Special # 3

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Special Chapter 3

Night Activities

Warning: Mature Content

"Ah! Hnnn..."

Fengjiu's body trembled with every intense thrust from behind. Donghua held her waist and ruthlessly drilled in and out. Fengjiu moaned coquettishly as she felt him go deeper. This position always felt deeper. The sensation of his manhood going deeper into her caused her to cry uncontrollably.

"You're squeezing so hard... so warm..."


Fengjiu's face turned bright red at his obscene words. No matter how many times she experienced it, she still felt embarrassed. The truth was, she was more embarrassed at the fact that she liked it.

Donghua's breathing grew rough as he drove into her. Her cries and moans as she took his manhood drove him to madness as he plunged into her continuously. Jiu'er is mine. She is my wife.

One of his hand made its way to her breast and squeezed causing Fengjiu to give a loud cry. The firmness charging between her legs showed no signs subsiding as he penetrated her hard. His semen, from his several previous climaxes, dripped down her thighs with every thrust.

Donghua was seized by a mix of desire and possessiveness as he thrust into Fengjiu fervently. He pulled out for only a second to turn Fengjiu to face him before piercing through her in one go.

"Hnn... Donghua... Ah!"

Fengjiu was already sensitive from their previous rounds, she tightened around him at the unexpected change in position. Donghua groaned at the sensation.

"Jiu'er... Loosen up."

Fengjiu's face turned bright red at his words. Her shame stimulated her body to tighten some more causing Donghua to groan. She suddenly felt amused by his reaction, so she did it again on purpose. How fun!


Donghua's voice was heavy as he warned her. Fengjiu's eyes sparkled with playfulness as she watched Donghua's reaction. A smirk formed on Donghua's lips. So, you want to play Jiu'er? Fengjiu looked at him defiantly, refusing to back down.

Donghua suddenly grabbed her legs and raised them over his shoulders before swiftly ramming in.


Donghua pressed his lips to hers, quieting her cries. Fengjiu's skin was flushed as cries and moans threatened to escape her lips, but Donghua ate all of it up. They craved each other's body too much.


When Fengjiu woke up, her body felt sluggish. She could feel Donghua's firm chest behind her as he held her tightly. His breath was tickling her neck. Fengjiu tried to get up, but his arm was really heavy.

Sunshine was spilling from the window making her wonder how many hours had passed. She tried to get up again, only to feel his arm tighten around her, pulling her back to his arms. She felt him press a kiss to her neck.

"Donghua, let me go. I need to make breakfast."

"I'm not hungry." He continued pressing kisses on her neck and shoulders. His kisses were deep enough to remind Fengjiu of the marks he had left the night before. Her skin warmed up as she blushed at the reminder of his unending torment the night before.


He didn't listen to her and raised his arm to squeeze her breast. A soft cry escaped Fengjiu at the sensation. She was still sensitive from the night before. Donghua continued teasing her moving his lower body to ground against hers.

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