Part 6

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I became a little late in publishing this part as my created stories were missing in my profile. Now that issue is cleared. Thanks to those to supported and consoled me.

Ruhi:I love you mahir
Mahir:I love you to...
Ruhi hugged mahir hearing it as she didn't expected such a reply. But she wasn't fully happy as she wasn't loving mahir for herself she was just obeying her mother. Yet she was happy as she was able to do what her mother said.
Both were cut short of words. Mahir received a phone call and he went from there. Coming home he was depressed. He got inside the room and shut the door.

"I didn't loved you ruhi. I did all this because of you bela." He muttered

Flash back

(Behir's midnight car journey)

Bela: Mahir now we are friends na, can I ask you something
Mahir:In friendship there's no need of introduction. Tell me
Bela:Ruhi is my friend since childhood. She's so good and honest. Since childhood she had a crush.
Mahir:Crush since childhood!!! Who's it?
Bela:She loves you a lot. She was heartbroken when she saw you with komolika. Now she's planning to propose you. If you don't mind, please accept her.
Bela:Aret, I assure you. She's the best. How honestly she loves you. She fell head over heels for you.

Flashback ends.

Mahir's pov

I don't kniw why but I'm confused. Bela is so matured in her opinion. So she is gonna be right. But I can't accept ruhi. Why so? She's better than komolika. Then what
Suddenly my phone ringed. I took it. It was bela. Automatically a smile came on my face.

''Hello bela'' I said
"You are really a great friend. You atleast trusted me and accepted her proposal. Ruhi called me and said, she's overjoyed now." Bela's happiness reflected in her words.
"But I'm feeling confused. I trust you but don't why I'm feeling so." I decided to share my worries with her.
"Arey everyone will feels so, especially it's your first time na. It's natural" In a cool manner she consoled me.

Someone knocked on the door. I cutted the call and looked out, it was yuvi.
"Bhai, please come down" he said with a silly smile.
I went down with him. There ruhi was standing with her mom.

Pov ends....

Sumitra:Mahir, if you loved her you should have said to us earlier. Whatever atleast now you both have confessed.
Andy:I arranged everything. Next week your engagement.
Mahir:Mo.. m.... itni... jaldi
Sumitra:Now you're 27. We can't keep you a bachelor forever.
Puja (Ruhi's mom):Yaa mahir. All will feel hesitation to marry initially. Soon you'll get used to it.
Then they went to next room. Ruhi smiled at mahir shyly.

"Bela, open your window" mahir said to bela with great difficulty climbing on to her window.
Bela opened the window. Mahir got in.
Bela:Why you come through this window everyday that too at night. Yesterday polomi aunty asked me to whom I talk at night. I lied that I talk to myself preparing for the presentation in office.
Mahir:Great lier!!!
Bela:Why you came today
Mahir:We haven't seen since morning and now it's my habit to bring you food at night through this way.
Bela:Arey one day I didn't ate food. So you brought me food. But all day it's not like that.
Mahir:But I love it
To stop bela's speech mahir thrusted a part of food into her mouth. Like that he fed her with his hands. Soon it became a habit for them. All days, at night he came and feed her. Sleep with her and go away at morning. No one was aware of it.

Soon the day of engagement arrived.
"Ruhi you're looking like a princess" puja said to ruhi
Ruhi:Mom, I don't love mahir
Puja:If you once again say like this, then I'll chop of your head. If you marry him then the whole property of the sehgals will be yours. We will become rich
Ruhi:But I won't get happiness
Puja:Then you go and marry a beggar. Maybe you get happiness. Don't dare to oppose me. Do as I tell.
Ruhi was took to down stairs by bela and some of ruhi's friends. There mahir was standing in the stage. Soon they exchanged rings and the ceremony was over.

That night too mahir came to bela's house at night by climbing windows.
"I don't know bela, but my confusion is increasing day by day. I'm becoming surer that I can't accept ruhi as my wife'' mahir said
Bela:Now even I'm feeling so. I too feel a state which can't be explained. Till the previous week I felt happy for her. But now I'm feeling sad and tensed about it. Why so? Don't know...
To mahir's surprise, bela leaned over to mahir's chest thinking and wrapped her hands around him.

As days passed bela and mahir grew closer to each other and the wedding day of mahir and ruhi too came close. Behir started feeling something unexplainable.

As there are lot of silent readers now I'm settimg targets. I'll update tge next part only if the target is completed.

Target votes:65+

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