Part 12

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"Aditi called me that's why I came to Delhi" Bela said to ruhi in phone
"So when you'll come back" ruhi asked
Bela:Don't know yaar, aditi wants to organise a surprise for her fiance. I came here to help her.
Ruhi:One person is madly searching for you
Ruhi:Mr. Mahir sehgal
Hearing his bame bela blushed.
Ruhi:Haa, okay. Take care
Bela:You too

"But why she didn't told me! She tells me each and every thing and now she went to delhi without even messaging me" mahir said to ruhi frustrated over the fact that bela didn't told him.

Ruhi:Who's she for you? Why she should tell you everything? Just friends na,
Mahir: Friends na, so
She went away.

"He'll come soon. I have arranged everything " aditi said to bela.
They arranged a surprise party for aditi's fiancé in aditi's home.
Bela:Where's the ring?
Aditi:It's in my hand
Bela:Where are others
Aditi's parents and some others were also there. Soon her fiancé, Karan came.
Aditi suddenly sat on her knees and proposed him and there the engagement party went on. Bela standing there imagined herself and mahir in the place of aditi and karan.
She proposing mahir, hugging him, kissing him etc.. she imagined. And she understood one thing, she's in love, deeply in love with mahir.

From there as fast as she could, she travelled back to home. Here mahir was sad as bela didn't told him.
"I think bela consider only me as a friend. Otherwise, if she had any feelings for me then she should have told me. I'm feeling as if I'll die without seeing her." Mahir thought.

Suddenly he heard a knock in the door. Mahir opened it thinking it was yuvi but there she was standing, bela. Mahir first of all couldn't believe what he saw. Then rubbing his eyes, he confirmed that it was bela. Now he wasn't able to hide his feelings. He hugged bela tightly, while bela too replicated the hug.
"Mahir, I'm sorry. I wasn't able to say to you, that's why" bela said while hugging him.
"That's okay, you atleast have came back." Mahir muttered
"Now no talks, come" he continued
Bela got inside his room.

"I don't know how to explain, but one thing, tell me about your where abouts." He said kneeling down in front of her.
She too stood on her knees and they hugged. Tears where flowing through both of their's eyes. Soon they got engaged in some friendly talks.


"Arey mahir bhai, why so happy? Tell me" yuvi asked mahir
"I'm going to tell you a secret. Don't tell anyone." Mahir said while combing his hair perfectly
"What's it? " now yuvi grew more curious
"Today, I'm going to propose bela!!" Mahir said shyly
Yuvi:Arey mahir bhai, when I said you, you were in love, you denied it. Now atleast you listened to your heart na. So happy. Aah, what you're going to gift her?
Mahir:I don't know, you know girls mind perfectly, tell me what she may like
Yuvi:Diamond ring

That day mahir purchased a diamond ring and decorated the terrace of the house secretly without others knowing. Then he phoned bela,
"Hello bela" mahir said trying to control his excitement
"Ahh, mahir, what's the matter? You sounds so happy " bela said, actually she too became happy seeing that it was mahir's call
Mahir:Come to the terrace of my house today at 8pm. There's a dress in your balcony. Wear that while coming
Bela:Im my balcony
Mahir:No more questions, come sharply at 8pm

Now bela too was deadly sure that he was going to propose her. When she checked at the balcony, there was a beautiful gown for her which was placed there by mahir.
"Now I know mahir, you're going to propose. For this I waited. I'm so happy. I'm coming mahir" she said to herself while admiring herself in mirror

It was 9 pm.....

Mahir's pov

"Why bela is not responding to my calls nor coming? " I asked to myself the hundredth time.
Bela is always so punctual and arrives at correct time. Now she's not answering my phone call nor coming. I didn't had the guts to go to her house asking about her. I was waiting for her happily arranging everything but now she's not coming. I'm getting mad. Atlast I mustered all my courage and went to her house.

I was sweating and trembling thinking what happened to bela! Is she alright? Whatif she landed on some trouble? What happened to her? Such questions were revolving around my head. Soon her mom came and opened the door. Sarika, her mom was a lady who speaks a little and I always hated her for her rude character. She didn't gave bela much freedom. Without showing my hatred I asked, "Good evening aunty, if you don't mind can you please call bela to come here"

"Bela, to here, hahaha, how can she come now" she said laughing much to my annoyance

"What happened? "I asked

"She might have landed in Paris by now. She went to paris today morning" she said in cool and chic manner

"Paris??? " I stood shocked

Her mom went back inside home. I can't  believe what I heard. I felt like My head is spinning.....

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