Part 3

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Mahir:Bela, I also noticed it now. Don't know.who decorated all these.
Bela:What a joke? You don't know who decorated your room.
Mahir:Seriously, I swear I'm not lying
Bela:Can I ask you something?
Bela:Who's komolika?
Mahir:Now also are you holding your grudge towards her
Bela:Leave it and tell me the answer
Mahir:Bela, I went to London for my studies. There the owner of the college I studied was Mr. Patel. One day for some function, we met and soon became close. Soon he introduced his daughter, Komolika Patel to me. We became close soon and...
Bela:And she became your girlfriend na,
Mahir:Actually it's the truth.
Bela:But she's arrogant and not so good
Mahir:That's because she's rich
Bela:Then you are also rich but you're not arrogant. Moreover being rich is not a license for being arrogant. Ah, we can leave the topic.

Mahir:Now tell me about you
Bela:I'm bela sharma, daughter of sarika sharma and anand sharma. My dad is not here now. He's busy in his business.
Mahir:How you became this much close to ruhi
Bela:I studied with her since 1st standard and we became neighbours too
Mahir:That's great
Bela:Tell me about your family
Mahir:I'm mahir sehgal, son of sumitra sehgal and andy sehagal. I have a brother, yuvraj.
Bela:And an arrogant gf
Bela:Mahir I want to go to washroom.
Mahir:It's there.
Bela went to the washroom. After some time she yelled. Hearing that mahir ran to the washroom.

Mahir:Bela don't yell. Then others may hear.
Bela:Yes, look there
A big cockroach was there in the wall. Seeing it bela yelled.
Mahir:Are you a kid? I'll kill it
Bela hid behind mahir. Mahir took a stick from somewhere and was about to hit it. But it got escaped and flew and sat on bela's shoulder. Seeing it bela jumped and fell on mahir's arms. Accidentally the shower also got opened. Both were under shower staring at each other. Bela tried to get up but she again fell, now more close to mahir as he grabbed her tightly in his arms. After some time they came to their senses.

Mahir:Oh sorry.
Bela:Actually I should say sorry. I fell on you
Mahir:As both of us are saying sorry, it gets cancelled so no sorry. Now come we can change dress.
Bela:Change dress. How will I change dress?  I don't have any other pair of dress with me.
Mahir:I'll give you my shirt and pant
He gave her dress and she was changing the dress in washroom. Accidentally mahir entered washroom where bela was wearing a towel only.
Mahir:Oops, sorry
He went back. Both bela and mahir got embarrassed. After some time she came back wearing the dress given to her by mahir.'m sor...ry
Bela:N..n..o problem.
Mahir:But you looked towel
Bela took a pillow and threw it on mahir. He ran around the room, bela trued to catuch him atlast both fell on bed. Mahir on top of her. They had an intense eyelock. After few minutes they came to senses.

"Oh god, I forgot to go to his room" ruhi only came back to her senses now.
Ruhi:I got busy in talking to vikrant on phone and didn't went to mahir's room. Mom will kill me.
She peeped into the room and heard the voice of a girl. She thought it to be komolika and went away.

"Why mahir is not answering to my messages" komolika was tensed as he wasn't replying to her texts
Komo:What he's doing at this night?  Maybe sleeping.
Suddenly she heard a female voice from mahir's room.
"Who's that girl?" Komo went to mahir's room. Then she peeped through the key hole and found mahir and bela in bed with mahir on top of her. She knocked on the door loudly. Mahir some how hid bela and opened the door.
Komo:Are you alone in this room?
She pulled him and got into the room. Bela was hiding behind the curtains. She threw away the curtain. Bela was shocked.
Komo:Are you revenging me for the incident on the shop? How dare you to spent night with my bf! Do you have any culture?
Bela:It's not that. I was
Komo:Shut up. It's not your problem it's your parent's problem. Spending night with random guys. If you want I'll arrange many for you.
Bela:You shut up first. Before talking listen to me.
Komo:Why should I? Mahir, was u cheating me?
Mahir:Komolika....listen to us
Komo:"Us" How it can be us?

Andy:Why you went to his room?'s not what you meant
Mahir:I called her to my room! It's my mistake

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