Part 16

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"Mahir, leave her. She won't match our family status. "  Sumitra said
"So you are saying, I should stop my relation with bela" mahir was angry hearing what sumitra said
Sumitra:Mahir, bela is the illegal child of her father. Shravani told me everything. Bela and shravani have sams father but their moms are different. Shravani is the daughter of Ankush Sharma and Amrita Sharma. They officially marrued and amrita gave birth to shravani. But Bela is the daughter who was born through the relation of Sudha and Ankush, before ankush's marriage. If you want you can marry Shravani, but Not bela.
Mahir:Is it bela's fault that she is her father's illegal daughter. It's the mistake of her mom and dad. For that why we should punish bela.

Sumitra:Beta, it's not like that. Atleast think about our family's pride and status
Mahir:Is bela a bad girl? She is educated and works in a company.
Now I don't have time for arguing with you. I'm going to Pune for some work related maters.
He went from there.

"What you did shravani? " sarika asked shravani
Shravani:Bela thought I'm a fool, but I fooled her. Living in her home I'm cheating her. I told sumitra about bela's past. Now sumitra is saying if I and mahir agrees we can marry. But she won't agree for the marriage with bela's. The real play has only started.
Suddenly her phone ringed. She attended the call.
"Hello, have you did what all I said? "
Shravani:Oh yes, and as you said now sumitra is unwilling for the relation with bela but she said if he wants he can marry me.
"You don't marry him, I'll!"
Shravani:Ma'am when you'll come here?
"Soon, I haven't been here for a long time. Now I'll come as soon as possible. Till then do all as I instruct."


"I think there's no place for me to stay" bela said
Actually bela thought of staying at aditi's home that night after party. But as there were a lot of guests, there was no place.
Aditi:I'll arrange place. Actually sorry
Bela:No problem, I have a place to stay nearby.
Aditi:Are you lying
Saying this she went out. Actually bela lied that she has a place to stay. As there was no place at aditi's home as the home was full of guests she didn't wanted aditi to feel bad. As it was night, it was very cold too.

"Now where will I go? God knows. I lied to her and now don't know what to do." Bela thought while walking through the street.

Suddenly someone called her. When she turned back it was mahir.
"I understood, you have no place to stay. Come, here I have a home arranged for me. " he said
Bela:No I'm not coming
Mahir:Streets are not that safe
Bela:I'll manage it myself
Saying this she went forward and saw some drunken men roaming here and there. Seeing the situation she understood if she refuses mahir's help then she may lamd herself in trouble.

So she went to mahir's home hesitantly and pressed the calling bell of his home. Mahir came and opened it.
Mahir:Oh you came
Bela:There was some drunken men that's why....
Mahir:Have they done anything against you?
Mahir:Oh whatever you came na, get in
She got inside.
Mahir:I'm very hungry, so I'm going to eat food. Do you want anything
Bela was not talking to mahir much and was sitting arrogantly.
Soon mahir took some chicken and started eating it just to show bela.
Bela now was unable to control her and asked for some.

Bela:Where should I sleep?
Mahir:There's only one room here.
Bela:Then I'll sleep in the living room
Now mahir decided to be a little naughty, he said, "Arey bela, we may not talk to each other now. But for your goodness I'm saying don't sleep in the living room. A lot of spiders are there, which comes at night"
Mahir:Cockroaches too
Bela:Then where will I sleep?
Mahir:As a part of my generosity I'm telling if you want you can sleep in my room
He was speaking with dramatic expressions which annoyed bela

Bela:In your bedroom!
Bela:I'll sleep in floor
Mahir:Again problem. In the floor cockroaches and spiders will come. This house may seem to be luxurious but full of crap
Bela:Like you
So both of them went to mahir's room.
Bela:This bed is so small. How both of us will lie together in this bed?
Mahir:You said you loved me na, so what.
Bela:I didn't loved ypu
Mahir:I loved you, and I love you now also
Suddenly both had an eyelock.
Bgm:Behir bgm

Mahir:We have only this choice. So adjust.
In mind mahir was dancing with happiness.
"Now bela you're going to see who I'm! Something will happen tonight. God gave me this golden oppurtunity. Thank god!" He thought
"Now I'm going to spent this night with mahir. I feel quite happy as I love him. But I won't talk to him and now hate him. He can't recognise who's the original bela. Such a lover" bela thought

Mahir lied on the bed. Bela too lied. To be away from mahir, she moved away from him and lied in the edge of the bed.
Mahir:Arey you may fall from the bed
Bela:That I'll manage.
But bela actually was in the verge of falling down. Suddenly she lost her control, she was about to fall. Suddenly mahir grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to him. They both were hugging. Again they had an eyelock
Bgm:Dil Ibadat

Bela:Leave me
Mahir:If I leave you, you may fall down
Bela:Leave me
Mahir:I won't
Bela wriggled from his hold but again she was about to fall down. So she stopped her attempt.
Mahir:Bela, I'm sorry. I had a doubt if it wasn't you. I doubted shravani. Belaaa please
Now bela's heart melted like an icecream.
Bela:I'll forgive you, but one condition
Bela:If you ever doubt a person then tell them. If you feel like I'm behaving not like bela, tell me. If I haven't arrived in time then you might have got married to shravani
Mahir:Okaay, pakka. So you forgive me, yaay. Now you told me that you love me, so...
Bela:When I told you??
Mahir:I know everything, hehe. So common we can do something
Mahir:What all people who love each other do
Mahir grabbed bela more close.

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