Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Peach Blossoms

3,000 years later...

"Donghua! Where are you going? Donghua!" Fengjiu wrapped her arms around him to keep him from leaving. "Donghua! You know you are the only one I love. Please don't be angry!" He could hear tears in her voice. He wanted to turn around and wipe away her tears. He wanted to embrace her and never let go. But he heard his cold voice instead.

"Fengjiu, we will talk when I get back." Then he left her standing there. Alone.

"Donghua I love you!" She shouted. Donghua heard her and he wanted to turn around and pull her into his arms telling her that he loved her too! She told him that all the time, but he never said it back to her.

He couldn't turn around and see her face no matter how desperately he tried.

"Donghua I love you!"

Jiu'er I love you too!

Donghua woke up with a start. He looked at the sky and saw it was still dark. He felt his hands trembling from his dream. He had dreamt about the last time he saw her before her heavenly trial. Why did he treat her so coldly?

He should have held her more.

He should have kissed her more.

He should have told her he loved her more than she could ever imagine.

He should have done countless things, but now she's gone.

Donghua held his head in his hands to try and calm down. He took the pillow that was beside him. Jiu'er's pillow. It had been 3,000 years since Jiu'er met her fated calamity. He looked at the pillow and held it tightly. Fengjiu had spent her last days living in their home at the Holy Blue Sea. Their bed still smelt like peach blossoms when he returned. Her scent was everywhere making Donghua feel like she was still there with him.

It has also been 3,000 years since he went into seclusion. To all of the realms, after the death of the former Heavenly Emperor's wife, he didn't seem to have the energy or interest to do anything. Days for someone who has lived as long as him usually went by quickly, but they've been agonizingly slow since his Jiu'er ceased to exist.

Slowly, he got up and took the box on his side table. It was the box Jiu'er had left with Zheyan to give to him. He didn't even have the energy to get angry at that old phoenix or the Bai family for keeping Jiu'er's injuries and fated calamity from him. Jiu'er had asked them to keep it a secret... Even if he did know, there was absolutely nothing he could do. He was the almighty, all powerful Heavenly Emperor, yet his power could not save the person he loved the most. He couldn't protect his wife. She died thinking I didn't love her.

Nothing much mattered to him before, but now he felt like absolutely nothing mattered because it wouldn't bring his wife back. He opened the box slowly and took the brass bells and arrowhead from the box. He caressed it slowly and closed his eyes.

She never rang these bells once during the 200 years they were seperated. He clutched them tightly to his chest as he heaved a heavy sigh. He felt his throat close up as a tear finally escaped his eye. He held the charm tightly for comfort.

That day, he had broken the forcefield to hold her before she disappeared. There should have been heavenly retribution. No one is allowed to break through the forcefield, No one. He broke that forcefield expecting he would die with Jiu'er. He had waited for his punishment. He held the dark thought that hopefully the punishment would lead to death, allowing him to follow his Jiu'er. Fate seemed to pity him, so they let him be. But maybe they were being cruel as well. Even then, they didn't allow him to be reunited with his wife.

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