Part 33

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Hey guys, while writing I wrote a mistake. Bela's mom was supposed to be sudha and shravani's mom was amrita. But while writing it got interchanged. Sorry for that. I'm continuing with this.
Bela's mom-Amrita
Shravani's mom-Sudha

"Ritik, I have been waiting for you, don't you know how much I missed you!" Shivanya said to Ritik hugging him tightly
"I know it babe, that's why I came this much fastly" he said caressing her hair
Shivanya:You always bothers about business, not about me.
Ritik:You're also like that
Shivanya:But not like you
Ritik:Oh, don't become angry, look what I have brought for you.
He gave her a packet. Shivanya opened it and it was slices of chocolate. As shivanya loves chocolate, ritik brought that for her. She happily took one slice and started eating that.
"We came here for uniting bela and mahir. But they got united. Now there's no need of us here"Ritik said
Shivanya:No, mahir called me today. Bela now wants to see her dad. But you know of all the risks regarding that and her backstory. We should accompany them there.
"Can we consider it as our honeymoon" ritik winked while shivanya stared him.

Bela was gettung ready, wearing her clothes in the tree house while mahir was busy in his phone.
Bela:I'm ready, can we go?
Both came to sehgal house. When bela went inside the house, sumitra called bela towards her.
"Bela beta, I have done a lot against you. I'm sorry" she said caressing her cheeks
"No need to say sorry, atleast you understood it now"
Sumitra:Beta, where were you both?
Bela began stammerung hearing this. Yuvi understood what was going on. Mahir was also beside him. Yuvi and ruhi decided to tease behir.
"Actually bela di and mahir bhai was busy in some work" he said with a naughty smile
Ruhi:Bela and mahir works in the same office, so maybe some work which they can't do in office
Sumitra:Bela, mahir what are they saying?
Behir:We don't... kn..ow..w

Yuvi:Mahir bhai, fulfills all his dreams. Maybe he went to fulfill his dream
Mahir and bela understood what he said so suddenly mahir said, "Mom, yesterday we went to office and took some files. We started doing all those works in my tree house. It soon became night. So we decided to stay there and come next day"
Bela went out of the house while mahir went to his room in embarrassment.

"Bela, mahir what's your plan?" Ritik asked them
Mahir:Bela's dad is a business man in Kolkata. We want to go there. If you are also with us, it will be great
Shivanya:We are also with you, but bela are you sure about this?
Bela:Yes shivanya, I want to see him. I have seen him only in photos. Shravani is lucky, she got all his love. I atleast deserve to see him. I don't want his wealth or anything.
Shivanya hugged bela wiping her tears.

"Arey bhai, please I'm also coming.I was with you everytime" yuvi said to mahir
Mahir:Okay then you also come
Rivanya, behir and yuvi packed bags for the trips.

"Beta, He may not love you, but you have power over him"sumitra said to bela after giving her ashirvad
Andy:Good luck and happy journey
Ruhi:But you could have taken us with you.
Bela:No ruhi, you should be here.
Yuvi came with big bundles of bags.
"Are you leaving this house and going for somewhere" mahir asked on seeing yuvi
"Bhai, I want to be perfect so that I can flatten some girl" he muttered on his ear while mahir starred him.
Yuvi:So bye everyone, see you all soon
All got in the car and started their journey.
Yuvi:We should enjoy this trip as much as we can.
Mahir:This trip is not for enjoyment
Ritik:But I support yuvi, don't be that serious. Whatever destined to happen will happen. Don't let that ruin our happiness.

By that time it was night. They decided to stay in a hotel and continue their journey next day. Next day again they continued their journey. By evening they reached Kolkata.
"Do you know about Ankush sharma?" Mahir asked to a person standing in the side of road.
"Oh yes, his house is very close from here. First go left then you'll see a temple. Then go right for 10 meter you'll see his house" he said
On reaching bela prayed for everything to turn out well. Soon they reached the house. It was big bunglaw.

House looked like this

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House looked like this

"They're so rich"yuvi muttered
Bela was sweating and trembling in tension. Mahir side hugged her and said, "Don't worry, all will be fine."
Bela nodded. A security was there near the gate.
"Who are you? Where is your pass?" He asked
"Is pass required for coming here?"mahir asked
But on seeing bela, he thought she was shravani and let them go. All got out of the car.

Shivanya's look

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Shivanya's look

Shivanya's look

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Bela's look

Bela ran her eyes through out the house. She went in first. She was teary eyed. On seeing bela, sudha thought it was shravani and hugged her.
"Beta, where were you? Today there's puja. Come get ready"she said
"I'm not shravani"bela said with trembling voice
Sudha:Stop kidding
Bela:I'm Bela sharma, ankush sharma's Amrtita's daughter 
Sudha:What! How dare you to enter here! Get out of the house now
She dragged bela with her hair suddenly mahir came in between pushed away sudha.
"She came here not to see you, but your husband. So stop your blabbering" he said
Sudha:Now talking against me
Ritik:Bela has right in this house as shravani.
Ignoring sudha, all got into the house while sudha was yelling ankush's name. Hearing all those sounds, ankush came from top floor. With his footsteos, bela's heart beat increased. She felt like she was petrified. Her eyes weren't blinking. All her body became cold as if it was a statue made of ice. She was going to see her dad for the first time. Not knowing how he would react, she prayed all to turn out well.
Bela's eyes met ankush's eyes.....

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