Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Becoming Dust

The sky in Qingqiu was dark. Rain fell heavily as the Queen of the Fox Clan stood bravely, waiting for her heavenly trial. A loud rumble erupted from the sky as lightning lit up the clouds. Fengjiu saw this all and closed her eyes, waiting for the impact. She caressed the ring on her finger, trying to draw comfort. She always felt comfort when she touched the ring Donghua gave her. Suddenly, a lightning bolt descended from the sky. It aimed directly for Fengjiu hitting her square on the chest. Fresh blood bubbled out of her throat, sending her crashing on the ground. Her entire body felt pain.


She wondered if this was how death felt like. She felt tired, so exhausted. Why was it getting harder to breath? Perhaps she was going to die with just one bolt.

Donghua if we have another life, you should look for Jiu'er first alright?

"Donghua..." Fengjiu murmured, her voice so soft that she couldn't even hear herself. Gradually, her fingers felt numb as she felt a certain coldness washed through her body.

"Donghua..." Fengjiu broke into a soft laugh. "Jiu'er really loves you."

Suddenly, another bolt of lightning lit up the sky, descending upon Fengjiu's weak body. Her small hand clutched the ring on her finger as she writhed in pain. She vomited blood as she crouched on the grass. Her insides felt like they were burning.



Suddenly, Donghua's stern voice echoed in her brain. She felt that it sounded... real right now. She closed her eyes to bask in his voice. Jiu'er... He didn't call me that the last time I saw him. I missed it. I miss him.

Slowly, her face broke into a smile. It was the brightest she's smiled in her short life. She could hear Donghua's voice. The voice she wanted to hear the most before she died. Maybe fate decided to be nice to her and let her imagine his voice? After all, she had wretched fate.

Donghua's robes fluttered behind him as he flew towards Fengjiu like an angel. He shouted her name, but she didn't respond. The moment he reached the forcefield, it immediately repelled him and threw him back a few feet away to where the Bai family was standing. He had just arrived when he realized what was going on. Jiu'er was about to face her heavenly trial. Liansong said she didn't look well but why does she look so weak? He saw Fengjiu closing her eyes and felt panic rise in his heart.

The third bolt crashed down on Fengjiu's body. She was swallowed up in light, illuminating the whole garden. "Jiu'er!" Before Donghua could fly towards her, a huge wave of bright light emerged from Fengjiu's body. Instantly, she vanished into the light.

"Where is she?! What's wrong with her?" Donghua asked frantically, turning to look at Zheyan. This was not how heavenly trials work, Donghua had never witnessed anyone engulfed by light in all the years he's lived. The Bai family stayed silent as Zheyan also shook his head helplessly. In the end, Donghua was here. Seeing his frantic stare, he reluctantly explained the truth, "Donghua... Xiao Jiu isn't going to live for long. She has no cultivation left to survive her heavenly trial."

"What?" Donghua's face paled at Zheyan's words. What did he say? She wasn't going to survive? Jiu'er will die? Before he could ask, Zheyan was already continuing. "She made us promise not to tell you. Her cultivation is gone, she can't get it back. She damaged it irreparably when she fought that tiger spirit. She asked you to marry her until her heavenly trial... Because she wasn't going to survive it. She was convinced you weren't going to look for her once you separated. I tried to change her mind. I'm sorry Donghua, even you can't do anything about it."

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