Part 10

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"Bhai, please tell me. Can we go? " yuvi asked
Sumitra:Where you are going?
Yuvi:For shopping and an outing
Sumitra:Only you 2
Yuvi:Ruhi and vikrant are also there.
Yuvi, mahir, vikrant and ruhi got ready. While mahir was passing out of the house, he looked at bela's house. There bela was in the balcony. Mahur whistled at her and she saw him.

"Bela, come down " mahir said while waving at her.
Soon she came down.
Bela:Where are you going?
Mahir:We are going  for an outing. Come with us.
Bela:Oh really
Bela too went with mahir. Seeing both of them ruhi asked, "Oh, bela and mahir, how was yesterday night? "
Heaing it behir got embarrassed and yuvi got shocked.
Yuvi:Yesterday night???
Ruhi:Mm, nothing (while trying hard to control her laughter)
Mahir:Leave it, can we go

Soon they got in the car. Yuvi drove the car while vikrant and ruhi sat on one row of seat. In the back side mahir and bela sat. Actually ruhi wanted to make behir fall in love. That's why she decided to give them privacy.

Ruhi:Arey yuvi, play some music
Yuvi:Fast number or romantic
Soon he played the song"Duniya". Yuvi, vikrant and ruhi were speaking continuously while bela and mahir on hearing the song recalled their yesterday night's moments. Both felt awkard because of that silence.
Atlast mahir cutting of that silence said, "Bela come to my home today "
Bela:Yaa sure and you too should come to my home
Mahir:I'm coming to your home everyday 😉
Bela:Not like that, in a proper way.
Suddenly the car took a sharp bent and bela fell on mahir's lap. They had an intense eyelock again.


"We want pasta" mahir ordered to the waiter of the restaurant.
Soon he supplied them with all the food items.
Yuvi:Bela di, actually we got to know more about each other today.
Bela:Yes, yes..
Vikrant:Yuvi, after ruhi's wedding, then mahir should get married. We should search for a bride for him.
Yuvi:He'll make our job easier. No need to search for bride.
Suddenly mahir coughed.

Then they went to textiles. Bela took a lehenga and went to the trial room to test it. But she wasn't able to tie it's laces. Thinking ruhi is outsude the room,"Ruhi, Please help me to wear this dress" she screamed.
But mahir was on the who got inside the trial room. Bela didn't knew it. He took each of the laces and tied it together. Bela again felt a different sensation. When she turned suddenly she fell on mahir's chest.
Bela:Mah.... ir.. you...
Mahir:Ruhi wasn't here. As it was urgent for you I came.
Again both had an awkard moment.

Soon they reached home. As per mahir's invitation bela went to his home. Sumitra on seeing her smiled and hugged bela.
Sumitra:When you came there on that party, I really misbehaved to you thinking you were bad. Sorry beta.
Bela:Aunty, why you apologise when you consider me this much close to you. No need of sorry.
Andy:Oh bela you came. Next time call your mom, dad and aunty too.
Hearing it for a moment bela's smile faded but soon she smiled again and said''Yes..."

"Tell me the truth. Is mahir bhai going every night to see bela di? " yuvi asked to ruhi secretly in a room.'s...
Yuvi:Arey don't stammer. Tell me the truth or I'll find it somehow
Yuvi:Oh really
Hearing it yuvi started to jump and scream.
Ruhi:Ayy, stop it. What are you doing?
Yuvi:Do you know, I wished for it and it really happened. They will make good couple.
Ruhi:I think they are in love, but they haven't realised it. We should make them realise.

"Bela, come and eat something" sumitra said to bela.
Puja was there in the house, but after the ruhi wedding problem she rarely gets out of her room.
Sumitra served food for her.
Sumitra:Don't know where ruhi, vikrant and yuvi is! Do one thing, bela and mahir, both eat together
Now it was double happiness for both of them. Mahir too sat with bela. After serving food sumitra went to somewhere.
Bela:Your mom is so sweet
Mahir:One thing bela, where is your dad?  I Haven't seen him
Mahir sensed something was wrong but he didn't asked about it further as he understood bela wasn't comfortable answering it.
Mahir:Bela, there's some food leftover in your face.
Bela:Face? Where?
Mahir leaned forward to wipe of the food. Their nose met with each other. Yuvi who was passing through there saw it and said''If you want to do such things, do it somewhere privately "
Hearing it behir back offed.

Sumitra:Bela, I have bought earrings for you. It's in my room. Mahir please take her to there.
Suddenly a palm reader came to there house.
Sumitra:Arey, Thaakki maa...Come inside
Mahir to bela:It's thaakki maa, she's a palm reader.
Thaakki:Mahir you have grown up now. I see something from here. This girl and mahir will unite soon. They will become one. Deeply in love they will be even ready to sacrifice anything for ecah other. They will marry each other.
Hearing it again behir got shocked. Outside they acted as if they don't care but deep inside there heart, they were jumping with joy and blushing.

Mahir:Be..bela come I'll show you the earnings.
Bela:Yes mahir
Both went to sumitra's room. Behir were thinking of the same things, their kiss, their moments and thaakki maa's prediction.

"Am I in love with bela? " mahir thought
"Am I in love with mahir? " bela thought
Bela when lost in such thoughts, mahir started moving towards her, pinning her to the walls. Then.....

Promo:You guys guess😁

Today I'm not setting any targets.

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