Part 13

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Mahir stood there shocked. He was trembling and was sweating. To confirm everything he called ruhi.
Ruhi:Hello mahir
Mahir:Ru.. hi..
Ruhi:What happened? Why are you speaking in a trembling voice?
Mahir:Where's bela?
Ruhi:Is bela not with you? I thought so
Mahir told ruhi all the incidents. Hearing all ruhi got hell shocked.
Ruhi:Wait mahir, I'll call bela
She too called bela but she didn't attended the phone call.

Mahir came back to home as a broken soul. Seeing his condition sumitra got scared and asked him, "Beta, what happened? Why you appear so sad? "
Mahir:Life is unfair mom
He went inside telling so. Ruhi told yuvi everything so he understood everything. He went to mahir and said, "Bhai, maybe there's some reason. We can find it out"
Mahir:How can there be a reason? She didnt love me that's all! She hates me and now cheated me (yelling)
Yuvi left the room guving mahir some privacy

Mahir thought about all his moments with bela. Their first meeting in the mall, then being locked together in the bedroom, their night drive, first kiss, spending night together everything. Thinking, thinking he unknowingly slept.

"Beta, are you sure? " sumitra was shocked hearing mahir's decision to go paris
"Yes mom" he was firm in his decision.
"I have arranged everything. Don't know when I'll come back." He continued
Soon both hugged. After biding goodbye to all he went to airport and catched his flight. His mind was now like a violent sea. It was full of waves of thought, like a tsunami.

He lobed bela, bela too loved him then why she left him! That he wanted to know. On reaching paris, he went to the hotel room booked for him.

"Mahir sir, glad to meet you after ages" one of his staff in the office (office in paris) said on seeing him.
Mahir nodded with fake smile. He got inside his room, after a relaxing bath he went to the address given to him by ruhi where bela was staying. Ruhi colllected it from sarika somehow.

Mahir soon reached the apartment. It was an old mansion decorated with yellow flowers. Black stones decorated the walls of the house. Red stones made up the walls. He pressed the calling bell's switch. After some minutes an old lady came and opened the door. Mahir hesitantly asked, "Good morning, is in this apartment Miss Bela Sharma residing?
"She was but not now! She went from here today early morning." She said politely
"To where? " mahir was shocked hearing it
"That she didn't informed"
Now mahir had no hopes left. He went from there with a down casted head and teary eyes. He got in his car and drove straight to his hotel room. On the way, he stopped due to traffic block.

When he looked here and there, a girl was in the car and it was none other bela!!! Mahir screamed from there bela bela!!! But she didn't looked at him. Soon the traffic was over. Mahir follwed her while she drove the car as fast as she could. Atlast he managed to follow her and she stopped her car in front of a house. He like a thief followed her without her knowledge and got inside the house.

It was bela's house where she loved alone. She went inside the kitchen and took a glass of water to drink. Mahir swiftly went to the back of her and grabbed her neck with his hand tightly.
"How dare you! Leave me or I'll call the police" she said firmly
"So I should contact the police first of all for cheating me." I was not in the mood for leaving her
Bela:I cheated you!!! When??? Go from here
Mahir:No way, tell me why you went away from India with out even telling me
Bela:Because I felt to do so.
Mahir was shocked, because bela hasn't spoken to him like that. He understood she changed a lot.....
With tears in his eyes he went from there.

Bgm:Thodi jagah

"Maybe she was cheating me" he thought while going back. He called sarika and said, "Hello aunty, I'm mahir. I saw bela"
Sarika:You went paris just to see her!!!
Sarika:Is it true that you saw her?
Mahir:Why I should lie? But she didn't spoke to me in the way she used to
A dark melancholy filled mahir from all sides.....

"You may not love me, but I'll love you forever bela. You were my first love and you are my last love too" he thought

What might have led to bela saying so? Was she cheating mahir?  Comment below your opnions...

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