Part 34

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Hey guys, I want to share something sad with you. So this story, "Be My Valentine" has came to it's end. Aim of the story has already been reached. Sadly I'm saying, this story is going to end soon...

Bela's heartbeat increased on hearing Ankush's footsteps. Their eyes met. Bela felt as if the time has stopped for a moment. She couldn't see anyone other than him.
Sudha:It's not shravani, she's your that daughter bela!
" "He was surprised
Sudha:Don't you know anything, yours and that idiot Amrita's daughter.
He stood shocked. For a moment, all those past stories ran through his mind like a movie.
Sudha snapped making him come to senses.
Ankush:Why you came here?
Bela was also tensed and anxious. Gathering her courage in a cold voice she said, "I just..
Ankush ordered all the servants to go out of the house. Then he said, "I don't want to remember all those old memories. It's just something I want to forget. Now I'm living happily with my wife and daughter. Don't ruin my happiness"

Mahir:We aren't here to ruin your happiness or take anything from you. Bela hadn't seen you atleast once. She have the right to see her father, even if you don't want to.
Ankush:Who are you to say that? It's tha matter between us
Bela:He's mahir, he's everything....He loved me more than you. He taught me what love is. Before him you are a big zero
Ankush:Shut up
Bela:Who are you to shout at me! I'll tell whatever I want to tell. If I go for a case then I'll get equal property as shravani. But I'm not doing so, because I don't want anything of yours. I just came to let you know, your "illegal daughter", Bela sharma is alive and the woman you cheated, Amrita is also alive living happily. We weren't the ones who ruined your happiness. You destroyed my mom's life and don't you feel shame when you talk like this.

Sudha:Security, take them out...Drag them out of the house!
Shivanya:None is going to drag her out.
Bela:I just came to see you and what I got is so much love from my beloved father. Now I'm going, I won't come back to "ruin your happiness"
Bela turned to go. Suddenly Ankush said, "Stop"
Bela turned back hearing it hoping for a miracle. Even though she said she don't care about her dad, deep in her heart she wanted him to accept her as his daughter.
Ankush:I'm sorry bela, what I said was something rude. Whatever it is you are my daughter. I'm accepting you as my daughter.
Sudha:What you are saying? Are you gone mad?
Ankush:Sudha, she's my daughter. For me she's equal to shravani. It will be injustice if I ignore her
Bela felt happy hearing it as now she got her dad.
"I can now know what's the love of a father" bela said in mind

Tears of happiness overflowed through her eyes. How much she tried she was unable to hide her happiness. Even yuvi, shivanya, ritik and mahir were happy because they knew what was in the mind of bela. She ran towards Ankush to hug him. She wanted to know the warmth of father's love. They hugged each other. Bela tucked her head beneath his shoulders between his arms as if she was a 2 year old girl. Sudha wasn't able to understand anything.

After sometime they backoffed. He caressed her hair and cheeks.
"You're just like my shravani."
Bela:Dad, you know how bad I felt in childhood times when all children had their fathers but I didn't had. I always asked to god for a father. Now I can't believe you accepted me as your daughter. I love you dad, I love you a lot.
Ankush:I love you too beta, but one thing, who said I accepted you as my daughter!
Ankush:There's one condition for accepting you as my daughter.
Bela:What's that? But condition for accepting me as your sounds weird
Ankush:I have a weird personality, hahaha...
From your conversation I understood mahir is your bf, your lover
Bela:Yes that's true, he robbed my heart. I'm really lucky to have him.
Ankush:Then forget that luck (in a deep sound)
Ankush:My condition you should forget and leave mahir for me to accept you as my daughter. Then you can live her as my daughter.

Bela:But what mistake did he committed? Why are you saying so.
Bela was shocked hearung his demand
Anksush:Because if he's with you I'm sure he may create problems. From the first look itself I understood he's not so good
Bela:No dad, he loves me a lot
Ankush:Just tell yes or no, I don't want to hear any explanation.
Mahir who was dumbstruck hearing all this said, "What the hell are you talking!Bela should forget me for you to approve her as your daughter. There's no need of your approval she's your daughter biologically. Don't you know the meaning of father-daughter love. It's beyond all those conditions. Bela come,
He held her hand signing her to go from there. Bela looked at him first in a miserable manner and then in a stern manner and threw away his hands from her.
" you are doing?" A confused mahir asked

What will bela say? Will she forget mahir for dad or will she forget dad for mahir? Comment your guesses

One more thing guys, please all respond atleast give me some suggestions or share your thoughts then only I can understand what is in your mind. So please share your thoughts🙏🙏🙏

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