Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Nie Chuyin stared at Donghua with wide eyes. The hand holding his sword started shaking when he realized he made a mistake! He not only offended Qingqiu but the former ruler of the world as well. Before he could run away, Donghua's sword, the Cang He, flew to him in terrifying speeds. Donghua's gaze turned cold as the sword swung down, impaling Nie Chuyin through his foot, pinning him on the ground.

"Ahhhh!" Nie Chuyin screamed, as the pain on his foot consumed him. Still, he wouldn't admit defeat easily. Despite being pinned to the ground, he conjured a wave of arrows and sent them flying to Donghua. Donghua allowed him to attack as much as he liked, his eyes burning with wrath and contempt. Nie Chuyin couldn't accept Donghua's disdain as he released another wave of arrows.

Donghua didn't even move his body while holding Fengjiu. As the arrows approached him, a massive wave of blue energy came out of Donghua's body, enveloping him and Fengjiu. The wave shockingly broke every arrow before it ever reached Donghua. The moment the wave disappeared, Donghua and Fengjiu had disappeared. Nie Chuyin looked around frantically for any sign of them. He prepared to run away once again but Donghua suddenly flew out from behind him and struck Nie Chuyin on the back with his foot.

Donghua's vicious kick sent him flying a distance away. The crowed watched in awe as Donghua flew to Nie Chuyin again while Fengjiu floated in the air protected by the Tiancan Shield. Before Nie Chuyin could land on the ground with a thump, Donghua appeared in above him. He could obviously kill him in one blow, but Donghua wanted to make Nie Chuyin suffer so other people who tried to mess with his wife would learn what would happen to them if they even tried. A punishment worse than death!

Another kick slammed into Nie Chuyin's body as he spat up blood and finally crashing on the ground. He couldn't even get up because he was so injured. Donghua waved his hand lightly, making the Cang He shudder before flying to his hand. He approached Nie Chuyin expressionlessly as the tip of his sword dragged on the ground leaving a trail of Nie Chuyin's blood.

"Donghua I was wrong! I admit it! Just kill me and get on with it!" Nie Chuyin raged as Donghua took his time walking to him. Donghua raised his sword and aimed it at Nie Chuyin's neck. The crowd watched with wide eyes as the former Heavenly Emperor raised his sword. Nie Chuyin closed his eyes waiting for the impact, but Donghua stopped the sword just before it sliced his neck and hit him on the head with the flat of his blade.

"The Black Demon Lord, Nie Chuyin, has committed a grave crime. He dared to hurt my wife, the Empress, and use his power to prey on the those who are weaker."

Everyone was silent as they knelt on one knee taking Donghua's decree. Bai Yi stared at Donghua with a complicated look while Bai Zhi tried to remember when he ever heard Donghua speak more than two words. This is the most I've heard him speak. Bai Zhi thought about the taciturn Heavenly Emperor he once knew.

"As punishment, he will be banished to the mortal realm for 70,000 years as a mortal with none of his magic and power. After he has served his sentence, I will decide whether he deserves to be made an immortal once more." Yeah, that's never happening. Zheyan thought as he looked at Donghua's chilly face, reminding him of when he was still the Heavenly Emperor.

Nie Chuyin's body disappeared as Donghua flew up to the forcefield protecting Fengjiu, pulling her back into his arms. The crowd remained kneeling as Donghua landed on the ground with an unconscious fox queen in his arms. Bai Yi was about to stand and say something, but Bai Zhi held his son's arm keeping him from standing. "We will talk later," He murmured as Bai Yi finally settled down.

Donghua faced the crowd before announcing, "Anyone who dares to try and hurt my Empress, the Queen of Qingqiu, will suffer the same fate as Nie Chuyin. Understood?"

"Yes Dijun,"

The crowd finally stood up once Donghua disappeared in thin air with Fengjiu in his arms. Bai Yi looked at Bai Zhi and Zheyan with furrowed brows. "Xiao Jiu is married to Dijun? He actually agreed to marry her? What did Xiao Jiu say to make him agree? Didn't he say he had no fate in love because he removed his name from the Stone of Three Lives? What tune is he playing now?!" Bai Yi fired out his questions rapidly looking at Zheyan like he was supposed to know the answer. Well, Zheyan does know! In fact, he thinks Donghua should know that Xiao Jiu was about to meet her fated calamity. Zheyan was about to open his mouth but Bai Zhi laid a hand on his son's shoulder.

Bai Yi was infuriated by his father's calmness and Zheyan's silence. "I know Dijun cares for Xiao Jiu but isn't he just taking advantage of her love for him? I really think-" Bai Zhi patted his shoulder and turned away signaling Zheyan to follow him.

"I don't know about you, but my eyes can still see clearly." Bai Zhi paused waiting for Bai Yi and Zheyan to catch up. Bai Yi was about to retort again but Bai Zhi raised his hand, telling him to shut up.

"Donghua is in love with my granddaughter."


The news that the former Heavenly Emperor, Donghua Dijun, had taken in a new Empress spread through all the realms. There was also a rumor that this Empress was the very same Fox Queen who had followed him around all those years. Everyone was shocked to hear that the indifferent and venerated deity had actually fallen in love.

The crowd burst into gossip as soon as Donghua Dijun left carrying the Fox Queen in his arms. Later on, it would be reported that the demon lord who had the guts to propose to Donghua Dijun's wife was... beaten to a pulp and banished to the mortal realm for 70,000 years.

Bai Qian appeared with Yehua as she stormed into the fox den. "I will go and teach that Nie Chuyin a lesson! He actually had the guts to hurt Xiao Jiu?" Bai Qian looked around for Fengjiu, but she was not in the room? "Where is Xiao Jiu?"

Bai Zhi sighed and pointed at her closed bedroom door. Bai Qian immediately charged before anyone could stop her. Before she could enter, she was thrown back by a forcefield.

"Qian Qian!" Yehua cried in alarm as he hurried to help Bai Qian stand up. Bai Qian stared at the forcefield in disbelief before looking at her father. "Who cast this forcefield? What are you all doing here? Why aren't you inside with Xiao Jiu? I was only gone for a few hours!" Bai Qian was planning a few last-minute changes to their wedding with Yehua when the news of Fengjiu getting hurt reached her ears.

"It's not just an ordinary forcefield..." Bai Zhen murmured as he stopped Bai Qian from trying to break the forcefield. "Then what is this? Why can't any of you get in?" Bai Qian was burning with impatience. Yehua held her back as he tried to calm her down.

"It's a Tiancan Cage," Zheyan answered Bai Qian's question. Bai Qian and Yehua's eyes widened in surprise. Tiancan Cage? Bai Qian looked at the forcefield once more before looking at everyone in the room with a confused expression.

"Who among you have enough cultivation to cast a Tiancan Cage on Xiao Jiu?" Bai Qian asked incredulously. Zheyan was about to reply but the caster of the said forcefield appeared in front of Fengjiu's door.

"Donghua Dijun? What are you doing here?" Bai Qian asked confused. Donghua ignored her and faced Zheyan. "Come in and check her condition. I've already tried channeling some of my cultivation into Jiu'er but her spirit is not accepting it."

Zheyan immediately entered the room with Donghua's permission. With a wave of his hand, the Tiancan Shield opened allowing Fengjiu's family to come in as well. Bai Qian watched in disbelief as she realized that it was Donghua that cast the impenetrable forcefield. "Qian Qian let's go in," Yehua murmured as he led her after the rest of the Bai family. 

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