ache once more. Poor Donghua, how have you been living all these years? She pressed a kiss to his heart and embraced him tightly. "Aren't you hungry?" Donghua shook his head. "I don't have an appetite."

Fengjiu looked at him and smiled softly. "Donghua I'm here now. I'm never leaving you again. Won't you eat? I'm worried about you..."

Donghua finally agreed as he allowed Fengjiu to lead him to their dining table. He held her hand the whole time. So, when she got up to go to the kitchen, he pulled her back before she could leave. "Where are you going Jiu'er?" He murmured against her hair. She caressed his cheek softly and made him sit down. "I'm going to the kitchen silly. I made sweet and sour fish for you."

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