Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The Hexu Sword

Fengjiu sat in Donghua's room waiting for him to come back. Zhong Lin looked at the fox queen- or his mistress? After all she was married to Dijun- with pity in his eyes. He knew that she was waiting for his master to come back but he didn't know what he could do for her. He spent the whole day guarding Fengjiu because he was sure it was what Dijun would have wanted. Suddenly, Fengjiu stood up before stumbling a little.

"Your Highness!" Zhong Lin cried as he watched Fengjiu clutch the table beside her. Fengjiu did her best to straighten up and smile at Zhong Lin like she was fine. "I'm alright, I just got up too fast. Do you know when my husband will be back?" Zhong Lin shook his head at her question while looking at her in concern. He was wondering if her should call High Deity Zheyan before Fengjiu cleared her throat and sat down. "Zhong Lin do you know if Third Prince is back from his trip? If he is, can you please tell him I wish to speak with him?" Zhong Lin was confused but he did as he was told. He bowed quickly and left the courtyard.

Fengjiu sat on the table waiting for Zhong Lin to disappear before coughing. She stared at her hands stained with her blood before looking up at her star. My heavenly trial... It's going to happen soon.

She had prepared everything for her family long ago, but she realized she had not left Donghua anything. She always assumed he'd be with her before she left to face her fated calamity, but it seemed that... fate really doesn't want them together. She took out a piece of paper and started writing a letter to Donghua.

She was sad that she couldn't see him before she left, but at least she was able to spend four days married to him. After writing her letter, she conjured up divorce papers. She signed her name and left Donghua to decide for himself whether he wanted to sign it or not. She hoped that Donghua wouldn't sign it and still be her husband even when she died, but she couldn't be selfish. He only agreed to marry her because it would only last until her heavenly trial, not forever. He had a responsibility to keep all the realms safe. Staying with her forever meant calamity. She sighed heavily before tucking her letter and the divorce papers into an envelope.

A knock sounded on the door as she sealed the envelope. Third Prince Liansong entered the study while bowing lightly to Fengjiu. "Your Highness! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Liansong was absolutely happy to find out that Donghua was now married. He just left to travel for a few days and comes back to the news of his friend married. He always knew Donghua wasn't as cold to Fengjiu as he made everyone believe. He looked at the fox queen in front of him and noticed something off about her, but he didn't know what.

Fengjiu smiled at the joyful Prince Liansong. She knew that he was one of the few people Donghua trusted. She looked at the envelope in her hands and looked at Liansong. "Your Highness... I know Donghua trusts you a lot, which means I can trust you as well right?"

Liansong immediately nodded and gave Fengjiu a wide smile. "No need for formalities! You are Donghua's wife! You can call me Liansong," Fengjiu's smile faltered when he mentioned wife. She took a deep breath and presented the envelop to Liansong.

"Then Liansong... Can you make sure Donghua receives this letter? He left for an emergency, but I need to leave right now. It seems I won't be able to give this to him myself."

Liansong furrowed his brows. She's leaving? "You're Highness! Why don't you wait for Donghua yourself? I'm not trying to be rude... But he would want you to wait for sure."

Fengjiu just smiled sadly placed the envelope in Liansong's hand. "Please Liansong. Can you promise me that he will receive this? Don't let anyone else except him open it."

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