Part 18

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First of all thank you all a lot for all the birthday wishes... I never expected to get this much birthday wishes....Thank you a lot for this love and care.

Mahir backhugged bela. Then rested his face on her shoulders.
"Bela you know, all feels to be a magic" he said with enlarged eyes which was shining due to his love for her.
Bela:Mahir, love is a magic.
Mahir:I have been on the verge of proposing you many tines, but someone came in between all the time and separated us. Will it occur again?
Bela:No mahir, today we will become one forever. I'll become yours and you'll become mine forever in all ways. Now none can separate us.
Mahir:What you mean???
Bela:I want to become yours in all the way.
Mahir:Are you saying what I meant?
Bela:Yess mahir, physically and mentally we will be one forever from now
Mahir looked at her, bela nodded to him.

Suddenly he took her in his arms and kissed her forehead. Then both lied in the bed, mahir on top of bela.
"No komolika or shravani can separate us" mahir said
He pecked her forhead, cheeks and lips. Slowly he took out the jhumka from her ear and the bangles from hands. He leaned forward.
"I love you Mahir" Bela said
"I love you Bela" Mahir said
He started nuzzling her hair and neck. Soon they made love....

"Where's bela? " Shravani asked to Sarika as Bela wasn't on the house since the 2 days.
Sarika:She went for her friend's birthday party in Pune. She'll be staying there.
Sarika:What happened?
Shravani:Mahir is also in Pune. What if Bela lied to us and is staying with him.
Sarika:But they aren't talking with each other
Shravani:That will go away when they meet.
I should go to Pune now. Saying this she took her bag and started her journey. She knew the area where mahir was staying. Somehow she reached there. She wanted to find the truth so she climbed windows and peeped into the room of mahir. But she wasn't able to see anything.Somehow she saw Mahir lying on thr bed but not Bela.Thinking Bela is not here she went away.

The rays of sun touched mahir and bela. He was the one to first wake up. Then remembering about the previous night's incidents he smiled looking at bela who was lying beside him covered with bedsheets. He turned towards bela and kissed her cheeks making her wake up. After rubbing her eyes when she looked mahir was beside her. Then she too recalled all those previous incidents.
"Arey, what are you thinking my sweetheart?" He snapped
Bela:Yesterday's things. I understood one thing, you are so naughty
Mahir:If you allow then I'll become more naughty.
Bela:Oh no, I'm not even able to tolerate this
Mahir:But you should tolerate.
He grabbed her and kissed her lips. Both kissed for some time and then Bela moved back.

Bela:I want to get up. Arey don't you want to go office?
Mahir:No, I came here for a presentation of one day. That's why I went to office yesterday
Bela:Then can we go home?
Mahir:No, spending time alone with you is just like being in heaven. We can go home after one week
Bela:One week!!!
Mahir:Please (with a pout)
Bela:Hmmm, ya
Mahir with joy came on top of bela.
Bela:Arey what are you doing?
Mahir:Oh nothing
He pecked her lips.


"Sarika you are the guardian of Bela. Tell her to forgef Mahir. If you want we can arrange marriage of Mahir with Shravani. But Bela is not like Shravani. You should tell Bela" Sumitra said to Sarika

"I'll try. But she won't obey me. I think Bela trapped Mahir. What to say she has such a bad character!'' Sarika said with fake tears.

"Mom, what are you saying! What's the problem of Bela di. She's good. Being an illegal child is not her fault. It's the fault of her parents. Mahir bhai and di love each other a lot. Don't try to separate them" Yuvi said on hearing all these

"Yuvi, you're now also a small child. Don't put head on such unnecessary matters" Sumitra didn't loved what Yuvi said

Yuvi:Who said I'm a small child. I'm 22. Now I know what's good and what's not good. Don't try to shut my mouth. I'll do whatever to unite bhai and di. Then if Shravani is marrying bhai, then it's like putting head under the train.

"You.... how dare you to say like that!" Shravani exploded on hearing that

"Even if you bark, truth won't change. You faked someone else's identity. If I was on Bela di's place then you now will be behind the bars." He went away angrily

Yuvi called Mahir to say everything. But here Mahir was busy romancing Bela. He was holding her towards him. Then he received the call.
"Damn it, who the hell is calling me now" he said while picking the call

Yuvi:Hello bhai, have you met Bela di
He said while nuzzling her hair.
Yuvi:Are you busy? Any office work
Yuvi:Instead of humming just say something
Mahir:I said I'm busy in office work.
Yuvi:But your presentation was over in yesterday and today you have planned to come back.
Mahir:All plans changed yesterday
"Mahirrr, leave me" bela screamed in between
Yuvi:Bhai, who's sound is that?
Yuvi:A girl's sound, I heard it. Tell me the truth.
Mahir:Be.. be... la.. is here
Yuvi:Now I understood why you are busy. Arey bhai, when will you return home after your work. Will it take 1 year?  (Teasingly)
Yuvi:Please give di some rest while showering with your love. Otherwise she may suffocate.
Yuvi:Bhai, I called you to tell something.  Mom is now plotting against you. She's saying that you can marry Shravani but not Bela as she's an illegal child

Mahir:Why mom is doing so?
Yuvi:She's been brain washed by Sarika. So take care.
Mahir:Yesss, I only have one love, that's Bela
Yuvi:You guys enjoy and please give the phone to Bela di
He gave the phone to bela
Yuvi:Bela di, I think Bhai is suffocating you with his love
Bela:Yess, I can't even move here and there. He's following me every where and romancing me is his aim.
Yuvi: Oh di it's your fate, haha
Soon they cutted the call.

Mahir was hell angry hearing Bela's statement.

How will punish Bela???  Any guesses. All guesses in the comment box

Target: 90+ votes
I'll post next part after the completion of the target. So silent readers do vote if you want to read next part. 

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