Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Bai Yi Dijun was sitting in his study thinking about his one and only daughter. He doesn't want to admit it, but he hasn't seen Fengjiu's carefree smile in a very long time. He felt like the last time he saw her smile like that was before she came queen. He doesn't even remember what it looked like.

He never realized that pushing her to take on such a big responsibility would change her personality. It seemed his daughter changed into a different person after her coronation. He was having a hard time accepting that his only daughter was in love with the former Emperor of the Heavens. He knew more than anyone that when foxes loved, they only love one person in their entire lifetime. He really wished that Fengjiu's feelings towards Donghua Dijun were just flights of fancy, but he realized that their Little Jiu truly loved Donghua with all her heart. She even cut off one of her tails just to try and write his name back next to hers on the Stone of Three Lives.

Bai Yi Dijun thought about Donghua Dijun next. Donghua had erased his name from the Stone of Three Lives to avoid any weaknesses. Through this, he was able to conquer the entire world. He united the Four Seas and Eight Far Lands, becoming the legend he was known to be today. The price that came with it was to give up love, to be lonely for the rest of his long life. Bai Yi Dijun admitted that he could never make a sacrifice as great as Donghua. It is because of him that they were all living in peace now.

He thought back to the time he asked Donghua Dijun to marry his daughter. Donghua had refused then, making Bai Yi Dijun furious. His only daughter was amazing in every way. She loved Donghua with all her heart and Bai Yi just wanted her to be happy. Learning about Donghua's sacrifices for the world reigned in his temper.

Deep inside, he knew that the stone-cold venerated deity had some sort of feelings for his Little Jiu. Bai Yi has witnessed many things in his lifetime. He has never seen Donghua show interest in anything or anyone ever. He was once shocked to see his Little Jiu following Donghua around. He was furious to think that his daughter, an heir to a very powerful kingdom, was chasing some guy. He had seen Fengjiu hug Donghua Dijun herself. What was even more surprising was Donghua did not break free from her embrace.

Bai Yi believed himself to be an observant deity so when he saw the ever indifferent Donghua Dijun let his daughter hug him, he began to harbor suspicions. It seemed, Donghua Dijun did have some feelings for his daughter. His suspicion was further cemented when he watched Si Ming deliver a Donghua's present for Fengjiu's coronation.

This is His Lordship's gift to you. This is a map of all Four Seas and Eight Far Lands used by Lord Donghua when he conquered the realms and united them. His Lordship drew this himself.

A map that Donghua Dijun drew himself? That was the stuff of legends! Yet he gifted it to the young Queen of Qingqiu. Bai Yi wanted to hate Donghua for breaking his daughter's heart, but it seemed that the icy deity's heart wasn't as stone-cold as everyone believed towards Little Jiu. Bai Yi only hoped Fengjiu would be able to find happiness before she.... met her fated calamity. He heaved a heavy sigh and looked out the window to see Little Jiu's star shining brightly.


"Donghua Dijun refuses to see you."

"No! Please tell him I have something important to tell him," Fengjiu asked the guard desperately. She didn't have enough magic to fight her way in with her cultivation depleted. She was about to ask again when she felt a presence behind her.

"Queen of Qingqiu, what are you doing here?" Donghua Dijun asked with a cold voice.

Queen of Qingqiu? Why was he calling her that?

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