Part 2

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"Bela, calm down. Please don't feel any rage towards mahir" ruhi tried her best to calm down bela who was shivering due to anger.
Bela:How dare she is to insult me in the public! You're thinking of none, only your mahir. He's acting asif he's her servent.
Ruhi:Bela, please dear.
Bela:I'm not doing anything against mahir, but that doesn't mean I'll spare that bluddy Komolika. I'll make her lick my sandals for sure.
Ruhi:I'm going mahir will come to the house at any time. Sumi aunty, andy uncle and yuvi also came to stay there.

(Actually it's the house of andy sehgal and they gave it to ruhi and her mom just to stay. Now as mahir is staying here they also came)

"Mom, they came" yuvi yelled as he saw mahir's car coming.
From somewhere sumitra came with arti. Mahir and komolika got out of the car. Komolika while walking, walked through the rangoli drawn in tge frint if the house.
Mahir:Komolika don't walk through here. This rangoli is really important.
Komo:Rangoli, best for a name of girl but not to be drawn on a house.
She purposefully walked through it.
Sumi:Mahir who's it?
Mahir:Mom, I have told you na about her this is komolika
Yuvi:Your spoiled girl friend
Mahir:Shut up

Then sumitra started doing arti. Suddenly komolika    on that causing the lamp to extinguish.
Sumitra:What are you doing? Don't you have manners and values
Komo:Rounding some lamp around me don't do anything good for me okay, aunty ji. And about manners, ya I'm mannerless because no one taught me manners but don't you dare to teach me those.

That evening there was a party arranged as mahir cane back after years. Ruhi invited bela too to the party. Bela wore a blue lehenga while ruhi wore a white lehenga.
Bela as if she wants to say something important took ruhi secretly to another side of the house behind pillars so that none see them.
Bela:I want to ask you something important. You love mahir na, but who's komolika, is she his girlfriend?
Bela:You should confess your feelings to him then only he'll understand. Otherwise things will go out of your hands.
Ruhi:But bela,

''So are you sure about it? " Pooja (Ruhi's mom) asked ruhi
Ruhi:Bela said, and connecting everything I too feel the same. Whatif so?
Pooja:You should mahir yours, otherwise you know na, our plan will flop
Ruhi:Actually mom, I don't want to marry him I don't have any feeling for mahir.
Pooja:You should have. It doesn't matter whether you have feelings or not. Do onething I'll arrange everything confess to him. Do as I tell.

Puja arranged a romantic setting in mahir's room secretly so that ruhi can go there and propose him.

Soon the party started.
Sumitra:Komolika, I'm sorry if I hurt you then.
Komo:I don't mind when people like you talk I haven't even heard what you said.
She went away
Yuvi:Mom, why are you tolerating her? Why bhai made her his gf?  She's a dukan of arrogance. she's behaving.
Sumitra:Beta, I want the happiness of my mahir. So I'm tolerating all these.
Andy:Aret, why wasting time talking? My mahir is back after years and you guys are blabbering without enjoying. Play music.

Song, morni banke was played. Everyone started dancing. But bela didn't. She simply stood in one corner. Mahir saw her and went towards her.
Mahir:Don't you dance?
But bela ignored him.
Mahir:Arey yaar, sorry for yesterday's incident. I know she insulted you but I was helpless.
Now bela felt a soft corner for him.
Bela:I don't love dancing
Mahir:Don't love dancing! I think you haven't danced anywhere. If you had then you won't tell like that. Come on we csn dance together.
He took bela's hands. Now she felt more comfort in dancing. With she too danced. Wile dancing both enjoyed it and they looked in each other's eyes.

As soon as the party was over mahir went to his room to sleep. There puja had made everything ready for ruhi to propose him. A basket was hanged in top of the door which when door is opened will tilt and rose petals will fall.
"Oh god, mom is forcing me to propose him. I don't even like him. He may came to his room. Before he reach there I should go and be ready to propose him" ruhi thought.
But on the way she received a phone call and got busy in that.
Bela's earring was missing. Searching for it she atlast got into mahir's room. At the same time mahir also entered there. Both collided and bela fell on mahir's arms. The basket got tilted and rose petals fell on them.

They had an intense eye lock and after some time both came into their senses.
Accidentally the door got closed.
Bela:I was searching for my earring and came here.
Mahir:It's hooked in your skirt.
Mahir took the earring which was hooked in the skirt and gave it to bela
Bela:Thanku. Now I'm going.
When she was about to go mahir stopped her.
Mahir:Bela, please listen to me. Komolika is there in the next room and many guests will be wandering here and there now. What will they say if they see you coming out of a closed room of a boy that too at night especially we have no relation I'm not your relative only neighbours. So all will think bad of us.
Mahir:Now don't go out of the room. Guests will be roaming here and there till morning.
Bela:Till morning!
Mahir:Guests will go by 2 am then event organisers will come to take off the decorations so I think gou can't go out. Let me check.
He slowly peeped out of the door. Sumi saw him.
Sumitra:What mahir?
Mahir:Nothing, when will this people go?
Sumitra:It will be morning
He closed the door and went to bela.

Bela:I'll stay here. I'll msg mom and dad that I'm with ruhi. But one minute, was you upto something
Bela:Actually was you going to propose someone, seeing this romantic decoration I asked

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