Part 24

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Bela was taking juice from the kitchen for her to drink. Suddenly someone backhugged her. As always it was Mahir.
Bela:Someone might see
Mahir:None will come
Mahir:All went for a puja
Bela:Does komolika went?
Bela:Now what's your aim?
Mahir:That I'll show you babe
He smiled naughtily.
Bela:Mahir now we should plan. No romance
Mahir:Romance+planing, can't live without romance.

Bela:If we search komolika's room will we get  any information?
Both went to room. Behir searched to get any sort of information.
They searched in cupboards, lockers, under the bed, the tray in bed etc.
"I think we won't get any information"
Bela said sadly wiping of her sweat.
As she was so tired, she simply laid on that bed. Now mahir found this as the perfect chance to romance with bela.
He came over her top.

"Mahir, why we came here and now what you are doing? " Bela asked
Mahir:I'm romancing my lover
He rubbed his nose with her nose and cheeks.
Bela:Get up mahir
Bela pushed him and got up. Mahir backhugged her.
Mahir:Bela, I don't think we will get any information about where amrita aunty is by searching here and there.
Bela:Then what we should do?
Mahir:We should apply trick. Komolika is not a stupid to store such things here and there. I have an idea.

"Mahir what are you doing? " Komo asked to mahir seeing him sitting on his knees
Mahir:Komolika I'm sorry. I misunderstood you. I became a blind in front of your love. I love you komolika.
Komolika:Mahir, are you saying the truth? I can't believe it. How can you change this much fastly!
Mahir:Can't you believe me?
Komo:Mm, yes but I can't completely.
Komo grabbed Mahir's shirt's collar.
Komo:If you love me genuinely then make love with me.
Komo:If you love me then make love with me. So I can understand you forgot Bela and love me. It's just a sign of love.

Mahir stood shocked for a moment.
Then he took a glass of milk and gave it to komo
Mahir:It's our first night. Drink it
Komolika smiled at him and drank it. Within few minutes she fell on the bed being unconscious.
Bela was watching all this hiding behind the wall and came to mahir laughing.
Bela:How's our plan?
Mahir:Awesome! It's all because of you bela. You heard komo talking in phone that's why we were able to do all this.
Bela:Ya, I heard her talking in phone to someone named Raj that she'll send the location of mom to him. Now we should check her chats so we will be able to know
Mahir:We added some thing to milk so she collapsed. Now we can check her phone.

Mahir took her phone and checked the chats. A person named raj's chat was seen.

"Graveyard behind the well"

That was the message. They checked for other messages but there was none.
Bela:Mahir, which graveyard?
Mahir:Don't know bela, I thought she would mention the name of place but she only has said graveyard behind well.

"What happened to me yesterday? " komo grumbled to herself rubbing her eyes.
Mahir:Komolika yesterday why you slept?
Komo:I slept! When, I can't remember anything.
Mahir:You are mad, you slept early yesterday. Now I'm going to office.
He went away. Bela and mahir got together in the car and went to office without others knowing it.
Soon they reached bela's office. Both hugged and bela kissed mahir's cheeks and got out.

"Komolika look what I have bought  for you!" Mahir said to komo on returning from office.
He gave her a box. She opened it and found a pretty diamond necklace in the box.
Komo:Mahir, is it for me!
Mahir came to the back of komo and made her wear it.
Mahir:This necklace became more beautiful when you wore it.
Komolika hugged mahir tightly.
Mahir:Now we are one. You can share anything to me.
Komo:Yes mahir, I love you.
She kissed his cheek and went away.
Mahir texted bela about all those things.

Like that days passed, komolika started trusting mahir more.
One day...
Komolika:Mahir, I wanna say something.
Komolika:Now you hate bela and love me.  I trust you so I'm telling you this.
Bela's mom is in the place ***. Today we can go to see her.
Mahir was happy hearing it. But he pretended as he didn't knew anything.
Mahir:Why you do so to her?
Komo:I'll tell you. Bela has a half sister which you know, that's shravani. So amrita was in their custody. I got close to shravani so she handed over amrita to me. I'll kill her today. Can we go there?

Target:90+ votes

I wanna ask you something. In next part amrita (bela's mom) will be shown. Whom you imagine as her? (Which actress you imagine as her) Tell me in the comment box.

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